

Dad is named shirou d'arc he is pretty much a pure servant sense he is the child of sieg caster and jeanne d'arc ruler from fate

Mom is named akame bune

Main reason i choose the bune family is because in fate sieg is effectively a dragon who works well in this type of thing this is a gamer fanfic with only fate type of stuff and all of that jazz if you are wondering from my last book why you don't see any of the dxd characters show up that much and that is because i am not fully aware on how they act so if i don't know how the character works you will see me not put a prov in it just in someone else's prov say the character agrees on that persons prov

The gamer type of deal just as i said up there is only gonna have fate stuff sense i know them more as a whole i am not gonna have the id thing from other dimensions or the lvl thing on skills i will still record things like the skills they get but i am changing a few things from that fanfic peerage members are only gonna be fate servants or fate characters as a whole because what i plan here is merging dxd with the fate world making all the fate servants cannon on dxd's history though i am making it so only people that were masters before know how to do this any devil that is not a child of a servant or the child of a master can not summon them and sense all the humans who are masters refuse to change there race making it so he is pretty much only one of the 3 masters left in the world effectively i am planning on making this a harem story but i plan on adding just say the peerage and familiars though kuroka is a most definitely needed because real note she is my fav character in the anime though that is mostly because all that characters i like most in anime's have some form on animal ears maybe because i am an animal lover and i wonder how they would feel if you pet them and all that jazz foxes cats dogs and wolves are my fav ones but side note i am starting this when the character is reincarnated because both his parents and him died but the reincarnated teenager went into that body starting age is gonna be like 7 years old sense i plan on once they hit 8 they get a peerage i have not seen the dxd anime or read the manga at all mind you all i know is what other fanfics told me and that is most females if not all of them are fucking pricks that is why i am mainly sticking reason i like kuroka as a fav character 1 reason almost each and every fanfic i had redden she was nice and caring so yeah she has to be in here tell me if i am wrong about this or if i have to watch the anime or read to understand that there are nice characters in it i will alter this story based on that as a whole

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Darkened_Pikachucreators' thoughts