
The Guy from Yesterday

After a few hours of thinking of what I'll be using for blending the flower tea, the hint of sunshine from outside is peeking at the pantry's door. 

"You should get back home and have some rest," I mutter while cleaning the table. 

"I'm so sleepy, I should get back home to get some rest but before I forget, this was for the lunch menu for today." He gives me the paper that he wrote a while ago. 

"Remember, don't mess up with my menu or I will eradicate you slowly in your sleep." He threatened me like that he's the boss even if I'm the boss. It's okay, he is older than me and I respect him. Also, what should I expect, I plead for him to come with me at the ungodly hour.

"Fine, I won't mess up with your menu so just go home and have a nice rest!" He just hums and gets all his things on the table. 

"Thank you for coming with me at 4 in the morning," I mumble while grinning at him. He just nods before he gets out of the pantry. I walk outside of the pantry to clean all the dust inside the shop. 

"It's 7 in the morning. I should have a quick bath before Jus and Theo barged into the coffee shop and saw me naked." I feel goosebumps all over my body when speculating about the scenario. I go to the bathroom and have a quick shower. 

"I should probably have some shower. I am a total mess." I assert while glimpsing myself at the reflection. I take off all my clothes and had some warm shower. 

After drying my body, I put on my clothes before getting out of the bathroom. 

My nose crinkles when Theodore and Justin look at each other like a staring contest. I put all my dirty clothes inside the bag and when I take a gaze with them, my eyes couldn't believe that they are not flickering even If I distracted them. 

"What is going on?" I ask them but they don't answer me. 

"Really? You two didn't answer me. Did you do your work? Cleaning the shop? Put down all the chairs? Wipe all the dust?" I ask them multiple answers but they didn't reply. I feel my annoyance inside my head. 

'These two dorks pissing me off.' I thought to myself. 

"We did." They say in unison without breaking their glimpse of each other. 

"It is 8 in the morning so we prepare all the things that we need. So stop being a dork and get back to work." I utter sternly but they only whine and stomp their feet like a child. 

"But Justin didn't break his eyes off me and I need to win!" Theodore exclaims.

"You two are roommates. You can do that after work but for now, we need to be fast since we're wasting more time." I mutter.

I step inside the counter and there, I see Jennie who's making some crepe cake. She smiles at me when her eyes travel to my direction. 

"I'm making chocolate crepe cakes." 

"I'm seeing that." She giggles and finishes her crepes with a beautiful chocolate ganache. She put the crepes inside the fridge and steps inside the kitchen to start baking some pastries. 

After the preparation, I open the coffee shop and start watering all the plants and flowers inside and outside the shop before starting my exciting day with my friends and lovely customers. As the lovely sun glimmered around the shop. 

The hours of work go well when all the customers are nice and friendly. One of them asks me if I have a boyfriend but what I always say, "I'm not ready for a commitment since I started my small business." 

"Why don't you try? You'll be more inspired when making new beverages if you are in love. They said that it could help you when making coffee or tea. It gives the strong flavor of the drinks when you are in love since you are putting it inside the drinks. Did someone give a signal that they liked you?" One of the customers ask but I was just laughing and nodded but in reality, I don't have time for love or having a relationship with anyone when I have the shop that I needed to take care of. 

After a tiring morning, I finally get some rest from the pantry since Yoongi was on a day off and I need to cook all his menus. I walk out of the pantry to get some coffee on the counter. I took a quick glance around the place if there were many customers so I could help them but luckily, it hadn't many customers except one person, who sits beside the glass window. 

'The guy from yesterday!' I exclaim to myself. I notice that he's always looking outside the coffee shop while leaning his head to his palm and his elbow touching the table. He looks peaceful when he observes the people walking on the sidewalk and the people on the beach.

"Where are you looking?" A familiar voice from my ear just appears from nowhere. I turn around to face Justin. 

"Nothing," I say as I get my coffee and take a sip. 

"We're best friends since childhood so I can read you like a book." He says as he wraps his arms around my shoulder.

"I know that's why I'm not telling you since you are just scrutinizing me until I give up," I mumble while sipping my coffee. 

"Whatever Mia. I know you are looking at the guy sitting beside the glass window." He says 

"He's just looked peaceful." He hums as he leans his body to the counter while facing me. 

"So you concede that you're staring at him." He asserts teasingly. I roll my eyes and hit him on his stomach. 

"I'm not," I mutter without breaking my eyes at the guy. 

What I perceive about him is, he wants to be alone like running away from the toxic world we have.

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