

right in front of her apartment she stood waiting, expecting and hoping that he would show up because the sky was looking teary.

just as it started drizzling, a black Audi R8 Spyder came to a stop in front of her

" hey beauty, sorry am late"

Clara gently lit a smile as she entered the car, reminding Alex of her condition.

" my bad"

he brings out a pen and paper from the top of the dashboard and writes down a note and passes it to Clara.

Clara collects the note which read

" hi beautiful,sorry am late . got caught up in a little meeting with my boss. well, I got you roses, they're at the back seat and I love your outfit, it looks beautiful on you."

she quickly turns to see the roses and indeed they're beautiful.

she leaned in closer to him and pecked him by the cheeks.

after a forty-five minutes drive, they got to the Chinese restaurant where Alex had already booked a table for two.

this was Clara's first time being out on a date and she was totally nervous.

Alex noticed how nervous she was and held her hands and smiled to her, she immediately felt comfortable and passed the menu to Alex to let him choose their meal for the evening but he insisted that Clara should decide the meal. so, she order for two plates of Chinese rice and turkey with a bottle of wine and two bottled water.

Alex saw the call as a nice decision and decided to Carry along with it but was surprised when she paid for the both meal using her debit card.

"a beautiful gentle young lady who still pays for her meal while out on a date with a guy, are they still alive" Alex asked himself.

After their date, Alex drove Clara home and at the front of her apartment, she texted Alex, "Thanks for the evening, I really had a splendid time with you and would love to spend the weekend with you if that's fine by you" Alex quickly replied " yes, I don't mind at all".

he reversed and hit off to his house.

while at home, Alex deeply searched for a solution to regain the earing and sight for a deaf and dumb individual. He wanted to get to hear her voice so he booked an appointment with an Indian doctor who was a specialist in that field.

Alex quickly paid the sum of amount requested.

Now this was the perfect birthday gift for her as her birthday was approaching in a two weeks time, so he will be preparing a visa and international passport for her to travel to India for a full time medication.

"wait, why am I even doing all this for her, I've not really got to know her to well or....is this love ?"


Joel_Nnamanicreators' thoughts