
in the office

"Emillia look at you now successful, handsome or can I say beautiful"Herry said.herry is my best friend from high school. he the only one that knows my true identity. and he is in love with me but l can't

"lf you don't close your fucken mouth l will..... , l told you not to say that name l hate it "l said irritated . "come on Emi why do you hate it so much , what happened when I was away"he asked walking to the window where l had been standing since he came. yeah l had missed him but l won't say a word because l know him to well. if l tell him he just to tease me .

"so l will call you with the new name"he said touching his chin, like he is thinking

he just trying to tease me,anyway l have things to do home . so time to go home

"Chris Lrine Blakes is the new name"l said starting to pack the table.

"pfu pfu hahaha look at you, a horrifying boss, you have changed so much but still, you have to tell me is it that Daven guy".he said packing my table. oh l almost forgot Herry is my PA and sercetery. his family is one of the most richest family in our country. he want to help me with the company that why he is my PA but l start to think that he just wanted to be next to me .

l don't say anything, maybe it's because of him or not , l don't know. l have to go home before my babies go to sleep l miss them. they're the reason why k still strong and have power.

l started walking to my private elevator

"hey don't go l won't ask that again"he shouted running after me .

"l have to go to Alex and Elenor before they sleep"

oh l almost forgot that she has kids,well it's a disappoint but still l still love her

"oh can l come"l want meet them and see , what will happen.

"sure why not"

going to the front door,Herry don't want to use the private car park. it's this idiots idea,l don't really like the idea.

it was past work hours so not many people were left in the office

"looks at the boss so handsome,"

"he is mine a woman said .

"girls stop day dreaming, the big boss is gay don't you see how Herry loves him"

"so what he can be biosexual.no man can recite this sexy body she said pointing at her body . "l will be the one to be Miss Blakes you will see"

"ok let's wait and watch"

walking to the car l was silent,l heard what the said .l don't,but stressful they always try to seduce me, hey l am a girl for crying out loud.

"oh looks like Mr Blakes has girls on his tail"said teasing me.

"if you stop taking l will shoot you"l said with a dark expression.

"ok ok dude chill ok , won't say a thing"he said putting his index finger on his mouth.

Emillia is a Mafia boss in disguise , she protect those that can't protect themselves.

she is a good gun man better than me, imagine a girl better than a guy ,huu thinking about it, it sends shivers down my spine code.

on the way to my house,.....

we are here, yeah my Villa. there is a golden gate,a big green garden after the garden there is a big blue house with glass. it has four falls.

getting in the house they are steps going down, a big shadelin on the top, l can't explain because it's too big.

anyway walking in the living room, l see my babies watching TV. Elenor looks where l was and started shouting.

"Mom!!!!!mom ,is here"she said running to me ,so that l could carry her.

"how are you darling,mom had missed you"l said

"me too mom"she said, hugging me like I would disappear.

Alex came to my side and said

"hey mom"he said in a cool voice, hugging my legs. Alex likes to keep it cool. he doesn't want to show love and affection in front of me but I know that he loves me.

"mom who is that guy by your side"he asked whispering in my ear , folding his hands on his chest.

he doesn't like it, it's because of Daven . and he is kind of jealous.

"oh he is your uncle"

hmmm he said walking to the couch.

"can he be my daddy, you look perfect in my eyes"Elenor whispered in my ear

"no dear l can't he just a friend,l can't. "

"hmm "getting down on my hands going to where Alex was sitting and started teasing him.

"looks like my has a boyfriend, he going to take your place"."he won't mom loves me first"he said with a sad face.

"pfu pfu pfu hahaha brother look at your face, it's looks like a fat pig"Elenor said laughing,"look at your Red cheeks"anyway I am Elenor, in grade 3 and my brother in grade 6.

"mom let's watch a movie"

"ok dear, which one"
