


Twists and turns


Deacon called me and mentioned what transpired to his mom. I questioned if Tim had a death wish. My ears bled with the swear words spewed from Deacon’s mouth. I wasn’t expecting the English language to have that many cuss words. According to Deacon, it does.

Everyone knew Tim was a few screws short of a toolbox. I noticed this from attending school with him.

Some guys are loners and quiet, but it doesn’t make them crazy but introverted. Tim took it to another level.

I came out of class as Kayden caught up with me.

/"Where is your better half?/"

/"He’s studying with Leticia./" Kayden sighed.

/"Well, you would study with a girl if you weren’t a lothario./"

Kayden rolled his eyes. /"I like to meet new people. So, sue me./"

/"It’s one thing to meet people. It’s another to hook up with them. Do you want to make your dads grandpas now? Could you see Markus as a doting grandfather?/"