
The heart of a Princess

After a war between two kingdoms that lasted thirteen years, princess Ayla is sent to the Kingdom of Nordmar to be a slave. She expects the worse, but when she arrives in Nordmar, home of King Rhobart, Ayla is never treated as a slave. In the beggining Ayla doesn't like the King very much, but as time passes and she gets to know him better she start to open her heat to him. When the Orcs, the enemies of the humans, are on the verge of starting a war against all the kingdoms, Ayla receives visions that will lead her to discover things she never knew about herself. Will the Orcs win the war, or will Ayla find a way to save the man she loves? And not only him but the entire world.

AmyT · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 57

After two days of celebrating, life in the Hammer Clan returned to normal. People opened the shops, and the streets were bustling with activity. Master bladesmiths forged new magic ore weapons, while masters armorers worked on new armors. Taylors sewed while scribblers wrote.

Clothes, sweets, toys, books, herbs, and all kinds of goods were sold in the shops. And it was in front of one of these shops Ayla and Milton stopped.

"As promised," Milton said, "this is the best alchemy shop in the Hammer Clan. It has everything. From roots and plants to tusks of trolls or horns of dragon-snappers."

Ayla nodded and looked at the entrance of the shop. Earlier, she had asked Milton where she could find more medicinal plants and herbs, and the Fire Mage promised to take her after breakfast. While it was true that she needed more medicinal plants, Ayla also needed some other types of plants. After what she and Rhobart shared last night, after her nightmare, Ayla needed plants to prevent pregnancies. Ayla still had no clue how babies were made, but she knew now it was not the time to bring a child into the world. Not while the Orcs might start a new war.

Before she left the Clan Hall, Rhobart gave her a little satchel full of money and told her to buy anything she needed. And Ayla was glad that Milton went with her because she had bought nothing on her own and was afraid people might notice and take advantage and ask for more money.

"Let's go in," Milton said. "We only have an hour for shopping before we have to go back to the Clan Hall."

During breakfast, Rhobart asked the Paladins and Milton to meet before lunch to discuss the situation with Orcs. Rhobart also asked Ayla to come to the meeting and talk about her dreams. Although Ayla would have preferred to speak to Milton in private, in the end, she agreed when Rhobart told her that the others might know something about Uzriel that Milton might not know.

Milton and Ayla entered the shop, and a sweet old couple greeted them both.

"I am Uma, and this is my husband, Oak. Welcome to our shop," the woman said.

"I am Oak, not deaf, woman!" the old man said.

"That's what I said!" the woman said.

Then the woman asked Milton and Ayla, "With what may I help on such a lovely day?"

"I need some medicinal herbs," Ayla said. Then she got closer to the old lady and said in a low voice, hoping that Milton won't hear, "And some 'other' type of herbs."

The old lady looked at Ayla and then at Milton. Then she looked back at Ayla and said, "Say no more! I have a potion that will make any young man fall in love with you. Although, I don't think you need it. You are quite beautiful."

"What does she need? So I can start preparing it," the man said.

"Some 'special' plants. Bring that the potion. You know which one. The one that solves heart problems," the old lady said.

The old man looked at Ayla, "Your head hurts? We have plants for that!"

"Her head is fine! She has bed problems! She needs that potion that will make any man go crazy over her."

Milton sounded as if he choked, and Ayla's face turned red.

"No! No! You got it all wrong!" Ayla said fast. "I don't need that potion!"

"Her butt is itchy?" the old man asked.

"Are you deaf?" the old woman asked her husband. "She wants–"

"I want plants to prevent pregnancies!" Ayla said in a loud voice.

Milton looked at Ayla, and she felt that her face was burning.

"Your man doesn't get hard?" the old man asked. "We have what you need!"

Milton started laughing, and Ayla covered her face with her palms.

"I thought it was only your dick that stopped working," the old woman said, looking at her husband, "but I see your ears are failing too! Now that we have a Fire Mage in our shop, maybe he will do a spell to make you hear again! Her man's cock works very well! She wants to have fun first before getting heavy with a child!"

Ayla prayed that the earth would open and swallow her.

Then the old lady looked at Ayla, who was still hiding her face between her palms, "Come on, dear. Let's find what you need!"

Half an hour later, Milton and Ayla left the shop behind. Her messenger bag was heavier. In one of the pockets, she had a mix of stoneseed petals and smartweed leaves–she would have to drink a cup of tea made from this mix daily. And when the time would come, and Rhobart would want a child, she would just have to stop drinking it so that she could get pregnant. She smiled at the thought of having a child with Rhobart. She had never thought about children before, but one day, she would love to have one.