


There’s normal; then there are my cousins


After the Grand Theft Auto incident, my dad offered me a break.

I’m afraid I must disagree that it’s my fault that I have idiot cousins. Who the hell takes a police car for a joyride? Better yet, why didn’t Deacon bail us out?

I found out his reason with my fists. Yeah, we fought and gave each other a bloody nose. We’re not those cousins who talk and hug it out. People who claim they do were lying.

Deacon and I sat on his porch with tissues shoved up one nostril.

/"Why can’t we be normal?/" Deacon asked.

/"Define normal./"

/"Well, we yell at each other, then hug./"

I peered at Deacon with tissue hanging out of my nose. /"Have you met our family? When have we ever yelled and hugged without our fists intervening?/"