
The heart of a Princess

After a war between two kingdoms that lasted thirteen years, princess Ayla is sent to the Kingdom of Nordmar to be a slave. She expects the worse, but when she arrives in Nordmar, home of King Rhobart, Ayla is never treated as a slave. In the beggining Ayla doesn't like the King very much, but as time passes and she gets to know him better she start to open her heat to him. When the Orcs, the enemies of the humans, are on the verge of starting a war against all the kingdoms, Ayla receives visions that will lead her to discover things she never knew about herself. Will the Orcs win the war, or will Ayla find a way to save the man she loves? And not only him but the entire world.

AmyT · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 66

Ayla blushed deeply when she understood what Rhobart meant.

When they made it to the puppet theater, a big group of children and adults were already looking at the play. When the multitude saw Kerra, they looked at her with wary eyes, but as the snowcat settled next to Ayla, the group of people relaxed and looked back at the play.

It was a story about a princess that got stolen by a Dark Mage, and he imprisoned her in his tower. The Dark Mage kept the princess locked inside the tower for weeks until a Paladin came to save her. A battle started between the Dark Mage and the Paladin. They fought for a long time, and in the end, the Paladin killed the Dark Mage and saved the princess.

"And they lived happily ever after," the narrator concluded.

The multitude clapped their hands. When a boy appeared with a satchel to collect money, Rhobart put in a golden coin.

"That was a beautiful story," Ayla said.

"I guess it was. Are you hungry? We should eat something," Rhobart said as he took Ayla's hand into his, and they started walking.

"I am," Ayla said. "Should we return to the Clan Hall?"

"I know a place where we can eat. It's not the best looking place, but the food is great."

Ayla smiled, "Alright. And while we walk, tell me more about you."

Rhobart laughed, "I am a simple man, t'xoria. Nothing interesting about me. But you, Ayla, you fascinate me."

Ayla frowned, "What can be so fascinating about me?"

Rhobart stopped walking and looked at her, "For example, your eyes. Did you know that they change their color based on your feeling? When you are upset or angry, they are grey-blue, and when you are happy, they are blue as the sky." He got close to her ear and whispered, "And when I pleasure you with my mouth and fingers, they turn dark blue. And I love how you say my name when you find your pleasure. It is music to my ears."

Ayla could not believe Rhobart would say such things in a public place. Her face felt as if it was in flames.

"Rhobart! Someone could hear you!"

"And I love how your face turns red every time you feel ashamed. But you should know that there is nothing shameful about sharing pleasures with me," he kept talking. "We should go eat now because later I want to pleasure you later."

Rhobart led her to the marketplace, and from there, behind some shops until they stood in front of a small tavern.

The tavern wasn't very big and only had six tables. Five of them were already occupied. Rhobart led Ayla to the empty table and helped her with the chair.

A young man came to ask them what they would like to eat.

"What's on the menu today?" Rhobart asked.

"Rabbit stew or shepherd's pie."

Ayla and Rhobart looked one at another, and both said at the same time, "Shepherd's pie."

"Also, some food for my snowcat and a bottle of wine," Rhobart added.

The young man returned quickly with the order. For Kerra, he brought a plate with raw meat.

"Enjoy your food," he said before leaving.

Rhobart picked up his fork and knife and was about to start eating when Ayla spoke.

"I know you don't like peas. You can give it to me."

Rhobart stilled and looked at her, "How do you know that?"

Ayla frowned. How did she know that? She tried to remember the times they ate together but couldn't remember eating foods that had peas. But never the less, she knew that Rhobart told her that he didn't like peas.

"You told me," she finally said.

"No, I haven't," Rhobart denied.

"You forgot? You said you have hated peas ever since I threw it at you and got it all over your clothes."

Rhobart stared into her eyes, shock written all over his face, "You remember that?"

"Of course. It happened after you took me to the castle, at that dinner, when you had guests. I didn't act like a proper young lady at that dinner, and I never apologized. I am sorry!"

Rhobart swallowed hard, "For a moment, I thought that–doesn't matter. Let's eat."

They started eating, and Ayla watched as Rhobart cast aside the peas with his fork.

"What did you like to do when you were younger?" Ayla asked.

"When I wasn't training with the sword or the bow, or father wouldn't make me read, I loved to–"

"Fly kites," Ayla said. She looked at Rhobart, her eyes going round with shock. "How did I know that?"

"Ayla," Rhobart said in a voice full of emotions.

"Rhobart? How do I know that about you?"

"Because I told you."

Ayla tried to think about a moment when Rhobart told her about kites, but she couldn't remember. But she knew that Rhobart liked to fly kites.

"When? I don't remember you telling me about it."

Rhobart opened his mouth to speak, but the young man returned to their table. "Was the food to your liking?" he asked.

The King looked at the young man, blinked a few times, and said, "Yes! It was excellent, as always." Rhobart looked at Ayla, "Do you want anything else, or are you ready to go?"

Ayla looked at her empty plate and said, "We can leave at any time."

The King, the princess, and the snowcat left the tavern behind, and they walked around the Clan until day turned into night.

They were on their way to the Clan Hall when Rhobart saw the Church of Fire. He looked at it for a few minutes; then, he looked at Ayla.

"Come with me," Rhobart said and led Ayla into the Church. Kerra followed them.

Half an hour later, the three of them left the Church behind as they headed towards the Clan Hall. When they got inside, Rhobart put Ayla over his left shoulder.

"Rhobart! What are you doing?" Ayla hissed at him.

The King rushed up the stairs, "Making sure I make it to the room before I start getting you undressed!"