
Beginning-Part One

Eralys, 1800

Asmodeus sat in his book room drinking tea when his right-hand man came in without knocking the door. Asmodeus had a perfect jawline, long black hair, dark red eyes, and lastly... he is very tall and handsome.

"My Lord, it's Valentina, she... she disappeared! She was just in her room. I looked every where but I see no trace." Asmodeus calmly rose from his seat.

"Sebastian, get my uniform. She can't be too far." Sebastian grew up with Asmodeus and has been serving him ever since. He nodded as they head out of the castle.

The castle was huge and it was noticeable in Eralys. The castle was situated on top of the hill. Normal humans can't go near it because the hill was too rocky and not smooth. It was difficult to climb up.

"My Lord, her hairpiece." It was a beautiful gem-white flower hairpiece. It was given by Asmodeus when they first announced their love for each other. Valentina was a human who lived in the castle, she fell in love with Asmodeus when they first met. She was also saved by him. Asmodeus took the hairpiece and placed it inside his uniform. He was a pureblood, he can sense things normal people can't but for Valentina, he sensed an evil presence.

"Sebastian, stop." He saw Valentina not far from the castle. The gentle wind blew her blond and wavy hair gently. Asmodeus saw another man with her, the man he despises, Lukas. A demon who was once a pureblood. Asmodeus' eyes glowed bright red, he possessed superhuman strength. Strong wind blew and several stones were lifted up by his power.

"My Lord." Sebastian tried to stop him but no one can stop a pureblood when he's going to kill someone.

Asmodeus looked at Lukas with his razor-like eyes.

"Let her go."

Lukas laughed, "Oh, don't look so scary. I'll be scared. Do you think she will really return to you?" Lukas turned to Valentina and used her as his shield.

"Lukas, if you used your power, she will be a dead meat." His smile made Asmodeus sick to his stomach.

"Valentina, come back. You don't belong to him." Valentina did not respond. She stood there as if she was a statue. She clenched her fist and slowly lifted her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Asmodeus. I lied to you. I never loved you in the first place. Just because you are the most respected pureblood vampire Lord, doesn't mean you can have everything. I'm a vampire now, Asmodeus." Asmodeus stopped his power.

"I knew you weren't human. I knew it long before. I was too in love with you." Asmodeus took a step forward, "We still have time, Valentina. Come back to me." Valentina shook her head.

"I'm sorry. I can't. I belong to Lukas now. I know he killed your parents before. But, I want to be with him. He is much better than you." Asmodeus didn't move one bit and lowered his head, "I understand. Go, before I change my mind." Asmodeus walked back with Sebastian, the aura was dark and heavy. Sebastian felt it too.

"My Lord."

Suddenly, a window shattered. Asmodeus' power was released temporarily.

"Sebastian, I'll kill you if you say one more word." Sebastian surrendered and placed both of his hands up.

My Lord, please don't be like this. Sebastian sighed and slowly followed him.

As they went back to the castle, Asmodeus' followers, servants, other vampires all bowed to him.

"Our Lord, welcome back." Asmodeus ignored them as he went back to his bookroom.

"Sebastian, don't let anyone come in." He nodded, "Yes, my Lord." Sebastian shooed everyone away afterward.

Asmodeus closed his eyes, his memory of Valentina was still there. He loved her. He took out the flower piece and destroyed it into pieces.

"Farewell." He stood up and left the room. He remained calm and collected but on the inside, he was disappointed.

"Lukas, I'll let you have her. I have no use for her. If I see her one more time, I will show no mercy for both of you." Asmodeus walked down the hall and slowly disappeared in the distance.

On the outside of the castle, it was very lively. People were living in peace with each other and young children ran on the street. They knew there were vampires who were living among them but often the parents will tell their kids to not play outside when it gets dark. That's because bad vampires will eat them.

Celeste was seven. She was a young and innocent child. She had brown eyes and long braided brown hair. She was a lively child who loved to run in the field.

Celeste was playing with her buddies around the forest near her house when suddenly screaming was heard.

Celeste was frightened and hid behind a big tree. She heard screams coming from the forest but she was frozen. She saw one of her friends laying on the ground lifeless. She saw humans with red glowing eyes sucking blood from their victims. She covered her mouth and closed her eyes. Once she opened her eyes, a figure was coming closer and closer to her, she closed her eyes and curled herself. She felt cold hand on her arms and she froze again. Unable to respond, she stayed in that position until she heard a loud thud.

Celeste slowly opened her eyes and a man stood in front of her. She couldn't see who it was because his back was in front of her.

"You are a disgrace among the vampires. Go back where you came from." Asmodeus' eyes glowed bright red and immediately, the half vampire disintegrated.

He looked back at the young child. He gave out his hand and carefully helped her to stand.

"I won't hurt you. What is your name?" Asmodeus looked at her and waited for her to answer.

"Celeste." The girl answered quietly.

He nodded at Sebastian and he came to talk to the little girl.

"Celeste, we are friendly vampires who won't suck blood from humans. When bad vampires come, we will protect you. My Lord, what should we do with her?" Asmodeus looked at her with his cold eyes.

"Leave her. The half vampires are gone now. We will come again when this place gets attacked. All of the half vampires are destroyed." Sebastian nodded and turned back to Celeste, "Celeste, he is your savior. Asmodeus, he's a pureblood. He is the most powerful and he will protect you. We are going to leave now. Go back safely, okay?" As they turned back and walked away, Celeste tugged onto Asmodeus' uniform.

"Thank you. Mr. Vampire." Asmodeus looked back at her and kneeled down.

"Celeste, when you are older. You can call me Asmodeus. Lord Asmodeus. Can you say it?" Celeste opened her mouth and try to pronounce it, "Lord... A.. Asmo... deus.. Lord Asmodeus." Asmodeus nodded and stood up. Celeste smiled brightly and walked away with the others. When she looked back and they already disappeared.

She kneels on the rocky ground and put her tiny right hand across her chest, "Thank you, Lord Asmodeus."

Asmodeus watched Celeste from afar, he felt something unusual. He wanted to protect her. As he took a last look of Celeste, he went away in the distant.

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