
The Haunted Vampire Hunter

After Dante became a vampire in a different era, he has been a target for both vampires and vampire hunters due to his sinful past. A past that he can't escape from no matter how far he runs for he was a vampire that loathed his own existence. Dante has tried to die but he has been cursed with immortality, a vampire that cannot die despite wanting to was the worst torture. But he finds his will to live through Scarlett Walker, a lady that reminded him of a piece of him that he once thought was dead. But what if the one that could gave him a reason to live was the only one that could kill him? Will his pain be released or would the idea of leaving the one he loves be his new pain? [All rights to the image reserved to the owner]

Kelvin_A · Fantasy
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34 Chs

My First Day In College!

Scarlett Walker had settled into her dorm thanks to the help from her mother, the room she was in had two beds in opposite directions with a table in the top middle acting like a buffer.

A fridge was at the other end, opposite the table, and by the looks of the items in them.

Whoever she was meant to stay with had already moved in, and she was not looking forward to the awkward socialization she would be forced to undergo because of her roommate but that also depended on the type of person her roommate was.

"Please God, a decent roommate. Please God a decent roommate," Scarlett prayed to herself, fingers crossed because she knew that a good roommate was important when it came to getting peace of mind.

In the meantime, she took this opportunity to arrange her bed. It was so soft and comfortable, the opposite of what she had at home because her mother believed soft beds ruined one's posture overtime and she didn't want this for her child, who barely had any sex appeal in her eyes despite her natural beauty that was undeniable to her peers.

"W-What is this magnificent feeling!?" Scarlett questioned her existence right now and all that she knew, the bed felt like it was assimilating her. It was so soft and fluffy, the moment she laid down she could feel herself drifting into a slumber that she knew she won't wake up from anytime soon. Something she couldn't afford right now because she was still yet to register for her classes but she didn't even know where she should begin and the more she thought about it, the more her head hurt.

The door to her dorm swung open, and she immediately shot up from her bed like she was forbidden to lie down. She wanted to make a good first impression.

Her eyes settled on a beautiful blonde lady, she was the opposite of Scarlett.

She had heavy makeup on, with her top unbuttoned to display the top of her cleavage for all to see, and a skirt that barely covered ¾ of her thighs but she could not deny her fashion sense.

It was impeccable, she felt like the popular girls she didn't get along with in high school but Scarlett hoped in her heart of hearts that she was wrong, she had to be wrong.

They stared at each other right in the eyes for a moment or two, Scarlett didn't know what to say or do.

"JACKPOT!" Her roommate screamed before rushing towards Scarlett, Scarlett couldn't help but be on guard. Surely, this wasn't normal behavior, was it?

"You're so freaking beautiful! Oh my God!" The girl exclaimed, getting all chummy with Scarlett right off the bat. Scarlett did not expect this reaction but she welcomed it nonetheless.

"Um… T-Thank you. You're beautiful too." Scarlett responded like an automated voice machine.

"I'm Isabella but my friends call me Bella. That means you can call me Bella!" Isabella said.

Scarlett heaved a quiet sigh of relief, she was nothing like she thought she would be and Scarlett rather liked her vibrant personality.

"Hi Isabella, I'm Scarlett… Scarlett Walker," Scarlett said and what followed was a series of small talks to familiarize themselves with one another but Scarlett took this opportunity to inquire about registration.

"There is no rush, I'm meeting with the Academic Advisor to know which classes I should register for, I'm hopeless when it comes to such things," Isabella said and she could tell from Scarlett's face that she was clueless forcing her to break it down further for her new roommate.

"An academic advisor can help students understand how degree programs can help you meet your career or academic goals. Identify program requirements and plan appropriate course schedules." Isabella explained and Scarlett didn't blank because she didn't understand but she momentarily got caught up in her head.

Academic advisors were no different from high school but Scarlett didn't know that this applied to college too or rather this wasn't her go-to.

"I think I might grow to like you," Scarlett thought to herself as she watched Isabella change the conversation back to their small talk.

It took about 10 minutes for Isabella to round up their small talk.

"Have you been outside since you arrived here?" Isabella asked and Scarlett shook her head horizontally.

"That's no good! College is the most exciting phase of your life! Let me show you around!" Isabella encouraged her new friend, interlocking her hands between Scarlett's right arm.

Scarlett maintained her silence despite not being a fan of how her personal space was just invaded, but she knew she had to get out of her safe bubble a bit and Isabella was the perfect person to do just that.

She was taken out of the dormitory by Isabella and the campus was in such a pristine state that she couldn't believe that her parents could even afford it in the first place but that was the advantage of having only one child. There was no need to split your resources to accommodate other children, it could be focused on just one. Before she knew it, she found herself in the cafeteria.

"ISABELLA!" A voice called out, and both Scarlett and Isabella turned in the direction of this voice.

"RONNELL!" Isabella shouted back, matching the energy as she left Scarlett's arm and ran into the outstretched arms of Ronnell like in a 90s romantic sitcom.

"Of course, there's more of them." Scarlett's thoughts didn't like where this was going.

"I want to introduce you to someone!" Isabella said excitedly, pulling Ronnell in the direction of Scarlett.

Scarlett couldn't believe how beautiful Ronnell was, she had skin as dark as chocolate and lips anyone would die to get a taste of but that wasn't even her most intimidating feature.

Her most intimidating feature was her robust figure, it was what most would call 'thiccc'.

She liked the look of her afro-hair, it complimented her chubby face and brown eyes.

"Ronnell, meet Scarlett. Scarlett, meet Ronnell." Isabella served as the medium for the introduction.

Scarlett stretched her hand for a handshake and Ronnell flashed her a puzzled look.

"Girl please, bring it in!" Ronnell said, hugging Scarlett and Isabella giggled as she watched Scarlett awkwardly reciprocate.

"Are they all so touchy?" Scarlett's inner monologue once again surfaced.