
The Halberd of Berk

One Leap Day on Berk two children are born, one the son of the chief and the other to a Hofferson mother and unknown father One would become the first dragon rider and the other the strongest One would become Chief and the other the Halberd of Berk One would ride a Nightfury and the other the wyvern of 1000 blades

Lord_Sadness · Movies
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45 Chs

Character glossary

Devlin Son of none:

Norn on the 29th of February, also known as leap day, to a Hofferson mother and unknown father. Born on the Island of Berk Delvin is a stubborn and often serious person, although his cousin Astrid often brings out his more playful side. He has a good sense of humor while also acting quite mature, despite his young age. He is completely loyal to berk and its people, willing to kill and die if necessary, although he is hardly reckless with his life or the lives of others. Born with his unknown Fathers black hair and a warrior's build, Delvin stands taller than most others his age, although he is hardly a giant like Stoick. He walks with a slight limp, something he gained from a young age when he was attacked by a deadly nadder in the woods, however, the injury pushed him to be better rather than holding him back. he has since overcome his injury despite still having a slight limp. He often can be found in his personal workshop where he works on ideas for weapons and anything that will assist berk. he is always seen with a halberd in hand, using the excuse that it helps him walk


Found as an egg by Delvin during what would be dubbed "the nadder incident" Snap-pine was raised and trained in secret by Delvin, who was planning on weaponizing the young dragon but later came to bond closely with it. As a Seregios Snap-pine is fiercely territorial of areas he considers his, such as Delvin's home and secret base "the pit" where he will not allow any dragon to enter without a fight, even those such as Toothless or Stormfly. However, despite coming from a species of dragons that are known to kill even their own kind and siblings over food and territory, Snap-pine is entirely subservient to Delvin who he sees as both a parental figure and as an alpha. He grew at an extreme rate, causing him to tower over most of the dragons of berk, but in the end, he is still a baby dragon, causing him to often play with the other children and dragons of berk

Astrid (not an original character but worth mentioning)

Delvin's cousin, who was born a few months after him. As both a warrior and Hofferson Astrid has an extremely close relationship with Delvin, making them often view each other as siblings more than cousins. Astrid is considered second only in fighting ability to Delvin in her generation, She is hot-tempered and passionate, often getting angry. she sees Delvin as an older brother and as such strives to become his equal in both fighting ability and dragon riding, constantly training and growing. she has a rather complex relationship with Hiccup, one that Delvin seems to both support and tease her about.