
The heart of a Princess

After a war between two kingdoms that lasted thirteen years, princess Ayla is sent to the Kingdom of Nordmar to be a slave. She expects the worse, but when she arrives in Nordmar, home of King Rhobart, Ayla is never treated as a slave. In the beggining Ayla doesn't like the King very much, but as time passes and she gets to know him better she start to open her heat to him. When the Orcs, the enemies of the humans, are on the verge of starting a war against all the kingdoms, Ayla receives visions that will lead her to discover things she never knew about herself. Will the Orcs win the war, or will Ayla find a way to save the man she loves? And not only him but the entire world.

AmyT · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 2

When Rhobart didn't close the carriage door, Ayla knew she had to follow him. In to the cold. Into his castle. To serve him. Now. And forever.

A slave. This was what she had been reduced to. Not that before she was better. But while she was still a "princess" and kept in her golden cage, there was no King of Nordmar with onyx eyes full of hatred to order her around.

Not that she blamed King Rhobart. After all, it was her father that started the war by attacking and burning to the ground a village from Nordmar that was closer to the border. Thirteen years had passed since then—thirteen years of war, pain, and death. Rhobart lost all of his family members during the war and was forced to become King at seventeen years old.

Ayla was only nine years when the war started – a child. And Rhobart was thirteen, also a child. Both have paid for something they never wanted. Or started. Rhobart with his family's life, and Ayla with her freedom. To begin with, she has never been free, but at least back in Myrthana, she knew what to expect from her father and brother.

And all this war started because his father wanted to control Nordamar's magic ore mines. That would have made her father the most powerful man on the continent. But no one expected King Rhobart. Even from her golden cage, Ayla heard rumors of the barbarian king who killed countless men without even blinking. And if the rumors are right, no one has managed to hurt him. Not even a scratch.

Inhaling deeply, Ayla put her left hand under her cloak, her fingers wrapping around her mother's amulet, and she sent a quick payer to Addanos – the Water God.

When she got out of the carriage, Ayla was momentarily shocked to see so many faces. In the last three weeks, the only person she has ever seen has been Milton. She was never permitted outside except to take care of her needs. And in those moments, Milton always cast a shield around her to hide her from privy eyes.

Most of King Rhobart's men made it home days ago because the carriage was slower than their horses, but his loyal Paladins and a few knights remained to protect the carriage.

"My lady!" Milton said the moment he saw her. "Over here!"

The Fire Mage stood next to King Rhobart, the seven Paladins, the remaining knight, and the horses. Ayla's eyes landed on Kerra, now in her battle form. A scream almost escaped her lips, but she swallowed it. In her battle form, Kerra was as big as a shadowbeast, and with long, saber teeth, she looked every bit the predator she was.

Shivering from the cold, Ayla walked towards Milton and King Rhobart. She fisted her hands in an attempt to hide how badly she was shaking. She kept her eyes on the frozen ground.

Soon, she made it where Milton stood.

"We still got around twenty minutes left until we arrive at the castle. From here, we will take the horses," King Rhobart said in a voice cold as ice.

Ayla jerked her eyes first to King Rhobart's face, then to the horses, then back to King Rhobart.

"I haven't had much practice with a horse," she said, fear creeping down her spine.

To be entirely honest, she had never been on a horse before. Seeing one so up close intimidated her. But she wouldn't say that aloud.

Rhobart narrowed his eyes, "You either get on the horse or walk. Either way, you will make it to the castle, t'xoria."

Several Paladins and knights laughed while she swallowed loudly.

'T'xoria? What in Addanos' name does that mean?' Ayla thought.

She tried to protest, "But…."

Before Ayla could finish what she was about to say, King Rhobart turned his back to her and got on his horse.

"Come, Kerra. Let's go home," Rhobart said before leaving.

Kerra looked one more time at Ayla before following her master to the castle.

One by one, the Paladins and the knights got on the horses until the only one standing next to her was Milton.

"Let's get you on that horse, Princess Ayla."

Ayla laughed bitterly, "I am not a princess, Fire Mage. Not anymore."

"Look at me, Lady Ayla."

Ayla didn't want to look at him, but when Milton waited patiently for her to look at him, she finally looked into Milton's soft brown eyes.

"No matter what happens, don't you ever forget who you are. You are and forever will be a princess. And as for Rhobart. He is not a bad man. And I promise you he will never harm you."

"There's no way you can know what King Rhobart would do to me."

"Yes, I do. I've known Rhobart all my life," Milton said in a soft voice.

"But my father…. he was King Rhobart's enemy."

"You are not your father, so you are not the enemy of Rhobart. Now get on that horse. The sun will set soon, and you don't want to be out here when that happens. Trust me."

Ayla looked around the forest, expecting a shadowbeast to emerge from it. Or worse – an Orc.

"Milton?" Ayla said while her eyes still scanned the trees. When Milton didn't reply, she continued, "I have never ridden before."
