
The Halberd of Berk

One Leap Day on Berk two children are born, one the son of the chief and the other to a Hofferson mother and unknown father One would become the first dragon rider and the other the strongest One would become Chief and the other the Halberd of Berk One would ride a Nightfury and the other the wyvern of 1000 blades

Lord_Sadness · Movies
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45 Chs

Great balls of fire

Delvin only had a few seconds to move before a ball of fire slammed into him, pulling Snap-pine upwards as the flames flew beneath them, creating a momentary barrier between himself and Heather, giving the girl a moment to breathe as she yelled at stormfly to go faster, throwing a leg of chicken into the dragon's mouth.

That's right, the secret feed that Astrid used to improve Stormflys flying prowess was nothing more than chicken, created with the hofferson family recipe.

"Is that chicken" a yell sounded from behind him as hiccup and Astrid appeared, having apparently caught up. Delvin couldnt help but smirk as he heard the confusion in his voice, despite their rather dire circumstances.

"You want heather?" Delvin yelled over the wind, looking towards the clearly focused Astrid who was staring a hole in the back of the girl on her dragon, she was now directly below them and clearly trying to unsuccessfully outrun them, although she had apparently run out of chicken, meaning that she couldnt make stormfly get any fast

"Damn right!" she replied, literally jumping from the back of toothless and roughy landing on the back of her dragon, before beginning to wrestle with heather, screaming insults all the while "got off my dragon you damn two-faced, snake born, friendless, fatherless-"

"We should probably leave them to it" Delvin yelled over to hiccup as he blocked out his cousin's words choosing to dodge the fireball flinging at him, rather than enjoy the show

"Hurry up Astrid!" Hiccup yelled worriedly as he looked towards the island that was getting closer and closer, they were only a few hundred meters away now, still on a direct course, stuck moving in the direction stormfly

The rain of Catapult shots had begun to get more focused and accurate as the outcasts began to fully concentrate their fire, adding arrows into the mix as they grew closer. Delvin had reached the point where he and Snap-pine had to hold the vanguard, attempting to block or shoot down any projectiles that came too close to the group, thankfully with Snap-pine pinpoint accuracy with his scale and that the others were only just arriving he wasn't struggling too hard. But it was only getting more difficult as they drew closer to the island

"-scrawny, flat, dragonless brat!" Astrid finished her insults finally with a shove, throwing Heather from the back of Stormfly with a kick to the chest, sending her careening towards the ocean below, along with the book of dragons sadly

"The book!" Hiccup panicked, flying after it, as it sailed in a different direction than heather, towards the shore of outcast island, where Alvin was waiting

"The girl!" Snotlout panicked, blindly flying after heather with a grin, clearly doing this for the chance to show Heather just how "great" he was, the boy always did have the heart of a womanizer and the brain of a squirrel, sadly however he was immediately knocked from his saddle by a stone thrown by an outcast and plunged into the sea

He was fine, He's snotlout

This left Delvin with an interesting conundrum as he watched the girl fall, should he save her? He had just threatened and tried to kill her, and what would be the point anyway? However, once he looked over, seeing the look the others were giving him he gave a sigh. God the whole crew was way too soft, they knew she was a spy and they still looked sad as they watched her plummet to her death

"Get her" Delvin sighed, lowering himself in the saddle as Snap-pine plunged downwards, dropping like a stone, except much, much faster. Heather didn't even have time to take a breath as Snap-pine yoinked her out of the air like an eagle on prey, grabbing her in his talins and leveling out, close enough to the water that mist vapor shrouded them for a moment

Flying up without a word Delvin rejoined the group, now facing in the direction of berk, away from the fire directed at them by the outcasts, and back home, dodging and weaving as they went, Snotlout already back in the sky and looking at Heather longingly as she swayed in the grasp of Snap-pine. Feeling it was ample punishment enough Delvin just casually had Snap-pine throw her into the boy's lap

"I knew you couldnt stay away!" snotlout laughed as he held the girl up, before promptly beginning to regale tales of his great adventures

Maybe that was a bit mean, nobody deserved that

"Did you get the book?" Astrid Astrid asked hiccup as he rejoined them, everyone looking towards him

"No, i couldnt make it in time" Hiccup responded looking devastated at his failure, Delvin could see a couple of burns along his body and saddle from where a few catapult shots had gotten too close, showing just how hard he had likely tried "Alvin… Alvin now has the book of dragons"

"So going back to war then!" Tuffnut said, looking way too happy, causing their twin to knock them on the head with a scowl

"No it means we need to get it back" Delvin denied, before looking in his peripheral vision at Heather, the girl already looked like she was having the life sucked out of her as Snotlout still rattled on even now, his stories somehow getting more and more unrealistic. Apparently, he was the one that killed the red death, and her army, all on his own with nothing but an axe and his "good looks"

He'd saved her and now she owed him, whether she liked it or not.

maybe he could find a use for her after all…