
Chapter Fourteen: Party (8)

Ariadney shook her head gently. "I don't know. That child can be weird sometimes."

"Well, it alright. I will speak to her tomorrow. By the way, those dark faes actually have super hearing but I told them to somehow keep it at bay and to restrain their magic."

The King sessed whilst he closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh air coming through the windows.

"Ohhhhhh okay then."

Ariadney nodded and suddenly moved away from Zeres.

Zeres was startled at her sudden action and gave her a questioning gaze.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to startled you. I just thought it was a little bit off for King Hadi to sent his first son here instead of him to come personally."

She questioned and tried to find the answer but she couldn't think of one other than maybe the party meant no significance to him.

Zeres pulled Ariadney back to his side. " Isn't it obvious? He was also hoping for a spark to occur between Xander and Alina." He replied calmly to his wife questions and Immediately licked her left earlobe.

"Don't think about that darling. Focus on me and let me ride you now hun." He whispered sultry and start to caress Ariadney's smooth body.

She still had a flawless and beautiful skin even though she was just in her thirties.

" So lustful!" She giggled and gave in to Zeres.

" Yes I am and that's because of you." He uttered romantically locked his lips with hers

Grace was in her house and she stood all alone in the dark with her hands at her back.

She was in a deep thought as she stared outside through the window.

She was thinking of a way to relay the visit of the two dark faes in Krestila to Victor, the temporary ruler of Dekina because if Zeres can form a more stronger with the dark faes, then the chance to over throw him might not be guaranteed.

Thus, she made up her mind to take another trip to Dekina after the upcoming party.


Xander and Jake finally settled in their room. Zeres wanted to give them a separate room each but the two dark faes declined and insisted on one room.

It wasn't the first time for Jake to share a room with Xander since they were best of friends. They were just comfortable with each other.

Xander decided to overlook what he felt and thought earlier about Alina. He wanted to focus on what he was sent to do and that's to represent his father, King Hadi, in the coming party tomorrow.

"Your highness."

Jake called and wanted to ask why he zoned off earlier. He has been thinking about it, cause he didn't noticed anything unusual about Krestila and the people who welcomed them.

Xander knew what he wanted to say but he wasn't in the mood to discuss about it.

" Drop the formality Jake, we are still best friends."

He said and smiled.

" You don't have to worry about anything. Am fine." He continued and assured Jake that he was fine.

Jake nodded, he knew Xander wasn't the type to let people know about his thoughts unless it was important and necessary.

The duo find it a little bit to adjust to Krestila, because of the time difference. Krestila has twenty six hours for a day whilst Zechash has twenty hours for a day and Dekinan has a longer day and a longer night.

They both discussed some other stuffs and somehow manage to adjust their body clock.


The Roaster crowed to signify it was morning already. Dews were visible around and they made a dreamy sight to behold.

The sun was below the horizon, spreading out a sheet of faint orange color. It illuminated a soft glow which was ethereal.

The maids and servants were busy cross checking the decorations they did inside the party hall.

A huge and long golden coloured chiffon was hung around the hall in a semi circle pattern, which was almost close to the pinnacle of the hall. The semi circle patterns were attached with a set of silvery color strings of lightening and it added a glimmering touch to the hall.

The walls and floor were cleaned and they were both sparkling. The bright and cleaned floor welcomed an epicurean titan red carpet, positioned in the middle of the hall, and it started from the entry of the hall to the King and Queen seats, which was adorned with flashy and classical items.

A large floral arrangement was added, filled with Ivies flowers, lilies, peonies and topped with sprigs of fresh Jasmine flowers. They were decorated and spread across the hall and the guest tables, thus blessing the hall with a beautiful and pleasing fragrance. It gave a vibe of closeness, and a natural feeling.

The guest tables were ten meters away from the titan red carpet, and a golden satin material served as the delicate table cover for the guest table. On the center of every guest tables was placed a name card which was shiny and deeply written in a golden color.

Some guest tables were arranged closely to the King and Queen seats. They were for the Council, Dukes, Sorceress, Dark faes and the General.

Fountains filled with grape wines were spread across the party hall and it brought out a sense of freshness and an outdoor vibe.

The hall breathe out a capricious air.

All in all, the decorations was flawless and uniquely frabjous.

The maids and servants were pleased with their work.

Though, the party was planned to commence by evening till midnight, the scurry activities in the palace didn't died down a bit.

The Queen went around the hall to supervised the preparations going on by the maids and to check the decorated hall. She nodded in satisfaction and urged them to carry on.

Alina tossed around the bed, she didn't want to walk up and she even drooled to show how much she enjoyed the sleep.

" Wake up baby."

Zeres stood in front of Alina and whispered happily.

Ariadney opened the door and moved to Zeres side.

"Isn't she awake yet?" She asked surprisingly. Though, she knew Alina has always been a deep sleeper but she expected her to wake up early today because today was her birthday.

" I think she is enjoying her sleep." Zeres replied his wife and turned to faced her.

"How about the preparations and the hall?"

Ariadney let out pleased smile. " The hall was simply breathtaking and I don't even know how to describe it. Also, the preparations are going well." She was internally proud of what the maids and servants did.

Zeres nodded and sat on Alina's bed. " Am sure I will like it then."

Alina cuddled herself and muttered an inaudible word.

Zeres and Ariadney looked at each other and tickled Alina.

"Wakie wakie princess."

Alina frowned a bit and relaxed herself. As soon as she opened her eyes, she was welcomed with the shouting her parents.

" Happy birthday!"

"Longetivity and prosperity honey."

"May all your dreams come true."

Her parents chorused and clapped together.

They sang for her and wished her.

Alina was touched and tears brimmed up at the corner of her eyes.

She was blessed to have a parents like them.

"Thank you Mama and Papa."

She was grateful and hugged them both. This was the best birthday party to her.

"It alright my dear. This is your day and you shouldn't cry at all."

Ariadney caressed her daughter's back and wiped her tears away. Alina inherited almost all her mother's features and was beautiful even more her mother.

They both had the same eyes color which was nugget brown.

" Okay you too. It enough."

Zeres tried to stop the two women from becoming too emotional.

Ariadney disengaged the hug and arranged herself.

"Take your time dear. We are leaving now."

Zeres said immediately and they turned towards the door.

It was only Alina left in the room and she really couldn't believe today was her day but mostly she kind of felt excited when she thought Xander will be at the party. She smiled to herself and frowned immediately.

Why am I thinking about him again!? Her cheeks became pink and she screamed internally at herself and covered her face with a pillow.
