
Chapter 1: The Vessel.

A light peered through the darkness and voice, one that calls out but can be understood. Standing in the light was a woman. She was shrouded in this light as if she was a part of it. It was warm, a warmth Aella had never felt before. The woman turned and the light began to fade quickly. 

"No wait!" Aella reached out of her hands that were shaking, but the woman never turned back. The darkness flowed all around her like water, as if it was ready to consume her the moment the light disappeared. It wrapped around her and pulled her back farther away from the light. Darkness covers her completely now, there is no escape. 

"Help me! Stop!" Her heart was racing. She is scared, scared for her life. Then suddenly her eyes opened.

Her eyes adjust to a familiar ceiling in her shabby home just outside the Helburn Estate. She had that dream many nights and it always ended the same. Her being devoured by darkness. She wondered what was the cause of such strange dreams. 

She sighed and set up. Looking over next to her was Penelope. She was still in bed snoring away. Aella wishes she could sleep as well as she did. She gathered herself and got dressed in work clothes. She patted Penelope on the head. 

"Wake up, lazy!" Penelope chocolate brown eyes open slowly and close right back.

"Hhhmmm… Just a few more minutes." She rolls so her back is facing Aella. Aella crosses her arms and walks to the door. 

"Okay I guess I will be eating your breakfast then."  A jolt of energy came out of Penelope. She twisted and turned around. Her feet landed firmly on the ground. 

"You can't cook breakfast!" Penelope pointed at her. "You burn the food so bad I still can't get it off the dishes!" Aella giggles as Penelope struggles to put on her work clothes. 

"Aella!" A voice from downstairs called out to her. It was Darla. She was the Overseer for the female slaves. Aella's body froze and her face was pale hearing her name being called. She knew what Darla wanted and what hell she was about to go through again. 

Penelope walked up to Aella and held her hands. "They can't keep doing this to you. It's not fair." Penelope's eyes started to tear up. Aella shook off her fears only for the moment. She smiled and waved to Penelope.

"I will be okay. I will be back soon." She didn't wait for a response she hurred down the stairs and into the main entrance into the female slave encampment. 

"Where the hell were you?" Darla was clearly angry for having to wait so long. "Regardless, the Lady is calling for you." Aella shook her head and began to head to the Main Estate just past a small patch of woods and a field. The walk takes about an hour to get there and back. She is the only slave called up so frequently. 

She enters through the back and makes her way up to Lady Lexi's room. As she stood at the door her palms became sweaty. All the painful memories from before came to her. She took a deep breath and knocked gently on the door. It opens violently and in front of her stands the head maid and Lady Lexi sitting on her chair drinking tea behind her. 

"Enter." Lady Lexi says without even looking at Aella. Aella walks slowly into the room. A room she once thought was so pretty but has now come to look at it as a place where she is beaten. 

"Go there and get on your knees." Aella does as she is told and goes to the center of the room and kneels. Her heart races faster and faster. She builds up her self. 

A broken vase is pushed in front of her. "One of the maids said you were the cause of this." Aella eyes widened and she almost speaks out. She knew she didn't do anything, but those words wouldn't matter she would just get beat more if she defended herself. 

"Forgive me My Lady. I must have been clumsy and broke it." Aella lowers her head. She was disgusted with herself. Knowing she was innocent Lexi arose from her chair. Her heels clicked on the fine wood floors over to Aella. She grabbed Aella's face and forced her to look at her. 

"Why did you not report it?" Her smile was warped and terrifying. Aella stayed as still as she could. 

"I am incompetent My lady please-" She didn't even get to finish before she felt a hand come across her face making her fall to the ground. 

"Chain her to the wall and bring me my whip!" The maids around her do as she commands. Aella's weak body was pushed facing the wall. Cold bars wrapped around her wrists. She tries to hold back her terror but her body is still shaking. 

"I bought a new whip. I think you will enjoy this one so much more or at least I will." The whip had multiple ends with jagged beads on the ends. Her menacing laughter rang through the room. Lady Lexi pulled her arm back and threw all her strength into one slash after the next. 

Aella tries to hold in her cries for help as each she feels each slash tear into her back. How many had it been now, when will she stop is all Aella could think about. 

Finally she stops. Aella's body has fallen down but her hands were still chained. Lady Lexi's breath was erratic. "Get this trash out of here. I am done with it." 

The maids dragged her out to the back door and threw her frail body on in the ground. "Get back and do your work now." The head maid says as she closes the door behind her.

Aella gets up slowly but her body felt like it was still about to break. She limps her way back to the slave encampment. Before she reaches the Forrest though she comes across a boy not much older than her. He was quite handsome, but he was wearing very nice clothes. He must be a noble she thought. He was just standing there looking up at the sky. Aella decided it would be best to just invite him and continue on her way. 

However the wind suddenly picked up and the bonnet fell off and floated right next to that boy's feet. The boy noticed it and leans down to pick it up but the moment he looks up to hand it to her he stops in his tracks. 

He is captivated. Her long white hair flowed around her, her warm Violet eyes were almost like gems. Though she was slinder and look like she had not eaten properly, she was still a beauty. 

"Forgive me! I will take my leave!" She bowed to him revealing her back to him a bit. Enough for him to see the blood on her. She quickly picks up her pace and walks away from him. 

He turns and is about to call out to her before the Butler for the Helburn family comes out. "Your Grace, The Baron is ready to Welcome you now." The boy clenched in his hand with Aella's bonnet in it. 

"I see." He turns and walks with the Butler to the Estate. With thoughts of that young girl with snow white hair running through his head.