
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter Two

Theme: Bully, 2

Ding! Ding!! Ding!!! Joy heard the closing bell buzz. She took a deep breath and exhaled gently. After a long and feverish day, the school finally closed.

She was grateful that she had virtually escaped Miss Mary's confinement. She wondered how she would cope.

She omitted breakfast in the morning, her launch fees were confiscated from her by Rebecca and her squadron, and she would now spend four hours in the detention room.

Hell no! Even if she survives the detention, there is no way she can escape from hunger.

All thanks to the new guy, Joel. Joy was sure she wouldn't be standing on her feet now. The hot guy had insisted that she eat to her satisfaction.

What a minute, did she just call him Hot dude?

Joy glimmered at the thought of that. She could remember how his aura had rendered her useless.

It's not that she didn't have a male friend. She has one friend, Dan. However, she noticed something different.

She and Dan always play rough games, hugging each other and seeing each other naked. But she didn't feel like this. Let's just say neither of them ever gets aroused.

Dan is a lycan, and he hasn't found his Erasthai. He has been sleeping in their house whenever he doesn't have night duty or goes on a run with his lycan.

She could remember Dan telling her that a lycan doesn't need to wait for a mate as a werewolf does.

“Why are you lycans different from werewolves and vampires?” Joy could remember asking him that day.

"Because we lycans are direct descendants of the moon goddess," Dan had answered.

"Unlike werewolves, who are created from one of the moon goddess' elements, we lycans are blood-related to her. At any age, we can have sex with any living being. Even after we found our mate." Dan explained further.

"However, once we find our Erasthai, we mark them instantly. Either they are married women or mated to another wolf. That doesn't concern us. And once we mark our mates, they become part of us, and we protect them with our lives. One more thing: we tend to get desirous and nasty faster when our Erasthai is going out with another man."

When did she last eat in the cafeteria? She couldn't remember. Apart from the fact that Rebecca and her crew always snatched her launch fees, they wouldn't allow her to eat in the cafeteria.

Either they poured dirty water into her food, or they completely ruined her day. All thanks to Joel. He was the one that helped her out. Joel had told her that he was a wizard.

It seems Rebecca and her crew noticed this. That is why they didn't bother to disturb her.

What would it be if she had turned out to be Dan's Erasthai? She asked herself inwardly. She could remember Dan telling her that lycans don't play with their mates.

Unlike werewolves, who can reject their mate. A lycan wouldn't try that. Apart from the wrath of the moon goddess that will descend on such a person, the creature will also lose its power.

"What is the good news?" The same voice jolted her out of her thoughts. Raising her face, her gaze collided with that of Joel.

She could feel her heart racing faster again, pounding in her chest and threatening to burst out. Why must he give her goosebumps all the time? She thought.

"Hmm... I... it's nothing," she could hear herself stammering again.

Why are you doing this to me, brain? She asked herself. Why must you disgrace me all the time?

"Can I help you with anything?" Joel asked again, and Joy could feel his cold but sweet voice causing butterflies to erupt in her stomach.

"Nothing," she replied sharply, trying her best not to flicker at the same time. "I am just packing my book and getting ready to go home." She finally found her speech box.

"Are you available today at 19:00?" Joel asked. "There is a concert in the city hall today. Let's go and watch it together."

"Maybe," she replied, and the nervousness on her face was visible.

Well, you couldn't blame her. Except for Dan, who always took her out to watch fireworks, nobody had ever asked her out.

Besides, the whole town is now full of Lord Darius' army, the D'arcy. Any single mistake would cost your life. Dan was like her backbone, and she was grateful for that. He is more like a guardian to her.

"You know what? I am coming to pick you up at night." Joel said instantly.

"I am not sure whether I can make it," Joy tried to decline.

Would her mother allow her to go out at such a late hour? She asked her brain. She is always indoors. Unless Dan sneaked in as always to take her out, she is always with her journal.

"Mother will not allow me." She clarified.

"Don't worry about your mother; I will sneak in," Joel said, and Joy could see the silly smile that was playing on her lips.

Hell No! She couldn't allow that. The last time she tried sneaking out with a man, it didn't end well.

She could vividly remember how it happened the second time she attempted it. She had ended up breaking two bones, and it cost her mom a lot of energy before she could get them back in shape.

All thanks to Dan's stupid idea. If her mom wasn't a healer, she was sure that all her bones would have gone into different pieces.

"So, what did you say?" Joel inquired once more.

"No," she said flatly, her voice firm this time. She didn't have a brother, nor did she know her father. She is the only one living with her mother in their small cottage.

She had inquired about her father's whereabouts from her mother, and she told her that he died in the last raid of the D'arcy.

"How does it happen?" Joy had asked her mother, trying to make her mom split the secret. However, she won't talk.

The last time she sneaked out with Dan, she broke two bones. Her mom had shed tears and scolded her.

Joy could see the hurt in her eyes. It was a bitter night for both of them, and she didn't want to make it happen again. Besides, she had pledged never to make her mom worry again, and she wasn't going to break the promise.

Apart from her mom's warning that the D'arcy were everywhere, which she knew very well, they were securing the territory and killing most of the innocent beings, all in the name of making peace.

She didn't want to risk her life.

All the territory in the Middle Land is living in fear and horror. They were all scared of those monsters who always killed the people of the middle land without remorse. Joy could even remember the one that happened in front of her.

It occurred right beside their house. Lord Darius had sent one of his commanders to bring Father Martin and his three sons to join his army.

However, Father Martins declined the offer and sent the commander away after cursing profanity at him.

It was not until an hour before the commander returned. However, he didn't come alone this time. He returned with a valiant warrior.

They ransacked the house, murdered Father Martin's wife, and killed two of his children. Dan is the only one that escapes. Father Martins was killed by Lord Darius himself after he went berserk.

How Lord Darius murdered Father Martins is still a mystery to everyone in the environment. After his wife was killed, he went berserk instantly.

Within a few minutes, he killed all the commander's armies in cold blood and sent their bodies back to Lord Darius. Still, his rage didn't quit. His lycan rather increased his thirst for blood.

From what Dan had told her that if a lycan loses his mate, then no one should stay around him.

She could remember Dan's words. "We lycans are dangerous when we go berserk." They were sitting outside their house, under a dark sky, watching the moon as it shone brightly in the sky. "Apart from the fact that Lycans can't control their rage and bloodthirstiness when they go berserk, they are invisible to sliver and cross," Dan explained to her.

That is exactly what happened. After Father Martins killed the D'arcy army, he started slaughtering everyone around him.

Not just werewolves, but any human that mistakenly wandered into their vicinity. Dan himself narrowly escapes his father's wrath.

After several minutes of the killing spree, they all watched in amazement as a strange bright light engulfed Father Martins. Emerging out of the bright light is Lord Darius himself. His face is imperceptible, and only his body can be seen. Before Father Martin could react, Lord Darius twisted his neck.

The same beast that was untouchable for some minutes was killed by a neck snap from Lord Darius. The scene alone made everyone fear him more, and they were forced to swear an oath to him once again.

It was a day she would never forget. Thank goodness, they met him in a good mood that day. If not, Joy was sure that Lord Darius wouldn't hesitate to wipe out the pack.

"What are you thinking again, princess?" Joel's voice brought her back to reality. "You know what, I am coming to get you, and you can't change that." He insisted.

"Sorry," Joy apologised. "Sometimes, my brain likes to make fun of me by playing some stupid scene in my head." She said and laughed dryly at her joke.

"Get dressed before then," Joel said. Slowly, he turned back and walked out of the class.

Joy examines her surroundings, and her mouth opens wide in surprise. She had been so lost in her discussion with Joel that she hadn't noticed the time.

The classroom is almost empty, as all the students have gone to their various homes. Letting out an exasperated breath, she grabbed her small backpack and walked out of the class.

As Joy reached the school's medium exit gate, she could see Rebecca and her crew waiting under the maple leaf.

Peeking closely, she noticed that they were not alone. They were discussing with Delta Logan, who had his hand locked with that of Rebecca's own. Surrounding them is the small pack of Delta Logan.

Delta Logan is the third in rank after Alpha Malcolm. Moreover, the idiot doesn't walk alone. Worst of all, they are standing on her routes.

Knowing full well that walking past them is like going through hell, Joy decided to take the wood route.

The problem is that it would take her a long way before she reached home, and it would be silent in the woods. But what choice does she have?

Moreover, that would save her from the stress and beating of Rebecca and her crew. If she had been alone, it would have been better. But the gruesome Delta Logan won't let her go easily.

If Joy hadn't mistakenly split out what she saw last night, it would have been better. However, the reverse is the case. She was sure that Rebecca would have told him.

She didn't want to risk breaking a bone again, and reporting their crime is not an option. Would the headmistress even believe her? She is Rebecca's mother, for goodness’ sake. She thought.

Not wanting to alert them, she headed straight in the woods' direction.

With her head bent down, Joy hastened her steps towards the wooded corridor. Not only that, she was hoping and praying at the same time that her invisible mad ninja skills should help her. Or else, she would be dead if Rebecca and her crew caught her.

"Look what I found," Joy heard Rachel's voice as she made her way to the woods. The witch eventually managed to catch her. "Seems like the nerd is sneaking away." She heard her say it again, and Joy was sure that she was shouting aloud for her to hear.

Pulling her backpack closer to her body, she sprinted straight into the wood.

Behind her, Joy could hear the rustling of leaves and the fast-approaching footsteps of her chaser.

Could she even outrun them? She asked herself. They are supernatural beings, and she was sure they would be running at super speed.

What was she? A normal human being. She's as useless as a toothpick.

However, she wasn't ready to give up. Even if they are going to catch her, she won't make it easy for them.

She might not have any special powers or wolf or lycan abilities. At least she is a good sprinter, and she's also great at playing hide-and-seek games.

She was also good at sneaking and excellent in doing a few other self-defence skills. She could climb trees like mischief, hoop like a squirrel cat, and bounce like a cheetah.

All thanks to Dan. How much better would it have been if he had been here? Joy thought.

She was sure that none of them could beat him. Dan was a crazy fighter, and he was also an Alpha. He is not just any Alpha, but a hybrid.

He inherited his father's power and his mother's vampire side. That makes him more powerful than a minor creature.

"There she is," Joy heard a cold voice which she suspected to be that of Delta Logan.

On instinct, she stepped on the big oak tree in front of her, then wheeled her body, and performed a tree flip. Just then, she heard a loud collision at her previous position. Delta Logan had just collided with the tree that she used to perform a wall flip.

That serves him right!!! She thought.

As she landed on her feet, she could hear the man snarling, followed by the loud chuckling that belonged to the rest of her chasers.

Looking around, Joy sees that they have her surrounded.

Hell no! She couldn't allow herself to be captured like that. Not waiting for them to make any move, she lunges at Rachel. At least she should be able to tackle her. Joy had heard rumours that she was a witch. So, she won't have time to react like others.

Just like she had predicted, Rachel didn't have time to evade her attack. Joy collided with her and then knocked her down with her elbow.

The blow hit her in the mouth, and Joy was sure that she had lost some teeth. It was the first and unexpected seizure of a fight. She wouldn't expect it from her.

Not wasting time, she steps onto a tree, uses the force to propel herself upward, and grabs a trunk, which she uses to wobble her body on top of another tree.

If she couldn't outrun them on the dry ground, she should be able to do that on a tree.

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