

Allison, a hardworking businesswoman, is determined to prove herself to the CEO of her company. She is drawn to the older woman and finds herself falling in love with her. After a night of passion, the CEO becomes distant and Allison becomes jealous of her other partners. She confronts the CEO, who finally confesses her feelings and they start dating. Allison proposes and they celebrate their engagement with friends and family, knowing that they have found true love.

Steve_Steven · Urban
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12 Chs


On a sunny afternoon in the park, surrounded by the chirping of birds and the smell of fresh flowers, Allison gets down on one knee and proposes. The CEO's face is a picture of surprise and delight as she takes the ring and puts it on, tears of joy streaming down her face. They embrace, kissing passionately as people cheer and clap around them, and Allison feels like she's on top of the world.