

"Mom, what's beyond the walls?" Lucas asked. His training was almost completed and he had a feeling that he would be travelling very soon.

"I haven't been outside those walls myself but your father said that there are cities out there with thousands of people. These cities are so large that you'd need to ride a horse to get to the other side!"

His mother could see the excitement in his eyes. "Why did dad never take you there mom?"

"I was taking care of you my dear Lucas," his mom smiled.

"I love you mom."

"And I love you, very very much. Now go to sleep, your father is coming home tomorrow." She kissed his forehead and tucked him in, "Sleep tight."

"Good night mom."

His mother left the room but Lucas couldn't sleep. The letter came that morning, it has been 5 years since his father left for the city and he was finally coming home. He had promised Lucas that he'd get him a new sword, and Lucas had been training harder ever since.

He didn't know when he fell asleep but he woke from the chatter from outside. 'Is it father?" the boy thought excitedly as he peeked out his window.

It wasn't his father. 'Soldiers? What are they doing here?'

"Where's the boy with the mark?"

His heart sank.

"What are you doing here? We've been nothing but obedient to the Kings wishes!" he could hear his mother's angry voice.

"Your husband said your son bears a mark on his arse. We are here to inspect it."

"The oracle already said it's not him! He's a swordsman, not a mage! My husband even went to the city to get him a new sword!"

"You mean this?"

The soldier held up a broadsword. "She's quite wonderful, very light for a broadsword. And the engravings. Wow, it's like your husband spent a lot of time to carve all these runes," the soldier praised his loot. "Don't worry, I've already thanked your husband for this. He was a blacksmith, yes?"

'Was?' Lucas was confused. There was a smear on the broadsword. 'Blood?'

His mothers eyes widened. "Where is my husband?"

The soldier chuckled.

"Where is he?!" his mother screamed.

"Give us the boy then I'll let you see him," came the soldiers reply.

She screamed, then wept. Lucas rushed to her side, his fierce gaze directed towards the soldiers, but his heart sank as he held his mother in his arms. "I'll take care of this mother," he whispered.

"This must be boy," the soldier said. "Thank you for finally joining us." He raised the broadsword, ready to strike Lucas.

"No!!!" his mother screamed as she used her body to shield him.

'What happened?' Lucas thought. Blood. Everywhere. His mothers blood.

"What a waste of a pretty lady," the soldier said.

"I love you Lucas," his mothers last words as she took her final breath.

Why? Why did they have to kill his family? The oracle already declared that it wasn't him. The oracle already reported to the King. Why? Why now?

His heart filled with rage. But he knew he wouldn't stand a chance against 4 soldiers clad in armor. He had to flee. But what of the broadsword? It was the last thing his father made for him. The reason he left the city. The reason he died. The reason his mother died.

The chosen one. The one who had a mark that looked like a leaf. A fire mage who had enough power to purge kingdoms. The one who smells of honey. It certainly wasn't him, and yet because of this his parents were killed.

"When I become king, no one will ever be treated like this," he muttered.

"What was that? Speak up boy, give us your final words," the soldiers laughed. "It's easier to check for the mark when he stops moving.. completely. Right? Right? They laughed even more.

Lucas glared at them, "I said, when I become king, ..."

He disappeared. Right in front of the soldiers eyes, the boy disappeared.


"Why save me? Why not her?" he looked at the oracle. "You have given me a second life. I thank you."

"Go to the village up north," said the oracle. "There your journey begins."

"But why this? It was all I've ever wanted to be but I am not the chosen one. And because of this I will never see my family again!"

The oracle said nothing.

There was no time to mourn he thought. "I understand. Then I will be on my way," he bowed to the oracle.

The oracle nodded in response then closed his eyes and continued to meditate.

'A second chance', he thought, 'I may not be the one who has the power but I will be the one who will free this land of the wretched king.'

A soldier was guarding his house, the others still searching for him. "I'll come back mom," he held back his tears.

He sneaked out of the village and headed north. He's been to that village before, his father had brought him there show him different kinds of swords. He had wanted Lucas to be a blacksmith like him but Lucas showed great skills in swordsmanship.

The north village would take him two days on foot. A journey he was quite accustomed to. He did not sleep, nor did he eat anything and reached to village sooner. But as he was nearing the village, he could see smoke, and a horrible stench that made him want to vomit.