
The Halberd of Berk

One Leap Day on Berk two children are born, one the son of the chief and the other to a Hofferson mother and unknown father One would become the first dragon rider and the other the strongest One would become Chief and the other the Halberd of Berk One would ride a Nightfury and the other the wyvern of 1000 blades

Lord_Sadness · Movies
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45 Chs


On the misty shores of an island fits a village, sharing the same name as the land it sits upon/ this island is home to the people of Berk, Vikings! Each one just as tough and tasteless as the food they eat. It was on this same island that people for 300 years fought the dragon scourge, before finally coming to peace with them, only a few weeks ago

It was a bright morning, the birds were singing and the dew kissed the horizon. All the citizens of berk were enjoying their mornings, visiting the merchants, patting their pets and overall enjoying life

All the while Delvin was in his workshop, skinning the scales off a dragon corpse, or at least off part of a corpse.

He'd spent the last few weeks doing much the same, flying to the old nest and cutting pieces off the dragon queen's, or red death as it had been dubbed, mountainous carcus. He would fly over, cut off a chunk, fly it back to berk, skin it, store the armor-like skin and repeat the cycle

During his time working with stoick while hiccup was unconscious, he'd taken multiple samples but he'd been unable to collect greater amounts due to the sheer amount of work he had to do. But now that he had dumped all of the said work onto hiccup, who should have been doing it in the first place, all the gloves were off. He'd set to reinforcing practically everything he felt necessary, his armor, berks defenses, and even the saddles of the dragon riders, integrating the heavy-duty scales and armor plates into the designs and structures, making them durable enough to endure even dragon fire. He'd even practically turned the pit (secret base) into

What a normal person could call a doomsday bunker, filling it with so much armor plating that it was a hidden fortress

Hiccup had asked him a couple of times if he wanted to join another of the flying competitions that he had the other riders had been having every few days, but he had refused, knowing that he had work to do and that even if he did go it would just be another competition between himself and hiccup as the others were…

Well, Astrid was improving at an admirable rate, although she still lagged behind them and the others were… honestly terrible

Snotlout had little to no control of Hookfand, his monstrous nightmare, causing the beast to attempt to eat him regularly

Fishlegs, while attached to his dragon, Meatlug, had little to no talent for flying

And of course, the twins were the twins, meaning that even if they were skilled they fought so much that they ran into more trees than should even be possible

However that didn't mean he hadn't been rather busy with the crew, the past few weeks hadn't only been about reinforcing the island. There had originally been difficulties with Viking and Dragon relations. At first, it had started with the issue of Dragons simply pestering the citizens, stealing food, and climbing houses, which had resulted in them requiring a fair amount of repairs and meetings.

Thankfully Mildew was no longer around, otherwise, that old piece of rotten cabbage would have complained infinitely, Delvin could remember the time he had even complained that Delvin shouldn't even be on the island due to his foreign blood

He'd had to stop his mother from straight up killing the man when she heard that, although she did hit him so hard he lost a few teeth

Initially, the issue had been just general pestering but thankfully Delvin had created multiple safety nets that stopped relations from getting too bitter during his time helping stoick. one in the form of dragons trained to carry materials and help in food gathering, meaning that for all the damages they caused and the food they stole, they easily made up for it

Hiccup had been instrumental in teaching Vikings about their new neighbors, going as far as turning the old dragon fighting arena into a dragon academy of all things, helping willing Vikings to learn about their dragons and even how to ride them

As Delvin wiped the sweat off his brow he couldn't help but chuckle as he remembered the episode a few days ago. Gobber, having run out of work due to people no longer needing dragon-killing weapons had attempted to help stoick with his chiefly duties, resulting in the old blacksmith blessing a baby with a mace, patching up a damaged ship with iron, and marrying a man to his yak instead of his fiance!

Thank Thor the man had found a new calling as a dragon dentist, otherwise, Stoick would have died of an aneurism

He was just about to continue his work when Fishlegs barged in panting heavily

"Angry mother Typhoomerang!" The boy sputtered, still catching his breath, which was soon knocked out of him when he saw Delvin's blood appearance causing the boy to faint entirely "help…"

Delvin sent him a confused look before signing and taking off his leather apron, before dragging the boy out of the workshop and from the gory sight within it. Giving a heave he closed the door before leaning his friend against a wall and giving him a few gentle slaps

"Fishlegs… Fishleeeegssss" Delvin cooed, tapping the boy's face a few times before giving the worried Meatlug, who had appeared beside him, a wink and raising a hand back before delivering a much harder slap "Fishlegs!"

"Mother Typhoomerang!" Fishlegs yelled as he awoke with a jolt, before looking around him panicked, and scrambling to his fate yelling "we have to help the others!"

"What are you talking about!?" Delvin asked, extremely confused

"I'll explain on the way!" Fishlegs replied before flying off at high speed, towards the wood where Delvin could make out the outline of what appeared to be smoke

"Bloody Odin" Delvin muttered before letting out a whistle, not more than a second later he felt the ground shake as Snap-pine who had been sleeping on top of his jumped down beside him, causing a few Vikings nearby to let out a scream or two as the giant dragon suddenly appeared. Delvin gave him a quick pat before jumping onto his back and flying after Fishlegs

Once he had caught up to the kind-of-fast Gronkle, pulling alongside it in the air, Fishlegs turned to him, giving an explanation of the situation

Apparently, yesterday Hiccup had found a baby dragon in the woods when he was doing a flight competition with the others, a baby that appeared to be of an unidentified species. And of course being Hiccup, he hadn't even thought about any possible consequences or that it might be wise to inform Delvin, no matter how busy he had been with reinforcing berk. Anyway, not a day later a rather angry mother "Typhoomerang" had appeared and was attacking the riders as they spoke

And flying over Delvin could now easily see the dragon. It was huge, not nearly the same level as the red death but still large enough to even dwarf Snap-pine.

"There's Hiccup and the others!" Fishlegs shouted, pointing towards the incoming group of riders that were flying over, looking slightly singed and burnt

"Realy!?" Delvin said, sending a glare to the boy on the nightfury as he flew over "a baby dragon!? And you saw nothing wrong with that!?"

"Sorry, got excited at the thought of a new species" Hiccup replied rubbing a hand on the back of his hand before pulling out a dog-sized lizard from behind his back and showing it to Delvin "Meet Torch!"

Delvin just ignored him and sent an incredulous look toward his cousin, causing her to also give him a sheepish look

"Whatever" Delvin said shaking his head before pointing at the large dragon on the ground below that was burning down the forest "you want it alive?"

"Always!" the boy yelled, clearly still not comfortable with the idea of killing dragons

"Yeah yeah," Delvin said waving him off before leaning towards Snap-pines head, giving him a pat, and whispering "Go get her"

That was all the Seregios needed

Folding in their wings Snap-pine just went into a dead drop, letting gravity take them as they soared downwards like an arrow, targeting the angry mother that kind of reminded him of his own

And with only a few meters left before impact Snap-pine spread his wings, lessening his impact as they slammed into the typhomerang, Snap-pine landing on its back with a screech, hitting with an impact that instantly knocked the wind out of the beast… and likely broke a couple of ribs, but hey it was the most effective method of subduing the dragon

Good morning berk!

[and I'm back! this chapter technically covers like four episodes of riders of berk and I'll probably do this sort of chapter for most of the filler episodes but for the important ones I'll slow down a bit]