


Homecoming, part 2


Elias and I had a long talk about Tim. Yeah, he wasn’t happy that I didn’t tell him about Tim’s appearances. In my defense, I didn’t know why.

I made sure I was with someone when I wasn’t with Elias. It helped ease everyone’s minds.

After that day, I hadn’t seen Tim. He got bored with watching me. It’s not like I’m that interesting to watch. Have you met me?

Saturday arrived, and so did Homecoming. Gia and I got ready together. Elias and Deacon got dressed, as did the cousins. I sent Oliver a text about our plan. He replied he wasn’t stupid, and I’m an idiot. Remind me to smack the shit out of him.

That’s what happens when you plot with a Harper cousin. I need to find them a woman or guy, stat. I’m not sure which way Oliver swings. The psycho twins prefer women. I’m spending too much time dissecting Oliver’s sexuality.

I curled my hair while Gia did her makeup.