
The Halberd of Berk

One Leap Day on Berk two children are born, one the son of the chief and the other to a Hofferson mother and unknown father One would become the first dragon rider and the other the strongest One would become Chief and the other the Halberd of Berk One would ride a Nightfury and the other the wyvern of 1000 blades

Lord_Sadness · Movies
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45 Chs

Angry and worried

(Astrid pov)

Today had been a bad day and it was only getting worse.

For the past few days, Astrid had been caring for Delvin alongside her mother and aunt, ensuring that her cousin didn't just up and die in his sleep. It had been quite the even when a near-feral Snap-pine had shown up on the island, barely coherent with an unconscious Delvin on his back

It had taken the combined efforts of all the riders with the coordination of Stoick and Gobber to take down the Seregios without causing either of them harm, while also keeping themselves safe.

"What the hell happened on that island?" Astrid asked as she mopped at his forehead. Delvin had been completely unconscious since his arrival, barely moving and often going into a very dangerous state of fever.

"Gothi says it's like nothing she's ever seen before" Hiccup pitched in, coming into the room with supplies, before sitting them onto the bench with a sigh "it's like something completely halted his body's natural ability to heal, all it took was a bit of damp air on the flight to berk and boom… he gets a cold strong enough to level a dragon," Hiccup said while shaking his head and handing her a fresh towel

"What could even do that?" Astrid demanded, looking towards the boy. He and Delvin were always the smart ones and right now she felt really dumb, she should have gone with him to the island

"I don't know" hiccup answered, looking slightly lost before sending a glance at the pale Delvin's face "poison maybe? An unknown dragon? Neither Gothi or Stoick have any idea"

Hearing this Astrid just gave a sigh before beginning to fiddle with the pillow under Delvin's head, trying to make him more comfortable, although she soon felt a hand on her shoulder

"Come on Astrid" hiccup began, slowly pulling her away and giving her a serious look "you've been in this room all day and night. You need to do something, I'm sure Delvin won't mind, go for a flight, join me and the riders for a morning patrol, just do something"

She hesitated for a moment but eventually she agreed, nodding her head and walking with him out the door and over to the stables, however, her mood was instantly ruined the second she saw a figure feeding Stormfly

"What are you doing!?" She shouted, marching over to the black-haired girl who turned to her with a smirk that soon turned to a fearful look once she saw hiccup with her "I told you to stay away from my dragon Heather!" Astrid snarled as she snatched the food out of the girl's hands

They had found the girl a day ago, washed up on the shore. She had been raving about being attacked by pirates and had since then been latching onto hiccup and the others like a leech. Astrid didn't trust her, to put it simply… Heather screamed untrustworthy, not that the others could see it

"I w-was just feeding her" Heather defended herself, giving an apologetic look that didnt reach her eyes, Astrid didn't know why but the girl had been after Stormfly ever since she had arrived and there was no way Astrid was letting her steal both her friends and her dragon from her "she just looked hungry" Heather said

"Easy Astrid!" Hiccup said with a nervous chuckle and grabbing her by the elbow "I'm sure heather didn't mean to tread on your toes, right?" he asked looking towards the black-haired girl

"Of course!" Heather agreed, before giving a grin that hiccup couldnt see due to his focus on Astrid "It's just that you've been so busy helping that poor cousin of yours that i was worried you might not be looking after her" she said, giving a smug grin

"Oh, you did not go there!" Astrid demanded, feeling fully prepared as she pulled against the struggling hiccup who somehow held her back

"Astrid Calm down!" hiccup begged as he strained against her, before stumbling as Astrid stopped pulling, regaining control of herself as she heard a familiar thumping noise

The thumping noise grew louder as Delvin walked over, halberd in hand


(normal pov)

When Delvin had woken up in his room in the Hofferson estate he hadn't expected to hear Astrid yelling at someone. Rising up from his laying position Delvin held his thumping head as he slowly got out of bed, stumbling slightly as his legs, sleep from the days in bed, crumpled slightly underneath him.

Thankfully his halberd, the one that hadn't been destroyed in the cave was sitting beside his bed

The cave… memory filled Delvin's head like a flood as he remembered the events that had occurred on the nest island, the tunnels, the fog, and the demonic dragon. He had to admit he hadn't felt that damn helpless since the nadder incident all those years ago, and that did not make him feel good

For the past 6 years, he had been completely in control of his life, preparing for every possible threat, training, fighting, and shedding blood, only to end up in the same damn position, left to the mercy of yet another dragon

Suffice to say he was now in a bad mood

So hearing his cousin yelling and seeing hiccup holding her back from a rather smug-looking girl, Delvin just marched straight over… once he had gotten dressed of course

Stepping over, his legs now working like they were supposed to, Delvin trudged over, his halberd gently clanging against the rocky ground as he approached the trio, causing his cousin and hiccup to turn to him and the unknown girl to pale slightly

Did he look that bad?

"Delvin!" Astrid yelled as she ran over to him, tackling him in a hug and nearly taking him off his feet, although did knock the wind out of him with the sheer power behind her hug, cracking his back "you had me so worried!" she said before pulling back, giving him a look over and then promptly punching him in the stomach, dropping him to his knees

"Don't you dare worry me like that again!" she yelled, looking angrily at him, before once more giving him a hug

Yep that's Astrid for you

If you want to read 5+ extra chapters go to https://www.pat re on.com/HalberdofBerk

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