


Halloween with the Harpers


The doctor removed the stitches, leaving me with two scars. Most people wouldn’t enjoy their scars, but I’m not most people. I view it as surviving a horrible experience and a reminder not to stay quiet.

My parents took me to a therapist to receive help. They wanted to make sure no psychological damage had happened. Did they forget we live next door to the Harpers?

To cheer me up, Elias planned a costume party at his house. Do we need to have a party on Halloween? Can’t we watch movies or something? I’m good with a quiet celebration.

Gia and I shopped for costumes, dragging my brother with us. I know what you’re thinking. Oh damn, Gia and Gabe are in the same place. The shit will hit the fan. No, it’s not like that with them. Yes, they broke up, but Gabe is my brother, and Gia is my best friend.

We searched the racks for costumes.

/"How’s therapy going?/" Gia asked, looking for a costume.