
The Heart Longed for You

In a heartfelt journey of self-discovery and redemption, Liam finds himself thrust back into his own past, confronting the mistakes and regrets that have plagued him for years. With a burning desire to make amends, Liam sets out to right the wrongs he once committed, guided by a newfound understanding of the value of love and forgiveness. Haunted by the memory of Kiara, the one person who loved him unconditionally, Liam navigates the complexities of forgiveness and second chances, determined to rewrite the script of his life. As he confronts the shadows of his past and grapples with the transformative power of self-discovery, Liam learns that true growth requires both courage and humility. In a journey of love, loss, and the enduring quest for redemption, he must confront the demons within and embrace the promise of a brighter future.

Alwaysflourish521 · Urban
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13 Chs

Bustling School

As Liam sat on the railing , lost in the turmoil of his thoughts, his friend couldn't help but notice the pained expression etched across his face. "Hey, Liam, what's up? You look you are lost somewhere," Emi and Mike remarked with concern 

Liam glanced up briefly, but the words seemed to get caught in his throat. How could he the explain the emotions raging within him—the guilt, the regret, the longing for her love again?

As the school bell rang, Liam snapped out of his thoughts.They all hurried walking to class room and admist through their crossing at class12 section B2

 Mike turned to Emi with suddenly. "Wait a second, wasn't yesterday the day Liam was supposed to propose to Nyra? Did he get rejected or something? No wonder he's feeling down," he exclaimed, his eyebrows furrowing with concern.

Mike nudged Emily secretly, with a silent plea in his eyes to her to ask the Liam about yesterday incident.

With a knowing look from Mike, Emi subtly adjusted her expression, her eyes conveying a mix of helpness and concern and Emi's eyes sparkled with warmth and cheer as she turned to Liam. "Hey, Liam! So, how did things go with Nyra . Did the things go as panned or she didn't accepted your proposal or someother things happened.

As Emi mentioned Nyra's name, Liam's heart sank. The mere mention of her name brought a flood of memories which he wanted to forget and he didn't even want her name to have any place in his heart.

Seeing Liam's expression turned serious and with some digust by hearing the name Nyra ,Emi not noticing disgust expression of liam and decide to offer some words of comfort.

"Hey, Liam, if Nyra didn't accept your proposal, it's her loss. There are countless girls out there, and you deserve someone who truly appreciates you.

Don't worry; you'll find someone who loves you for who you are," she said, her tone reassuring and optimisticand making her tone light and playfull hoping to uplift his spirit .

"I didn't propose to her, and I never will silently he added his heart he said ,"Liam declared firmly, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and finality. 

Emi and Mike exchanged glances, their surprise evident in their wide eyes and dropped jaws. Liam's declaration caught unprepared and leaving them speechless as they struggled to digest his unexpected words.

Before Emi or Mike could gather their thoughts to respond to Liam's statement, the sudden arrival of their teacher interrupted their conversation.

Emi, Mike, and Liam took their respective seats, the events of the morning still lingering in their minds. Soon, their teacher, Mr. Zhu, entered the room, signaling the start of the class. Then, he instructed the students to submit their assignments,leaving no room for delay. Quickly, the students began to gather their papers, preparing to hand them in as the lesson began.

As the class came to an end, Mr. Zhu told Liam to come to his office right at this moment. Curiosity flickered in Liam's eyes as he approached the teachers office and wondered why Mr Zhu wanted to meet him and sudden.

As Liam reflected on his conversation with Mr. Zhu with yesterday, a realization dawned upon him. This wasn't the first time his teacher had advised him against pursuing in fashion industry . Memories from his past flooded back, reminding him of a similar conversation they had shared before.

"Liam," Mr. Zhu began, his tone serious yet supportive, "I've noticed your talent and dedication in the field of business. Have you considered your future plans?" "Yes, sir. I'm sure now—I want to study business," Liam declared, his voice filled with strong sense with determination .

Mr. Zhu's eyes widened in surprise, his usually composed demeanor momentarily shaken by Liam's declaration. He hadn't expected such a sudden change of heart from the Liam and asked in serious way weren't you insisting on choosing on being in fashion industry ?

Mr. Zhu's question caught Liam off guard. "I know,sir and now I am sure that I in future will study Business Management," Liam responded, his voice tinged with sincerity.

By nodding Mr. Zhu swiftly gave him stack full of forms and Liam "Pass these forms to your class representative," he instructed,and told him to tell that they make sure to fill these eithparents and complete them as soon as possible." 

As the class ended, Liam, Emily, Mike, made their way to the bustling canteen, eager to discuss the events of yesterday. Finding a table in a corner, they settled in, the hum of conversation and the clatter of trays filling the air around them.

"So, Liam, spill the beans. What happened with Nyra yesterday?" Emily asked eagerly, her curiosity piqued.

"Yeah, we've been dying to know," Mike chimed in, leaning forward with interest. 

As they settled in the canteen, Liam recounted the unexpected turn of events from the previous day. "Guys, I didn't even get the chance to propose to Nyra," he began, . "I planned to go to the spot we talked about, but fate had other plans. On the way there, I got into an accident. One girl was injured, and I had to rush her to the hospital."

His friends listened in shock as Liam continued. "And to top it off, Nyra called me later to say she couldn't make it anyway. She had something else to do," he explained, not having any sense of disappointment. The table fell silent, the weight of the unexpected twist hanging heavy in the air as they processed Liam's story.

Liam's voice softened as he recalled his mother's words, a hint of nostalgia coloring his tone. "You know, guys, my mom always said that if something unexpected happens while proposing to someone, then maybe it's a sign that we're not meant to be together," he shared, his words carrying the the wisdom that passed down through generations. "Maybe there's truth to that," he added, his gaze drifting into the distance as he pondered the significance of his mother's advice.and being relived 

Emily finally remarked, breaking the silence. "But hey, maybe it's a sign. Sometimes life has a funny way of showing us things," she added, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the disappointment.