
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

Chapter 13

Dawn of Glory [The Half-breed]

Chapter thirteen

Theme: Book of the Undead, Part Two

"My Lord, you have a letter from Elder Marcus of the Black Venom Coven," Edgar says as he stands in front of the memo book. The book was placed on top of a pulpit, and the words of Elder Marcus began to appear in the book's void spaces.

"What does it say?" Lord Darius asked impatiently.

"I'm afraid, my Lord, it's bad news." Edgar clarified, and Lord Darius focused his attention on him. He took a gentle step towards the golden chair that was inside the chamber, and his long red robe swept the floor behind him.

Clearing his throat, he said. "What's the content of the message, Edgar?" His cold voice boomed throughout the chamber, and Edgar could feel the authority in it.

After what seems like forever, Edgar summons all his courage together. He summoned all the bravery he had been harboring ever since he had been serving Lord Darius back to edge. "Half of Black Venom's coven is dead." He elucidated. Edgar raised his head as soon as he finished reading the messages, his gaze now resting on that of Lord Darius. 

Part of Edgar's body had expected a yell or torment from Lord Darius, but his expression remained the same. Edgar could guess the reason for that. He was yet to break the full content of the news. He hadn't read everything to him. How would he do that? He asked himself. Even though it hadn't been long since he started serving Lord Darius, he knew the man very well.

He had heard of what happened to all his previous memo's readers. Lord Darius slaughtered them in cold blood when they told him that there is someone who could be a threat to his regime. Edgar knew his case was the worst. Not only nastier, but more horrible than the previous memo's reader. Besides the fact that he was about to break the news that the half-breed had killed Duke Thane, son of Thawing, ruler of the upper isle, and some Elderly. She has also met with her protector. Worst of all, his wife is amidst them.

Edgar takes a deep breath and uses his hand to wipe a bead of sweat from his face. Even though he was now staring at the concrete floor of the chamber, he could feel Lord Darius staring directly at his soul. Without raising his head, he knew what those stares meant. Lord Darius was waiting for him to break the rest of the news. After that, he will decide whether he will live or perish.

Damn you, Sandra. Edgar cursed under his breath. How did he meet her? He couldn't even remember it again. The little he could recollect is that he was returning from a meeting with the Black Venom's pack when he saw her. She was beautiful, harmless, and perfect. Her look was so innocent that no one would suspect that she could be an ancient witch. Without being told, Edgar knew that the fear of women was the beginning of knowledge. While the fear of Lord Darius is the beginning of long life,

"Edgar Allan: It seems like you have a new message in the memo book." Lord Darius's voice brought him back to sensibility. He turned his direction back to the memo book, and he was shocked at what he saw. Even though Edgar knew how powerful Lord Darius could be, he hadn't seen him perform this trick before.

Standing on the pulpit where the memo book was placed is another version of Lord Darius, while another one is sitting on the throne. "Seems it is from Nicci, the Red Widow." Lord Darius said. However, he was now standing beside him. 

Edgar Allan examined the room with his eyes, and he could see that Lord Darius had now multiplied into three. The real Lord Darius is still sitting on the throne, his eyes staring directly at Edgar as if piercing his soul. One is standing in front of the pulpit, watching the memo book as a new message starts coming in. Another is standing beside Edgar, massaging his hand.

"Edgar Allan, come and read the content of the messages. Seems like it was written with the ancient language." Lord Darius, who was standing in front of the pulpit, said Edgar directed his gaze to Lord Darius that was sitting on the throne, and he nodded his head to give him a go-ahead. The one that was standing beside him made a gesture with his hand for him to proceed towards the pulpit. 

Not wasting any seconds, Edgar walked towards the memo book's position. A few inches away from him reaching the book, the clone disappears, leaving him with the one on the throne and the other one. Edgar takes a deep breath. With dismay, anxiety, and sweat dripping on his forehead, Edgar Allan read the content of the message. "This is Nicci, popularly known as the Red Widow. I want to inform you about what happened last night."

"Relax your muscles, Edgar Allan." The second duplicate said, "Now commence from Elder Marcus's message."

Edgar Allan dragged in another deep breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Even though it's still early in the morning, the reflection of the sun could be seen as they were beginning to penetrate the room through the widow's mantle. Nonetheless, Edgar Allan couldn't help the heat that was forming in his body. He knew very well that this was a test of loyalty from Lord Darius. Any single blunder might cause his head. 

Instead of omitting the information again, Edgar Allan decided to read it in full. Besides, he was sure that Lord Darius already knew the content. So, what is there to hide again? "The half-breed and the hybrid Alpha managed to escape yesterday night with the help of the ancient witch." Edgar read it out, and he directed his gaze at Lord Darius. Half of him was expecting the clone beside him to bring down his head. However, he was met with silence. 

When he didn't receive any gesture or words from Lord Darius, Edgar Allan continued. "We didn't know that Mrs. Sandra, headmistress of the supernatural school, wife of Edgar Allan, your memo reader, is the ancient witch," Edgar said and returned his gaze to Lord Darius. This time, Lord Darius let out a sly smile and rubbed his palm together. However, he didn't reply.

"Together, they killed Beta Kyle and Delta Logan, while the half-breed put Alpha Malcolm under her control. Since yesterday, we haven't found him or the rest of the pack. Not only that, the red widow, together with Duke Thane, son of Thawing, the Duke of the upper aisle, were also present in the fight. Even though Duke Thane is dead, Nicci managed to escape with someone who could help us locate the…"

"That's enough, Edgar." Lord Darius's voice stopped him from reading the rest of the message. "The report is late and boring, isn't it?" Lord Darius said with a deep smile.

"Perhaps we should see what the red widow has to offer." Edgar managed to say.

"I was coming to that," Lord Darius said. "I was thinking of sending you after your wife, but that would be suicide. So, what did you suggest that we do? Edgar Allan. "

Without being told, Edgar knew Lord Darius was trying to give him a second chance. He hadn't expected it, and it left him speechless. "I'm giving you this chance because you have proven yourself a loyal servant. Ever since you have been in my service, none of your plans have failed." Lord Darius's voice broke into his thoughts. "Besides, you just lost your daughter, and I know how painful it can be."

"I'm deeply sorry, my Lord." Edgar said, and went on his knees."

"What did you suggest that we should do now that the half-breed has met her?" Lord Darius asked instead.

Edgar Allan took that as a pardon word, and he smiled inwardly. Now is the time to prove himself worthy. "Since they have met the ancient witch and the hybrid Alpha, I'm sure that they will have learned about the book of the undead," Edgar said.

"Even a deaf man could guess that," Lord Darius said, and Edgar could presume that he wasn't etched. "Besides, we have sent people to get the book. I'm sure that they will be on their way to the herd's temple by now."

"Since Duke Thane of the upper isle has lost his life, I believe that Nicci, the red widow from the desert land, will be going after his people. Moreover, Elder Marcus just told us now that she had captured a being that could lead them to the half-breed's location." Edgar Allan paused to take in a deep breath, and he could see that the expression on Lord Darius's face had softened.

"If my guess is right, you are suggesting that we should send words to Nicci that she should track down the half-breed, and kill her." Lord Darius said.

"Exactly, my Lord," Edgar Allan said with a crooked smile. "We made a mistake last time by saying that we needed her alive, and we mustn't make that mistake again. Let's order her to track her with Duke Thane's men and the D'arcy soldiers. Once they catch her, she should present her head, and she will be rewarded handsomely. Moreover, Micah Tyler is still out there, and we all know that he won't fail."

"Well said, Edgar." Lord Darius flattered him. "What about those that went after the book?"

"Since we have sent them since last night, I'm sure that they will have gotten the book by now. We all know that ever since the Black Tide Coven has sworn to serve you, no pack has ever dared to attack them. That means they won't be preparing for any sudden attack. " Edgar elucidated.

"Your suggestions are right," Lord Darius said, and Edgar raised his head in surprise. "I was watching the D'arcy that we sent after them last night through the whizzes, and they succeeded." 

"Then we should send them a message that they shouldn't leave any tracks behind," Edgar said impatiently. "Since the half-breed and her companion knew about the book, then they should be on their way there now."

"Are you saying that those lycans might be stupid enough to leave traces behind?" Lord Darius solicited.

"Very possible, my Lord," Edgar asserted. "They won't be expecting any unexpected attacks since they are in a pack. Who will be so stupid as to attack a pack of D'arcy lycans? They haven't even known about the prophecy half-breed."

"Very well then, Send word to them." Lord Darius said with authority. "Don't forget to send word to Nicci that I need the half-breed's head before evening.

Without wasting any seconds, Edgar set to work. He brought out his sword and used it to slice his arm. He quickly placed a small urn under his arm, and the blood flowed inside it. He brought out his quill, dipped it in the blood, and started writing.


"Seems like heaven is smiling on us today," Nicci said with a chuckle. She was sitting under a big tree which served as a shade for their head, protecting it from the morning sun. Sarah was sitting beside her, the chain that was used to bind her had been peeled off, but the radar was still on her neck. She had a memo book in her hand, and she was reading the content to Nicci.

"How about we show ourselves to them now?'' Nicci asked, her gaze traveling to the far horizon. She zoomed in on her vision, and she could see all the activities that were going on in the upper aisle. "It seems like they didn't know about the death of their Duke." She elaborated.

"Mistress, Lord Darius wants us to bring her the head of the half-breed before noon," Sarah says as she stands from her sitting position to meet the red widow's height. 

"I already knew that he would give us that order. And to accomplish that task, we would need an army. That's why we are here." She explained.

"Did you think the people in the upper aisle would follow us willingly?"

"Who says we are asking for their help?" Says the red widow with a scoff. "We are bending them to our will. That's why I have you here with me. I have heard of the destruction you can cause."

"I will do as you wish, but don't forget the bargain," Sarah said.

"Then let's proceed," Nicci said and rose to her full height.

She walked towards the gate of the upper aisle people, and the guard quickly readies their arrow as they saw her. Well, who won't know the red widow, and her trickery attitude? "I don't come here to fight, and I will advise you not to dare me." She said, her voice booming throughout the whole atmosphere.

"What brings you here, and where is Duke Thane?" One of the soldiers asked. Looking closely at his mode of dressing, one could easily guess that he is the supervisor.

"Show them their leader's head," Nicci whispers to Sarah. Sarah smiled inwardly, then unstrapped her backpack. She opened it, brought out Duke Thane's head, and threw it at the commander while the latter snatched it. "That's your Duke. He was killed by a rogue wolf." Nicci announced.

"That's impossible. Duke Thane can't be killed by ordinary roque." Argued someone besides the commander,

"I'm sure he told you everything before we both went out yesterday night. Well, for your information, your Duke was killed in the war against the Roque." Sarah retorted instead.

"Lord Darius has promised to reward any being that captures the rogue wolf. That's why I'm here." The red widow said

"If a rogue wolf can kill the great Duke, then why should we follow you?" The commander implored

"Whether you like it or not, you will still follow me and do everything I order you to." Says the red widow.

"Not under my watch," the commander spat. "I would rather die than serve a widowed woman." 

"You shouldn't have said that," Nicci said, and her eyes turned bloody red. She moved closer to Sarah, inserting a key into the radar hole that was placed around her neck. As she slices into the key, the radar makes a clicking sound and falls freely from her neck. "Kill any one of them that fails to bow." She ordered her.

"Soldiers of the upper isle, kill both of them." The commander yelled at the top of his voice.

Before any one of them could transform into their lycanthropy's mod, Sarah was already on top of the upper aisle fortress gate. The gate was decorated with a terrace, which allowed the soldiers to stand and watch every activity that was happening outside.

They were yet to recover from how Sarah suddenly appeared on top of the balcony with them. One minute, she was standing beside the red widow, and the next, she was standing in front of them. Before they could recover from the shock, Sarah grabbed the commander by the neck and burned him to ashes. "That's for arguing with the red widow," Sarah said and dusted her hand.

The rest move back in shock. It's obvious that they are scared of her. Nonetheless, that doesn't make them retreat. Sarah swashed aside as she felt an arrow coming towards her. She dashed at the being that shot it, yanked him up with one hand, and threw him down from the balcony. 

That gives the rest the chance to transform. They went on their knees, placed their hands on the balcony surface, and howled out loud. Their loud howling alerted those that were inside the gate, and all of them transformed. Not wasting any second, they dashed at Sarah. Their teeth were gnashing together in anger, their claws longer and sharper than the werewolf's own.

Despite the speed of that lycan, despite how they blend with the air, Sarah saw them moving like a snail. She smiles inwardly, as the first lycan attacks her with a claw. She stepped aside, grabbed the lycanthropy's hand, and broke his bone. In the same motion, she uses the lycanthropy body to hit two other lycans.

She leaped up, wheeled her body in the air, then directed her palm towards some lycans. As she did this, the incoming lycan went ablaze. She landed on the balcony with a loud thud, then dashed at the remaining half-dozen lycans.

She grabbed one by the neck and tore it apart. She dived out of the way as a claw came for her. She spun back in the same motion, grabbed the lycan by the neck, and burned him. She slide past another lycan as he swung his full body at her, then she placed her hand on the terrace front, and used the force to push herself upward again.

She plunged her hand into a Lycan's chest and brought out his heart. As the remaining three dashed at her. Sarah crossed her hand, drew a strange pattern with her hand, and the lycans went ablaze. Their painful screams filled the whole atmosphere, and it sent fear down the spine of the remaining lycan that were watching the fight from below.

The red widow watched with excitement at the scene that Sarah created. Lo and behold, they made her happy. Nicci knew right then that she had made the right choice by bringing Sarah along with her, and her victory was certain. After that, she would grant Sarah what she'd requested.

"Is there anybody else that wants to challenge me?" Sarah asked, her voice loud enough for the people to see. However, none of them replied to her, and they all went on their knees instead, as a sign of respect.

"Great decision," Nicci said and clapped her hand.
