
The Haunted Vampire Hunter

After Dante became a vampire in a different era, he has been a target for both vampires and vampire hunters due to his sinful past. A past that he can't escape from no matter how far he runs for he was a vampire that loathed his own existence. Dante has tried to die but he has been cursed with immortality, a vampire that cannot die despite wanting to was the worst torture. But he finds his will to live through Scarlett Walker, a lady that reminded him of a piece of him that he once thought was dead. But what if the one that could gave him a reason to live was the only one that could kill him? Will his pain be released or would the idea of leaving the one he loves be his new pain? [All rights to the image reserved to the owner]

Kelvin_A · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Dante's Deja Vu

Ronnell and Scarlett got along seamlessly but that was simply because Ronnell had this contagious energy surrounding her. Scarlett felt like she had known her, her whole life despite just meeting only a few minutes ago.

"Dayum girl! You look stunning! You don't need all of this…" Pausing as she waved her hand in the face of Isabella. Ronnell complimented Scarlett while taking a jab at the makeup Isabella had on her face.

"You always do this Ronnell!" Isabella retorted; Scarlett wasn't interested in getting mixed up in whatever drama they could potentially have but now was the perfect time to change the subject because things would escalate if she didn't or at least that's what she thought.

Scarlett noticed Ronnell's breasts were far from average and noticed the outline of her nipples poking through them, they were so big and her ass complimented her jeans.

Ronnell noticed Scarlett's gaze was fixated on her chest and a grin crept up on her face.

"You roll that way?" Ronnell asked Scarlett but Scarlett was too mesmerized by what was in front of her.

"Huh?" Scarlett asked, snapping back to reality, seeing all eyes were focused on her as both Isabella and Ronnell were giggling among themselves.

"Do you like what you see?" Ronnell rephrased her question and Scarlett quickly realized what she was talking about, clearing her throat.

"A-Anyways, do you and Isabella know each other?" Scarlett tried her best to change the conversation and this was her best attempt because she just heard Isabella say she always did it meaning it was something that happened frequently.

"Isabella is my sister from another mother," Ronnell said, indulging Scarlett's curiosity.

"We have known each since forever," Isabella entered the conversation.

"That is awesome!" Scarlett said but unbeknownst to Scarlett, Ronnell had taken an interest in her.

The girls walked together around campus and Scarlett noticed something about both girls and that was their eagerness to get her involved in their conversation. She also noticed Isabella checking out cute guys but she never saw Ronnell doing this, but she couldn't read any meaning into this just yet.

"Say, Scarlett, why did you choose this college?" Ronnell asked Scarlett because she could feel her slowly disconnect from the conversation.

"I don't know. I don't have any special reason, it was closer to home. It was the best option considering my parents just moved to Arizona," Scarlett said in a flat tone.

"Don't dive into her personal life, Ronnell! That is rude, you will scare her off!" Isabella warned but Ronnell was not having any of it.

"You have such nice hair…" Ronnell complimented her as she ran her fingers through Scarlett's hair.

"Is she flirting with me?" Scarlett thought to herself but there was no certain way for her to tell. This was the problem with dealing with girls, if it was a guy she could be certain that he was flirting but it was a lot trickier when it came to girls.

"T-Thank you…" Scarlett stuttered, she noticed Isabella staying out of it so this must mean Ronnell was flirting with her… right?

Why would she be flirting with her, was this some kind of test or game she wasn't aware of?

Scarlett already drew up so many scenarios in her head despite knowing the chances of any of them being true were relatively low.

"Does everyone in your family have such good genes?" Ronnell asked, this was a weird question to ask because Scarlett didn't understand what this had to do with the conversation.

"I guess…" Scarlett responded awkwardly.

"Isabella, don't you think we would make cute babies?" Ronnell teased, and Isabella knew what she was doing and Scarlett could feel the weirdness in the air.

She wanted out of this situation as soon as possible because she knew how a third person can easily throw off the dynamic of a friendship group and she would rather not get on bad terms with her roommate if she could help it.

"I'm afraid you will ruin Scarlett's genes," Isabella said and for the first time in this conversation, Scarlett giggled to herself when she heard this because she knew in actuality that it was her that would ruin the genes of Ronnell due to her bad eyesight.

Ronnell noticed this, she looked so fucking cute. Licking her tongue discreetly, wetting her lips in either lust or excitement.


In a dark room, devoid of any sun rays or light, sat a man with blood dripping from his lips and eyes shining through the abyss.

The clock ticked, a sound that seemed endless for one that couldn't die.

The relevance of time was lost on vampires because time is the one time they had an unlimited amount regardless of how much passes.

Dante just stared blankly into space, he was lost in thought, dampening his blood-stained lips with a handkerchief to clean the substance from them.

"That girl… She is just like her…" Dante thought in his chambers, with the blinds opening, these curtains were expensive and this was no surprise considering how old Dante was. The sunlight that penetrated the room was overwhelming with a casket sitting right in front of him. This casket was not made from ordinary wood but something far more valuable and durable.

It had a name written with what looked like ancient letters.

"Who are you talking about Dante?" The person responsible for pulling open the blinds came to light, she was a majestic lady, to say the least. This woman felt like something that was personally molded by the gods to show what a woman at the top of the food chain should look like.

The sun ray that did manage to touch her, scorched her hand, forcing her to move it out of the way immediately as her healing factor kicked in to revert her skin to normal but Dante was unaffected by the sunlight.

"I need to see her again… I need to see Genevieve" Dante muttered to himself.