
The heart of a Princess

After a war between two kingdoms that lasted thirteen years, princess Ayla is sent to the Kingdom of Nordmar to be a slave. She expects the worse, but when she arrives in Nordmar, home of King Rhobart, Ayla is never treated as a slave. In the beggining Ayla doesn't like the King very much, but as time passes and she gets to know him better she start to open her heat to him. When the Orcs, the enemies of the humans, are on the verge of starting a war against all the kingdoms, Ayla receives visions that will lead her to discover things she never knew about herself. Will the Orcs win the war, or will Ayla find a way to save the man she loves? And not only him but the entire world.

AmyT · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 19

The King snorted, "If you were smart enough, you would have realized that Galian only cares about him."

Arrogant bastard!

"Wine, King Rhobart?" Ayla asked in a sweet voice and smiled at him.

The King stopped breathing while he looked at her. He looked bewitched.

He lifted his goblet, "Please."

Ayla moved closer to the King and started pouring wine into the goblet. And she kept pouring until the goblet was full. And she still kept pouring.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Wine spilled on his trousers and then on the floor.

Still looking at her, the King lifted the goblet to his lips and drank. When he had his fill, he put the goblet on the table and shifted on the chair so he could look better at her.

Her heart was drumming in her chest. She did it this time.

"Rhobart," Milton started but stopped when the King put his palm in the air.

Then he focused back on Ayla. He stared a few minutes at her. He clenched his jaw.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Ayla cringed.

She braced herself for what was to come.

"I am starting to think you dislike my clothes."

"What?" she asked.

"First peas, now wine."


"You are as spoiled as the first time I saw you. And no matter how much time passes, t'xoria, you never change."

There's that word again. T'xoria.

"But I am done being patient with you," the King continued.

Ayla shivered, fear creeping into her heart.

"What do you mean?"

"It means I am going to make your wish come true. I am taking you on an adventure."

She must not have heard him right.


The King nodded, "But I am not sure you will like this adventure, t'xoria."

Ayla frowned, "What does t'xoria mean?"

"It means that you better rest because we leave at dawn. Milton, take her to her room."

The Mage stood and started guiding Ayla back to her room.

They were almost out the door when the King said, "This is the first, and the last time you humiliate me in front of my guests. If you do it again, I will punish you. And trust me, you won't like it."

Her back stiffened.

"Keep walking," Milton said. "You did and said enough for today."


That night Ayla dreamed again.

She was in a meadow full of flowers. In the middle of the meadow was a woman with white hair. Her aquamarine eyes looked sad. Her lavender dress was fluttering on a soft breeze.

"Darkness is spreading through the land. It has to be stopped," the woman said.

"What do you mean?"

"You have to find Uzriel before it is too late," the woman continued.


"The seven undead brothers are searching for him. If they find Uzriel first, everything will be lost."

The woman was starting to fade away.

"Wait. How will I find him?"

"The Eye of Inoss will show you the path."

The woman disappeared.

"What is the Eye of Inoss?"

"The Avatar will know," a voice said.