
The Halberd of Berk

One Leap Day on Berk two children are born, one the son of the chief and the other to a Hofferson mother and unknown father One would become the first dragon rider and the other the strongest One would become Chief and the other the Halberd of Berk One would ride a Nightfury and the other the wyvern of 1000 blades

Lord_Sadness · Movies
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45 Chs

a not so friendly chat

Delvin was administering fresh salve to Snap-pines bruises when he heard the sound of footsteps on the dirt behind him, announcing the entrance of Heather into the stable as she failed to sneak in

Not bothering to look over at her Delvin just kept rubbing in the slave, massaging the softer cracked scales on Snap-pines head, causing the large beast to let out small chirps of delight, bringing a smile to his face

he knew she'd show up eventually, Heather had been making the rounds of the village for a while now, meeting each of the dragon riders and learning all that she could. He didn't really know why, but he assumed it had more to do with the dragons than the riders, poor snotlout had spent way too much time trying to seem attractive in vain.

"God you are just a giant baby aren't you," He said, pretending to sound mocking, which only caused Snap-pine to draw closer, taking full advantage of one of Delvin's rare bursts of affection. Normally Delvin was either strictly training him or working in his workshop, so the dragon had always acted like this whenever given the chance

He continued like this for a few moments before clearing his throat and turning behind him "it's rude to lurk in the shadows you know" he said, keeping his tone neutral

"Sorry, didn't want to intrude" Heather Replied, putting on the same act she did with the others, creating an aura of innocence and naivety "i just thought that you seemed really in tune with each other, she began, laying on the butter, "i don't suppose you could-"

"Oh please, no need for the acting," Delvin said rolling his eyes at the girl, causing her to just look at him confused before he continued "once you try to stab a guy, they generally don't start caring about what personality you show," he said before continuing to pat Snap-pine, ignoring the mix of emotions on heathers face

Shock, panic, relief, intrigue, and more

The stable stayed silent for a few more minutes, before eventually heather joined him, sitting in a chair only a few meters away.

"Are you going to tell them?" she asked, not sounding afraid, more curious than anything, although Delvin could see the way she was fiddling with the knife on her belt

"No point" Delvin answered with a shake of his head, as he began to gently tug out some of the cracked scales on Snap-pines head, making room for the new scales that had already begun to grow "Snotlouts an idiot who wouldn't even care if you stabbed him, fishlegs would just freak out, the twins wouldn't care and would just keep pranking people and hiccup… he sees far to much good in you"

"You don't?" Heather replied, putting on that same naive voice she had been showing in public, actual tears appearing in her eyes. Couldnt say she wasn't a good actor

He just stared at her for a second before replying "you remind me of a wounded snake" He said with a shrug, causing her to tilt her head in confusion before he explained "lethally venomous and extremely desperate"

That hit home apparently, seeing as the girl seemed to shrink in on herself after he said that. Looking kind of lost and unsure of herself, as he imagined anyone would be if they were sneaking into berk for bad reasons at the measly age of 15 or so.

"I don't really know your reasons, but i will say this," He said as he wrapped up the medicine that gothi had given him in a rag and got up "you have one chance"

"Do what you want, leave, stay, it doesn't matter… but mess with berk and I'll kill you" he said, deadly serious in his threat as he stared into her eyes, which where already filled with steely resolve

"You've made your choice" He nodded as he walked out

"Be aware of the consequences"

short chapter, I'll have another one out soon