
The Hansley Enigma :The Whisper of Wisteria

COPY RIGHT DISCLAIMER: THIS STORY IS A PROPERTY OF H4ZELALYSSAA In the hardship, the orphan twins discover a wizarding world and the ancient secret of their family. Escape from the evil foster family, now they own their journey to enhance their magic skills. Elian seems to be a master of sword skills while his sister is a bright girl who has high knowledge of spells. In their journey, there are a lot of things that happen, they decide to bring justice for their parents and settle the puzzle of the secret related to them. Enjoy the tragedy, plot twist , unique highlight and sibling's love in this story.

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Chapter 1 : Discovery

Iris Hansley found herself in the laundry room, as she immersed herself in the mundane task of washing clothes, the echoes of familial complexities hung in the vibrant atmosphere. There was a rock concert in her stomach since she was not allowed to eat unless all the tasks were finished.

Suddenly, she heard someone screaming like meeting a monster and of course she knew who it that. It was Rowanna, her cousin, who stormed into the laundry room.

 "You lazy butt face, did you see what happened to my beautiful dress?" Fueled by frustration, Rowanna reached out, pulling Iris's hair abruptly. " Because of you I need to cancel my date tonight, you're a careless pig" 

"I didn't do anything, Rowanna! Please, let me go!" Iris swore vehemently, her voice a mix of hurt and innocence. Not even a single day she will escape from being tortured by this family. "it was fine yesterday when I washed it, I swear. please let me go it was hurt" begged Iris.

Rowanna smirked, she loved it when Iris cried and begged like this. "Your orphan never learns from mistakes huh? I am warning you, one more mistake I will make you and your brother's life miserable". Said Rowanna.

Iris's eyes sent her cousin to walk out of the laundry room as Rowanna slammed the door. She is crying heavily with hunger and pain. What 10 years kid can do? She and her brother are supposed to be like a normal kid who can happily enjoy their childhood time. But at this point, she already worked at the same level as a maid. But she don't have any choices since Langley's family was the only relative they had. 

Panggg, the sound of the door opening harshly startled Iris in the middle of her deep thought. "Iris, what happened to you? did they hit you again?" asked Elian with care. This is something that he is really afraid of when he goes out to market. 

"Elian? why you are here now? How did you know? They will get mad at you if they know you are here." said Iris with a deep sad voice.

"Silly you! Did you forget that we can feel each other pain?" Elian patted Iris's head softly.

"When she pulled my hair I think she pulled along my brain, that is why I can't remember this" Iris joked while tears rolled down her cheeks. 

" Don't worry another 10 years we will be strong enough to fight them, at that time I will lock them in the washing machine so all of their evil will washed away." Elian smiled happily while winking at Iris.

"Maybe you can do that when you are tall enough Elian" Iris laughed. Yes at this age she is more taller than Elian. 

Elian burst into laughter with his twin jokes, he dramatically slapped his hand against his forehead. " I forgot about that, thanks Iris for reminding me. From now on I will drink a lot of milk!" 

The laundry room that witnessed the sorrow and tears now echoed with their shared laughter, creating a warm and joyous atmosphere.


"Ahhhhh." Iris and Elian opened their eyes as their bed and pajamas were already wet. Their aunt, Mrs Langley will splash them with water if they are late for making their breakfast. 

"You little insolent twin! Sleeping like you are the owner of this house, lazy like both of your parents. Prepare breakfast in 10 minutes or I will punish both of you" 

"Yes Mrs Langsley "The twins quickly out of their bed and followed the instructions.

"We are going on holiday in London. Yahoo" said Latin excitedly. He was the youngest in Langsley's family. 

The twin's eyes widened in excitement. "Really? we are going to have so much fun there" said Elian. They never go on holiday, yes not even once.

Rowanna grinned and pushed Elian's forehead with her index finger. "We? Oh dear, this does not include both of you". Rowanna laughed joined by others.

From the window, Elian saw how happy his cousin was out on holiday. He sighed heavily, if their parents were still alive they definitely would be happy right now. Their foster family never sent them to the school, yet both of them learned to read and write from Latin second-hand books.

"It is okay Elian, no need to be sad. We are both enough to make our life happy. No them no sadness no laundry no house chores!!" Iris smiled happily. She loves it when this wicked family goes out. " We have time to play Elian"

"Alright, let's play hide and seek! I will count to twenty, one, two..." Elian started counting

"That is not fair Elian, I'm not ready yet," said Iris. Her legs started to run finding a hiding place. As she was about to enter their room in the attic, she noticed something in the dark with the help of sunlight. She blinked her eyes a few times as she couldn't believe what she saw. Rat in shoes? 

"Time's up, I will find you," said Elian.

Hearing this Iris straight up to the wardrobe to hide. Elian's steps become more closer now and disappear within a minute. Iris decided to stay for a few minutes more and she struggled to move in the dark. Suddenly she touched something hairy on the back of her elbow, she tried to reach that thing and she was bitten. "Auchh it was hurt!!"

"I found you Iris, it was tough..." Elian's words stopped when he saw the average size of a rat wearing blue shoes when he opened the wardrobe. " What is that"

" Don't let that thing escape" said Iris when she saw the rat struggle to run. But both of them failed and bumped into each other. Without hesitation, they chased the rat all over the house and followed it into the forest near their house.

Far away.. beyond their imagination...


"Where are we?" asked Elian. He realized they had gone deep into the forest. Everything looks so big, even the trees look like the monster itself.

"I think we lost, Elian! What sound is that ?" Iris froze in her place. That was scary! What if a big tiger, wolf, or hyena comes and eats them? There are no kids ever wandering alone in this big forest. She started to recall everything that she read in the horror storybook. She turned to Elain.

"May..maybe it comes from cricket and birds." Elian tried to be positive. "Let's go, Iris, we need to get back home before sunset.

In the dense woods, Elian and Iris moved cautiously, the thick foliage blocking out the sunlight. As they ventured deeper, the trees seemed to close in around them, and the familiar path disappeared. Confused and anxious, the twins exchanged concerned glances. The forest grew darker, and a sense of foreboding filled the air. Suddenly, they stumbled upon the sight of an enormous, weird monster. Elian and Iris froze, their jaws dropping in astonishment as they beheld the creature's grotesque features and menacing presence. That monster had thick skin and its body was the same as a human being, but his head seemed like the head of the goblin they had seen in the film.

In a heartbeat, Elian urgently whispered to Iris, "Run!" Their eyes widened in shared panic as they turned and sprinted away from the monstrous being, the forest floor crunching beneath their hurried footsteps. Adrenaline surged through their veins, and the distant growls of the creature fueled their escape.

 "It is more horrible than I read in the story books!" Iris felt like she needed to cry but she didn't even have time to do that. Her legs started to slow down.

"Stop talking Iris and keep running" What in the world Iris still has time to complain. Elain tried to speed up but with the forest landscape, he needed to be careful or he would trip over the roots.

They weaved through the dense trees, branches scraping at their faces, and the air filled with the sounds of their hurried breaths. The monstrous roars echoed behind them and kept chasing them. The twin's energy decreased with every step but they tried to keep on track. As they sprinted through the darkened forest, Iris's foot caught on an unseen root, and she stumbled, crashing to the forest floor. Panic surged as Elian also felt something throbbing in his ankle , he skidded to a stop beside her. "Iris, get up! We need to keep moving!" he urged, extending a hand to help her. 

Grimacing with pain, Iris struggled to her feet, but it was evident she couldn't run at full speed. Elain, determined to protect his sister, urged, "Iris, try to run as fast as you can. I'll try to distract the monster. Go, now!" 

With a worried glance, Iris nodded, pushing herself to run while Elain turned to face the approaching monster. " I will look for someone to help, please be safe Elain". She tried to endure the pain to find help even with this kind of place it would be impossible.

Elian's quick thinking kicked in as he noticed a cluster of roots between two sturdy trees. With urgency in his movements, he swiftly tied them together, creating a makeshift barrier. Then he stood in the middle, he beckoned the monstrous creature toward him. As the creature charged, it stumbled over the entangled roots. However, the monster was still able to get up, Elian then came with a sharp branch near him and, stabbed the monster's eyes, causing the monster to roar in pain as darkness enveloped its vision. Then it becomes silent. 

With a heavy breath, Elian tried to figure out whether the monster was still alive or not. He slowly approached the monster, his nose crying an awful smell. Once he stood an inch from the monster, the yellow eyes suddenly opened. "What? there is another eye at his palm?"

In the blink of an eye, the monster grabbed Elian and lifted him into the air. With a gut-wrenching force, it hurled him and Elian crashed into the trees. Elian groaned in pain as he tried to run. His vision started to blur and his head was as heavy as stone. He struggled to sit up, feeling a sharp pain at the back of his head. That monster growls echoing through the trees. Elian attempts to crawl away, however there is no chance for him to do that. The monster charged towards him and tried to kill Elian. Blood splashed everywhere on the forest floor.

His world darkened...


"Elian wake up!". Iris tried to wake Elian Up. It is been 20 hours since she saved Elain from that monster. Elain fainted and his body was wounded all over.

Opening his eyes, Elian found himself in his room, lying in the bed. His body ached all over and he saw Iris's face. "Am I dreaming? Are we dead Iris?" Elian tried to wake up.

"No you're safe now, Whimpzy helped us yesterday. You were amazing Elian! I am glad nothing happened to you" Iris hugged Elian carefully.

"Whimpzy? Who is that? what happened? I thought I was dead." Elian is still confused about the real situation. The last thing he remembered was when the monster tried to kill him and he fainted.

" Whimpzy is the name of my new friend. He is Solewhisker, Remember the creature we chased yesterday? That is him!" Iris slowly explains since Elian is still in the middle of confusion. 

"That rat with the blue shoes?" Elain asked.

"I'm not a rat kid, don't compare me to that filthy creature, I am a Solewhisker" an unfamiliar voice answered Elian.

Elian eyes widened. The rat can speak? What in the world is happening right now? "Iris please slap me"

"Don't worry I can do that" Whimpzy volunteered himself to help Elian.

"Ahhhh don't come near me". Elian moves to the corner of the bed. While Iris laughed at Elian's reaction. 

"Elian you are so silly, you are not afraid to fight with a big monster but u afraid of a little Solewhisker?" Iris laughed continuously.

"That was a shame kid" 


Iris staggered through the dense forest, each step sending waves of pain through her injured leg. The dense canopy above cast shadows, making it difficult to discern the treacherous roots that snaked across her path. Unaware, she stumbled over one, crashing to the forest floor with a gasp of pain. The air hung heavy with the scent of damp earth as she desperately sought help in the heart of the wilderness.

"Hey kid, why are chasing me? And now you want to sleep in the middle of this forest?" asked someone.

Iris gasped in silence when she saw a talking rat. "You can talk?"

"More than that kid, and I am not a rat I am Solewhisker". replied Whimpzy.

Iris pinched her cheeks, just want to make sure this is not a dream." Ouch I am not dreaming, this is real! Mr can you help my brother? we were chased by a strange creature and my brother stuck when he tried to distract that monster"

"You can call me Whimpzy, woah you are simply requesting me to help you. You need to be careful with.."

"Please Whimpzy, we don't have enough time, this is a critical moment! I can't leave Elian alone. I will give you a carrot as a reward" begged Iris. In this condition she can't physically help Elaine, it might get worse if she moves too much.

"Oh, girl. Did you think I'm a rabbit?" Seeing Iris was in pain and unable to stand, He decided to help her. " We will have another discussion later". Then Whimpzy disappears in the thin air.

"Noo Whimpzy help! Where are you going?". She tried to stand up, Elian couldn't be alone. She managed to stand up but it was hard for her to walk. Suddenly, Whimpzy appears with another creature that looks the same like him. 

"Ouch it was hurt! Elian was in pain" said Iris. 

"How did you know, there is nothing happened to you other than sprained ankle". 

"Me and Elian can feel each other pain" Iris answered in weak voice. She tried to move.

"That was amazing , tell me how it felt". Asked Timothy, then someone knocked his head. "Lila it was hurt! How dare you!"

"Stop it both of you. Can u sit in one place kid? Come here let me heal you". As he touched Iris's ankle, the green magic light came out and within a minute Iris could walk like before.

Iris stared at Whimpzy in disbelief. This is so real! Wizards are real!!

"Solewhisker can cure illness and we are very fast creature. Hello Iris, it is nice to meet you I am Timothy" 

" Come on there is no time for chit chat Tim, we need to save his brother" 

"Don't worry mate, come here Iris don't let my hand go". Iris slowly holds Timothy's hand. "Lumos Vortex".

"Wow, i felt like vomiting now" They arrived at the Elian location and things were getting worse when her brother was injured. "Tell me what we need to. We need to save Elian, that thing will kill my brother" 

"You didn't tell us that was the creature that attacked both of you. What are we going to do ?" asked Timothy to other Solewhisker. They are murmuring to each other trying to figure out how they can defeat that monster.

"This monster is afraid of water, because water is just like acid to them. There is one spell but it is beyond our limitations" Said Whimpsy. 

Iris remembered something from the book she read yesterday, she was not sure whether it would work because the book itself looks like story book. But he needs to do something to save Elain. Without hesitation, she jumped out from the bushes and start using the spell.

"Aqueous Incantation". The forest falls into silence, the monster turns around ready to charge into Iris.

"What nonsense does this kid do?" Said Whimpzy ready to help Iris.

Suddenly, there is an existence of water out of nowhere that surrounded the monster. The water flows and attacks the monster over and over again. The monster growled in pain as the water melted their skin. 

"Iris take cover! That monster will explode" 

Iris ran towards Elian and pulled him behind the big tree. Right after that, the monster exploded. 

"It was gross, I guess my poop is not that smelly right Whipmzy?". 

"Stop it, Tim, we need to bring the twins back to their house before dark." 


"So you said, you can use a magic spell?" asked Elian.

"I am not sure because I learn that from this book" Iris showed the book to Elian. "I don't think this is an ordinary book, look at this the monster that tried to kill you named Gloomspecter, i got it from the chest that contains items from my and dad. 

"It was weird if mom and dad keep this kind of book. We will discover it tomorrow, it is getting late now you need to sleep, Iris. Let's restore our energy" Elain tried to close his eyes the Iris called him again.

"Thank you Elian for saving me," said Iris half asleep.

"It was you who saved me, without you right now I might..."

"Goodnight Elian" 

Elian smiled. "Goodnight Iris"

Hello everyone, this is my first time writing, i am still lacking in writing skills and also grammatical error. I hope u enjoy and if there any suggestion feel free to comment. Saranghaee teeheee :3

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