
The Guild of Gamers: The Supervillain

Welcome to the Guild of Gamers, where the system that controls your life was made by a lazy asshole, all your coworkers are sociopaths and the only retirement plan involves your soul being eaten by your supervisor, I'm sure you'll love it here.

DarkWolfShiro · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 17: Kill them with kindness (and bullets)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

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Betad by morde24

The Guild of Gamers: The Supervillain

Chapter 17: Kill them with kindness (and bullets)

Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)

As she easily knocked another of the guards into the wall, she made sure to hold back her immense strength, striking each guard enough to throw the man around but not hard enough to do any permanent harm.

They had guns, heavy ones at that, but despite that they were all using electric batons to attack her, clearly aiming to subdue but not kill.

It gave her hope for Huntress's fate, because while she was mostly bulletproof, heavy weapons could still hurt her, and they could definitely hurt Cassandra.

She'd seen the heavy turrets as well, and even as she prioritised smashing them they never fired, and while the guards had put up a good fight, with two Brutes fighting their way through, they'd only been able to delay them as they made their way deeper into the base.

The twisting corridors did more to delay them than the guards; they were well designed to confuse intruders. Every corridor looked the same with no distinctive features, and only the unconscious guards and signs of battle told her that they'd gotten turned around, again.

Dead ends, staircases that just led to endless corridors that didn't lead anywhere, decoy rooms, turrets and cameras scattered everywhere.

Perhaps she was too harsh on him, but hearing that he'd taken Huntress captive reminded her all too much of her mother, and her horde of mastered women.

She couldn't save them, but she could at least save Huntress.

Grabbing one of the guards, she held him by the neck against the wall as she started to use her own master power, while she couldn't make women into loyal empowered servants like her mother could, she did have a few tricks up her sleeve.

Her master power was simple, she could compel people to speak the truth.

"Speak, where is the prison?" Diana ordered as Cassandra knocked out another guard, looking a little worse for wear from the repeated strikes with the stun batons.

It stung her, it must have hurt more for her weaker sidekick.

"Aww, what's wrong Princess, you lost?" the guard, a rather muscly woman asked sarcastically, making both herself and Cassandra blink in shock.

Trying again, she froze as a voice came over the speakers she'd seen around the base.

"I wouldn't bother, Wonder Woman. My minions are immune to master powers, I'd never allow anyone to make their loyalty towards me falter." the voice said, making her hit the guard upside the head and knock her out, dropping her.

"King Midas, I assume? A rather arrogant name." Diana said calmly, spotting the camera he was watching her from.

"Well, it does take a special kind of cape to declare themselves royalty, how is Queen Hippolyta by the way?" Midas asked casually as she scowled slightly.

"As megalomaniacal as ever, I'd suggest you two should meet, but she'd almost certainly kill you. Where is Huntress? You know I'll find her eventually, even if I have to tear this place apart." Diana threatened, making Midas chuckle.

"The prisons are on the sixth floor, you are currently on the third, I hope you don't have anything important planned for tonight, I think you'll be here a while." Midas replied calmly, making her frown in annoyance. This place was massive, and it would take hours to search it all. "Good luck, have fun!"

"Midas! Save us both a lot of time and effort and release her!" Diana shouted, getting no reply.

"This is gonna take awhile, isn't it? Maybe we should split up?" Cassandra said, her lasso in hand.

"No, we should absolutely not." Diana replied bluntly. "He's toying with us, we can't let our guard down."

As they explored, she realised that they had stopped running into guards, maybe they'd already knocked them all out, or maybe they were using the cameras to avoid them, waiting to ambush them later.

Her suspicion grew as time passed, and every room they found was empty, it had signs of life, half played games of poker, videos still playing and food half eaten.

After what seemed like hours, they went through a door leading to what had to be the prisons, clear glass looking into half a dozen cells.

Empty cells.

"You know, if rescuing her was so easy, the Birds of Prey would have done it by now. They've spent every day and night since I captured her trying to track her down, if you'd just asked around they could have told you that she wasn't here." Midas taunted, a screen on the wall turning on to show Midas smirking down at them.

"You deceived us." Diana growled, making him laugh.

"You deceived yourself, I just didn't correct your mistake. If you wanted to spend your night fighting your way through one of my decoy bases, you were welcome to. It's nice to see how my men compared to an actual cape, clearly I need better ways to subdue brutes." Midas said with an easy smile as the door slammed shut behind them, a second much more reinforced door closing over it.

As she heard the quiet sound of hissing her eyes widened, watching as vents rapidly pumped a purple gas into the room.

"According to my drug tinker, this should be able to knock out just about anything short of an Endbringer, time to see how it compares to 'Wonder Woman'." Midas said idly as she immediately rushed over to the door, kicking it as hard as she could.

The lack of a response told her just how reinforced it was, and as the gas quickly filled the room, she took a deep breath while she still could and tried again, hammering against it with all her might.

As Cassandra joined her, their combined force managed to smash the door down, her eyes widening as far more of the gas flooded into the room, the corridor completely sealed with two more reinforced doors at each side, and already completely filled with the gas.

She knew that she couldn't break down a second door before she had to breathe again, and with the entire room and corridor filled with gas she rushed forwards and attempted to do so anyway, hearing a thud behind her as Cassandra collapsed.

Unable to smash through the heavily reinforced door in time, she was forced to open her mouth and as she breathed in the gas, she felt her body grow sluggish, her vision darkening as she tried to beat against the door.

As her legs gave out, the door mockingly opened and the vents started to suck the gas back in, with freedom in sight she fell to her knees, collapsing into a heap on the floor.

As she regained consciousness, she rose on still shaky legs, looking up into Midas's amused gaze as he sat on his throne, staring down at her with a smile.

The moment she took a step forward, he spoke up.

"Before you charge in, I suggest you remember that you weren't the only person I captured." Midas deadpanned as her eyes widened, looking around the room with a growing scowl.

"Where is Wonder Girl?!" Diana barked, making him smile.

"Safe and secure, still sleeping." Midas deadpanned, making her glare at him.

"Do you think you can imprison me?" Diana asked, remaining still even as she spoke. She should never have let Cassandra come with her.

"Nope, you're too strong and unless I keep you sedated 24/7 you'd break out of whatever I stuck you in eventually, it'd result in more of my things being broken, and I don't want to waste valuable resources just so I can make you reenact sleeping beauty." Midas said idly, making her blink in confusion. "Frankly, you aren't a big enough threat to be worth the effort."

"And Wonder Girl?" Diana asked, staring up at him, completely thrown off guard by his casual words.

"She's going with you, I don't want to have to deal with you kicking down more of my doors looking for her." Midas reassured her, making her glare at him mistrustingly.

"And what of Huntress? Have you not held her prisoner for days?" Diana asked, making him nod.

"I have, was I supposed to let her go with a slap on the wrist after breaking into my base?" Midas asked bluntly. "I made an exception for Shadow Stalker because she was a Ward and I didn't want to deal with the trouble that would come from keeping her prisoner, Huntress gets no such clemency, the Birds of Prey aren't quite as problematic as the PRT."

"She is a hero, you don't get to hold the moral high ground when you're a super villain." Diana pointed out, making him chuckle.

"Oh, I know but it is exactly because I'm a villain that I can't allow people to attack me without punishment, and besides… this is my territory, I am the law here. I am the Judge, the Jury and if the need arises the Executioner." Midas said, his tone regal as he started her down.

"So, I'm to be punished? I take it that if I refuse to comply, Wonder Girl will be punished in my place?" Diana asked scornfully, making him smile.

"Naturally." Midas agreed as she scoffed.

"Then do your worst, you won't break me." Diana said, her chin held high as Midas stood and walked towards her with a lazy smirk.

She could take anything he could do to her, she couldn't say the same about Cassandra, her half-sister was far less experienced and far more naive than her.

"If I wanted to do my worst I'd just call your mother to come pick you up, I certainly wouldn't need to worry about you bothering me afterwards since I doubt you'll be able to get away a second time." Midas said idly, making a sliver of fear run through her.

She had an immunity to her mothers master power, it was very unlikely that Cassandra had the same. Plus, she'd escaped from Themyscira because her mother didn't think she'd try and run, even she couldn't have fought her way off the island, and her mother would certainly imprison her for her betrayal.

Not giving him the satisfaction of reacting, stared at him challengingly as he stopped in front of her.

"Strip." Midas ordered calmly, making her scoff. Typical male.

Removing her dull red and gold armour she never broke eye contact as she dropped it to the floor with a clatter, watching his gaze slowly move over her almost naked body as she paused before reluctantly removing her panties as well.

"Well? Get it over with." Diana said, her tone unwavering as she placed her hands on her hips challengingly.

"Someone is eager." Midas taunted as she scoffed.

"I know what villains like you do to captured heroines, do as you want with me, I won't resist. Touch a hair on Wondergirl's head and I'll remove what makes you a man." Diana warned, making him chuckle.

"Yes, yes, you're very intimidating." Midas chuckled as he moved over to the side of his throne and grabbed something, walking back towards her and offering it to her. "Now be a good girl and put this on." he ordered, making her scoff as she grabbed the golden collar, glaring at him as she placed it around her neck and closed it, the cold metal pressing against her flesh.

Attaching a thin chain leash to it, he calmly turned and walked out of the room, forcing her to walk behind him wearing nothing but a collar as she was marched through his base.

She didn't let it get to her as some of his men wolf-whistled and jeered, she had no reason to be ashamed of her form.

Leading her into what seemed to be his personal section of the base, she followed him into a elegantly decorated room, red velvet walls and a dark oak wooden floor, if the sultry decorations didn't warn her what this room was for, the various sex toys and… furniture would have done so.

He had a sex dungeon, how… cliche.

Not giving him the satisfaction of reacting, she simply stared at him challengingly, making him chuckle again as he led her over to a dark wooden stockade, unlocking it.

"Place your hands and head in this." Midas ordered as she reluctantly bent over and let him lock her inside it. "We both know you could shatter this with ease, but you aren't going to, are you?" Midas asked as he knelt down in front of her, lowering himself to eye level.

The stockade was low enough that she was forced to bend over so her head was level with his crotch, telling her exactly what was going to happen to her, not to mention the way her ass was sticking out.

Typical male, wasting no time in taking advantage of her now that she was at his mercy.

"I have your word you'll let me and Wonder Girl leave once you are… finished with me?" Diana asked, making him nod.

"I'm a man of my word, and I have no reason to lie." Midas said calmly as she stared at him, searching for deceit.

"Then get it over with." Diana said bluntly, showing no fear or hesitation as he stood back up and smirked down at her.

She wasn't a virgin, she wasn't going to let something like sex scare her, she'd endure this and get out of here, then she'd find a way to bring Midas down, after she captured Aresia and put a stop to whatever she had left Themyscira for.

She never broke eye contact as he undid his belt and pulled out a sizable manhood, slapping it against her face as she grimaced.

He was well-equipped, that much was certain, and as he rubbed the meaty cock against her cheek she simply glared up at him.

"That angry glare suits you, my dear." Midas teased as he pushed the tip against her closed mouth. "Now be a good girl and open up."

She was not a good girl, she certainly wasn't his dear, but despite her growing humiliation she slowly parted her lips and didn't bite down as he started to feed his length into her mouth, a strangely sweet taste on her tongue as he placed his hand on her head and slowly started to thrust.

It was debasing to be reduced to a mere plaything for the very villain she came here to stop, but she didn't dare bite down on the invading shaft, not willing to take any risks with Cassandra.

She was having second thoughts about letting Cassie come with her in the first place, the realisation that they'd both been completely at his mercy washing over her.

Midas was being almost merciful, not 'punishing' Cassie as well, and that realisation made her more… pliable, willing to do what he wanted if it got them out of the mess she'd gotten them into.

She had only ever been defeated once before, by her mother when she challenged her for the throne of Themyscira. She knew intellectually that she wasn't invincible but having a villain work out how to take her down so easily stung her pride almost as much as the way he was fucking her mouth.

His thrusting gained speed quickly, and as her mouth was violated, she could do nothing but stand there and take it, feeling the tip of his cock slide into her throat and make her gag as she closed her eyes.

His breathing slowly became heavier as she braced herself, knowing what the twitching his shaft was doing meant, her jaw slightly sore as he had his way with her mouth, his hefty balls slapping against chin.

Despite her expectations, he slowly pulled out of her drooling mouth, stroking his length as she made the mistake of opening her eyes, just in time for the first spurt of warm, sticky cum to splatter against her face.

She flinched back as his seed struck her, painting her face, the feeling of it dripping down her face making her squirm slightly.

She wasn't a virgin, but this was certainly the first facial she'd received, the few men she'd trusted enough to bed before had never been in control, never been able to just degrade her like this.

"Now, that looks suits you even better." Midas taunted, pushing his length back into her mouth as she went to retort. "Be a good girl and clean me off." he ordered as she reluctantly started to suck, licking the salty but also oddly sweet cum off his cock as she glared up at him.

After a minute or so, he pulled back and giving her a smirk he walked around out of sight.

She didn't need him to speak to know what was coming, her legs pushed further apart as he placed a light spank on her buttocks, immediately followed by something long and hard pressing against her slit.

Dragging the tip along her slit, and spreading her lower lips, he took his time teasing her as he reached around and groped her breast with one hand, the other holding his cock as he prepared to take her.

As he finally started to push forwards, a quiet moan slipped out of her at the fullness she was feeling, he was larger than the other men she'd let inside her body, but it wasn't just that.

She was used to being in control, to being on top, to setting her own pace… and with absolutely no control all she could do just stand there and take it as he suddenly slammed his hips forwards, bottoming out inside her as she moaned lewdly.

Why was her body enjoying this? It was degrading, humiliating to have a villian inside her body, thrusting into her pussy as she was forced to let him have his way with her, but as he fucked her she could feel herself grow wet, making his violation easier, her nipples hardening to his touch as she moaned.

"Look forwards, Wonder Woman, can you see that little box on the wall?" Midas asked as he fucked her, making her look up with wide eyes as she spotted the tiny blinking red light.

"You… scum." Diana groaned, knowing what she was looking at. Her shame caught live on camera, her submission to a villain's cock recorded to haunt her for years to come.

"You don't sound so mad." Midas taunted, slapping her ass again as she moaned, he wasn't strong enough to hurt her but it didn't stop her from feeling something from his spanks.

It just wasn't pain she was feeling.

Not giving him the satisfaction, she forced her moans down and looked away from the camera, not giving it a good view of her cum-stained face.

It was hard, her traitorous body was taking pleasure from his rough treatment, his waist slapping against her ass repeatedly as she bit down and stopped a whimper.

She just hoped Cassie was doing better than she was.


I really shouldn't have, but it's fucking Wonder Woman.

I realise that this will make some things harder in the long run, but a chance to have Wonder Woman moaning as I pound into her tight pussy was too much to resist.

Spanking her large ass again, I have to admire the comic book logic of this world. She really should be far more muscled given her strength but while she has a well-toned body, she isn't so muscular as to become unattractive and is still very obviously feminine.

I already knew Aresia, one of Hippolyta's followers, had come to Brockton Bay, because she'd contacted Roulette about hiring the League to help with a plan that she's been incredibly hesitant to share the details of, and she warned us that Wonder Woman might come looking for her. Piggot gave the game away when she contacted 'Prophet', but seeing her strength in action was worrying.

Sure, it took her a while and she had her weaker sidekick helping, but she literally punched down a heavily reinforced door, and Alexandria is supposed to be even stronger still.

I need better anti-brute security, I can't rely on a defence that can be countered by a common gas mask.

If she'd been wearing anything that filtered the air, I wouldn't have been able to stop her so easily, frankly I don't have any reliable method of dealing with powerful brutes at the moment and that's concerning.

But that's a concern for when I don't have my dick inside Wonder Woman, something every teenage boy who watched Justice League or read the comics has dreamt of.

The pillory is just to add a little spice to an already delicious scenario, the defeated heroine being taken by the victorious villain, plus I have a thing for girls in restraints, just ask my former maid.

She was very well paid.

A part of me wanted to take Wonder Girl as well, but I'm horny not suicidal. Wonder Woman could crush me like a bug, even my metal form probably wouldn't help that much against her strength, and touching her sidekick would make her far, far less submissive.

The fact that I've got an OG Justice League member bent over taking my dick will have to suffice for now, but I already have ideas of how to get her.

Wonder Girl is essentially a stronger Glory Girl without flight, a hot blonde teenage girl with more power than she knows what to do with.

Maybe I have a type.

But more importantly, Vicky has a need to be the center of attention, and with Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl coming to Brockton Bay she's not even close to the strongest Brute in Brockton anymore.

With the League, Starfire and PRT reinforcements she might not even be in the top 5, and I know her well enough to know that will drive her mad.

But I digress, speeding up my thrusts, I grin as a quiet moan leaves her despite her best efforts at muffling it, her body is enjoying this even if she doesn't want to admit it, did I spend some time with Jaina using Prodigal Learner to master the art of dicking someone down?

Quite possibly.

I can feel her subconsciously clenching down on my shaft, her body giving dozens of small signs letting me know that she's going to cum, even if she tries to stop her increasingly loud moans and whimpers.

Holding out, I speed up as I play with her body, spanking her firm ass and groping her swaying breasts as her breathing quickens, gasps leaving her as she approaches the edge, and promptly gets kicked over it, a long drawn out moan leaving her as her body stills, her pussy becoming almost painfully tight as I groan, joining her in climax as my thankfully sterile seed is pumped into her waiting womb.

Amy's modification is very helpful, because I hate the idea of being a parent with a passion.

Panting slightly, I pull back and watch my seed leak out of her well-fucked pussy with a smile as I undo her 'restraints', watching her quickly rise.

Her face is flushed, and a sheen of sweat is covering her beautiful body, but she doesn't show it as she crosses her arms under her breasts and stares at me.

"You've had your fun, you'll release us now?" Diana asks, making me chuckle.

"I will, though you'll understand that I'll be knocking you out again, for security purposes of course. When you wake up you'll be free and reunited with Wonder Girl," I promise, making her scowl, before she nods with a glare. "Oh, and if you come after me again, you won't get let off so easily."

"Easi- you call this easy?" Diana asks in disbelief, gesturing down to the semen dripping down her leg as I chuckle.

"I have two drug tinkers, you really think I couldn't have made this so much worse?" I ask bluntly, watching her flinch slightly.

"Just get it over with." Diana grumbled, glaring at me again as I chuckle, reaching for a small canister of the sleeping drug I had Plague make.

Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)

Waking up, she shook her head to try and shake off the drowsiness, sitting up and looking around, her eyes widening as she spotted Cassie sitting on a crate.

"Finally awake? Guess they figured you were more of a threat, since I got a smaller dose." Cassie said as she helped her stand up.

"What- where are we?" Diana asked quickly, making Cassie shrug.

"Somewhere on the edge of the Docks, we're still in Midas's territory and some of his men were here when I woke up, but they left when they realised I was awake." Cassie explained, making her shake her head as she looked down at her now dressed body. "We kinda fucked that up, huh?"

"I underestimated him, and put us both in danger. What do you remember?" Diana asked, making Cassie shrug.

"We got drugged, then I woke up here. Midas posted pictures of us both unconscious on PHO by the way, as a warning to any other heroes who might want to attack him I guess." Cassie said, making her sigh as she blinked away the tiredness, whatever was in her system was fading quickly.

He kept Cassie sedated, and for that her opinion of him rose ever so slightly. The slight soreness in her lower body reminded her of why her opinion of him was so low.

"So, what happens now?" Cassie asked, making her pause.

"We get up, brush ourselves off and get back in the fight. I won't give up on freeing Huntress, but this isn't something we can brute force. I was too reckless and impatient, now we have to do this the smart way."

When Midas talked about Huntress, he mentioned the Birds of Prey. Huntress had allies, and hopefully they had a better idea of how to go about freeing her.

Plus, she could use some local assistance in finding Aresia, and she didn't particularly trust the PRT. They'd spent too many years trying to get her to join up for that.

Sophia Hess (Shadow Stalker)

"So, what happens now?" Sophia asked, looking up at Midas as she fidgeted slightly, uncomfortable with the complete power imbalance between them.

She owed him, twice over now, and there was no doubt in her mind that he was an alpha predator, the predator that could hunt other predators without a care, she was a badass herself but she knew when it was time to bow her head and show respect to a stronger being.

"Do you know why I freed you?" Midas asked, making her nod.

"To make me choose between jail and working for you, I get it. What do you want me to do?" Sophia asked, making him chuckle again.

"I'm afraid you 'get' very little. I have no plans to have you join my organisation, because I would be falling into the same mistake the PRT made with you." Midas said calmly, sitting down and patting the seat next to him as she sat down hesitantly.

"What's that mean?" Sophia asked, making him smile as he patted her leg.

"You don't work well with a leash around your neck. The PRT tried muzzling and leashing you and it just pissed you off. I hate wasted potential, and the PRT did it's best to suppress yours. The simple fact is that you are a hero, not a villain. You'd be stifled operating under my organisation, and that would be such a damn waste."

"Pretty sure the PRT would disagree, I'll probably be labelled a villain by the end of the day." Sophia said, unable to stop herself from preening at his words as he laughed.

"I'm sure they would, but as much as they'd love to do so, they don't get to decide who is and isn't a hero. I have a great deal of respect for independent heroes, who don't bind themselves in the endless red tape of bureaucracy. You were doing good work before the PRT collared you, and what I want is for you to do so again." Midas said, making her frown in confusion.

"You're a Villain." Sophia pointed out, making him nod easily. Why would a villain want more heroes?

"I'm a villain because it's the most effective way to improve the city, and it lets me satisfy my megalomaniacal side. The PRT and government are just so… slow, even on the rare occasions they try to make a difference instead of maintaining a status quo, it takes them months to show any improvement. It took me less than a week to claim a chunk of the city, and less than a month to improve it in ways the PRT wouldn't even try. That doesn't change the fact that Heroes are necessary." Midas admitted. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not a good person, I enjoy villainy, I can do whatever the hell I want and I'm powerful enough to avoid the reprisal, but I also understand the need for heroes, not all villains are as willing to leave innocents out of this eternal game of cops and robbers as I am."

"So, you're just going to let me go?" Sophia asked hesitantly, making him smirk.

"I will, later. I think we both know how you can earn your freedom." Midas teased, rubbing his hand up her leg as she blushed slightly, her nipples hardening as she nodded embarrassedly, silently agreeing to give him what he wanted as she reached up and quietly undid the top of her prison jumpsuit. "Ahh, but before we get to the fun part, I have something for you." Midas said calmly, pausing her as she sat there, the top half of her jumpsuit around her waist and her plain bra covering her breasts as White Rabbit brought in a large metal briefcase, placing it down and giving her a mocking wave and appreciative glance.

The Rabbit was an odd one, she was definitely prey but she was a slippery prey, one even predators like her couldn't hope to catch. She'd tried to stop her before since she was one of the few villains that the PRT was willing to let the Wards fight since she never fought back, and Rabbit just stole her crossbow after leading them on a merry chase, even Vista couldn't do much. Thanks to how fast Rabbit was, by the time Vista was ready to bend space the Rabbit had already broken line of sight.

Leaving them with a sway to her hips, she understood why Midas would want to keep her around, even if she didn't fight.

"Well, go on, open it." Midas said encouragingly as she rose, moving over to the case and unlatching it, opening it and staring in shock at the contents.

Before she 'joined' the PRT, her costume was just a black hoodie and a hockey mask, and she'd had to fight tooth and nail to get them to let her wear the black bodysuit she wore for the majority of her cape career, but this seemed destined for her

Uncaring of who was watching she immediately changed into the outfit Rabbit had brought in.

A dark purple hood covered her eyes and upper face from the world, leaving a metallic menacing mask as the only defining feature not covered by shadow. Her garments, the color of the night sky decorated with fashioned golden edges, protected her body, leaving her chest open to see a light blue square contraption secured to her body with straps of silver. Strong leather arm bracers fit around her arms leaving her hands as the only exposed body part.

Around her midsection a myriad of belts secured her clothes tightly around her body. Letting the rest of it flow down behind her, almost touching the ground. Her legs wore some high leather boots running up her shapely legs all the way to her mid thighs and under them high sticking of the same fashion as the rest of her costume.

She looked fucking badass, and the skintight cloak made it very clear that she was a woman, unlike her bulky bodysuit she had worn before, with the coat opening up in the front below the waist to show off her long legs.

"The mask has a gas filter, it turns out two of my tinkers are experts when it comes to that, by necessity I imagine. The case has a second layer." Midas said as she turned back to it, pulling out the false bottom and pulling out a jet black crossbow and staring down at the rows of bolts, of various types.

There were regular bolts, sharp and deadly, but what drew her attention was the various other types.

"This isn't a tranq bolt." Sophia said, holding up the custom made bolt, they were shaped similarly to her old tranq bolts but the liquid inside was something she didn't recognise.

"The purple liquid is a tranquilliser, those ones are filled with the Scarecrow's fear toxin, for when you need a little kick to your bolts." Midas explained as her eyes widened, looking at the rows of bolts in shock. "There's a few fear gas grenades as well, but I figured you would prefer a different method of delivery."

She wasn't a Tinker but she knew how valuable Tinkertech drugs could be.

"This is all for me?" Sophia asked in shock, making him smirk.

"The more effective you are, the better it works out for me." Midas said simply, rising himself as he walked towards her. "Which is why I have an offer for you, I'm fairly certain I can remove your weakness to electricity, for a price."

"Name it." Sophia said immediately, staring at him intensely.

"You, whenever and wherever I like." Midas replied instantly, a blush rising on her cheeks. "And we both know I don't mean as a part of my organisation. Shadow Stalker will be independent again, a lone wolf making the streets dangerous for criminals again, but Sophia will be mine." Midas said as he pulled the mask away, smirking down at her as she nodded embarrassedly.

Placing a hand on her cheek, she felt his power interact with her own as her long standing weakness was taken away.

"What if I have to fight your men?" Sophia asked after a moment, making him chuckle.

"We both know my men don't cause trouble for the public, that kind of petty crime just isn't profitable, but if the time comes where you feel the need to take on the Golden Syndicate, you're welcome to try, just know that I know your power better than anyone, including you, I can still counter you if I need to." Midas said calmly. "So, in that situation, may the best cape win. I believe the phrase 'hate fuck' will be suitable for the aftermath."

"Heh, don't tempt me." Sophia said with a grin before she paused. "The PRT will try to arrest me again."

"They will, expecting their old tricks to work a second time. But frankly if you let them capture you with the ability to pass through electricity, then I overestimated you. I'll free you again, but if you're so weak as to be captured then you don't deserve to be free, I'll just change who is holding your leash." Midas said bluntly, making her smirk.

He was right, the PRT would expect her to have the same weakness, if she hid her upgrade until the right moment she could crush her former masters, humiliate them and make it clear she wouldn't get taken in again.

She was a fucking predator, and she wouldn't be collared again.

"Yeah, let them fucking try." Sophia said, stroking her crossbow with a fierce grin.

"That's my girl, now my payment ." Midas said with a grin as he took her hand, leading her towards his bedroom as she blushed slightly even as she followed behind him happily.

A few hours later, she left the hotel in her full outfit and immediately set out towards the Empire's territory, she was a fucking hero and she had work to do.

And if she happened to focus on the ABB and Empire instead of the Syndicate, well that was just her focusing on the ones causing the most damage, right?

Helena Bertinelli (Huntress)

As Midas entered, her cage lowering, she blinked slowly, her sleep deprived mind barely reacting as it was unlocked, and her finely honed reflexes doing nothing as she fell out of the cage and collapsed onto the floor, looking up into his amused gaze.

"Now, now, now… what do I do with you?"

Bonus Scene - Accord

Sitting at his desk, he watched as Citrine placed the construction report on the Boston branch of the Oriental down on his desk, slightly too hard as it knocked one of his neatly arranged pens askew, making her freeze as she stared at him cautiously.

Picking up the report, he took a deep breath and moved his pen back into its proper place, smiling under his mask.

It still drove him mad, but his urge was simple to put things back into order, not to murder one of his best Ambassadors for such a minor mistake.

Not that it was a mistake, as Citrine was working under his orders to make minor mistakes and put things slightly out of order around him to test his new self control.

"Thank you, Citrine." Accord said calmly, his serenity returning as his desk was lit back in order. "Have you tested your power?"

"I have, the area I can affect has grown in size by 67%, and I can find the right attunement to nullify a power approximately 42% faster." Citrine reported immediately, a certain smug pride to her tone as his lips twitched up under his mask.

Midas kept his word, and the upgrade worked as advertised.

When Midas had approached him, he had been cautious and suspicious but he realised something quickly, Midas was very much like him.

He understood that you couldn't fix the world by working within the broken system, and while he didn't follow the same path they both had the same end goal, the betterment of mankind.

Accord had done so in Boston, his territory flourished even if the citizens never realised he was the cause of their happiness, while Midas went a different but equally successful path of making the citizens willingly accept his rule in exchange for the benefits he brought.

Their goals were compatible, and the League had much potential. Independent villains were a constant cause of disorder, running around with no one to guide them, and with the creation of the League Midas would be the invisible hand guiding the capes who saw themselves as Independent.

Part of the agreement for him making a hotel branch in his territory was that they respected the same rules they did in Midas's territory. League capes would be welcome in his territory as long as they didn't cause trouble, or interfere with any of his operations. It'd also open up the opportunity to utilise other villains in his own schemes far easier, using the League as the middleman allowing him to easily remain anonymous while using various villains in his own schemes.

With Midas's upgrade, his need for order hadn't magically disappeared, but it had been a part of him for so long he wasn't expecting it to, even if the compulsion from his power vanished, it was ingrained in his very being.

But it had greatly lessened his response to disorder. Gone were the homicidal rages that had cost him men, schemes and made working with many capes almost impossible.

Now, when he noticed disorder, his compulsion was instead to put things back into order, his mind remained his own, and his power provided the plan for how to put things back into their rightful place.

A minor upgrade to some, a massive change to him.

A part of him felt sorrow for his friend and ally, because he couldn't see Coil defeating Midas and they both sought the same thing. But he wouldn't get involved in the affairs of Brockton Bay, even when Coil came to him for help.

May the best Thinker win, and he'd simply wait in the sidelines to work alongside whichever cape came out on top.

Bonus Scene 2: Bonus Harder - Skidmark

"Who the fuck are these pricks supposed to be?" Skidmark scoffed, looking around at the crushed heroes before him.

His new ally was crouched over the discount goth vampire looking mother fucker and as he placed his hand on the back of the pale fuckers head, he smirked as the hero was slowly turned to dust.

"New Warriors, apparently. Some low level trash mods thinking they're boss level material." Shigaraki replied caustically.

"B!" the blue haired cunt shouted, making him smack her across the face with his pistol, watching as she started to cry.

"Get off Snowflake you-" the brat in the green visor shouted, going silent as Skidmark calmly raised his gun and put a bullet in the little shits forehead.

"O-oh god." the fat one whimpered, her Tinkertech backpack tossed aside, she had no spine under all that blubber and the moment the gun was on her she took it off, he didn't know what it did but he knew enough about Tinkertech to know he wasn't letting her use it.

"You guys fucking sucked, I've had shits that gave me more trouble than you fucks." Skidmark scoffed, watching as the pink haired brat he shot in the leg earlier tried to stand.

Not wasting time, he raised his gun again and paused as he looked down at the blue haired girl, looking between them.

Huh, twin capes.

"Aww, they have matching outfits." Shigaraki said, moving over to the pink haired idiot and kicking him back down, crouching over him as he grabbed the back of his head, a single finger away from starting to decay the weakling. "So, wanna tell me why you decided to do this little dungeon crawl when you're so underleveled?" Shigaraki asked mockingly, looking over at the fools who had attacked the warehouse they were hiding in.

"We heard Skidmark was here, and that he was a former gang leader, we thought he was trying to set up here and wanted to stop him first." the blue haired bitch squeaked as he grabbed her and lifted her back up from the floor, he still had a cut on his leg from his little icicle shit that she threw at him.

"Well congrats, you found me." Skidmark growled, making her flinch.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted the fat one trying to rise, and start scampering for the exit as he lazily aimed his gun and fired, watching her fall to the ground dead.

Trailblazer, the only trail she could blaze was from the couch to the fridge and back.

"And does anyone know you're here?" Shigaraki asked, making Snowfuck shake her head quickly, not even smart enough to lie as he calmly placed his last finger on her brother's neck, the decay spreading to his head and killing him almost immediately. "Good, you can deal with that one but we'll need to move soon, don't play with your food too much." Shigaraki said with a cruel smirk as she started sobbing, staring at her brother's slowly disintegrating corpse.

"Yeah, yeah, I fucking know." Skidmark replied as he watched his new ally leave, turning to the crying girl.

"J-just get it over with." she said, her will to fight completely shattered as he pushed her forwards, making her bang into one of the tables, before she could do more than yelp in pain, he moved forward and smashed her head against it, quickly cuffing her hands behind her back.

Every good villain had handcuffs around.

The dumb cunt just stared back at him in confusion, not getting the hint until he grabbed his knife and started cutting into the blue skintight one piece costume she was wearing, her tearful eyes widening in horror as he cut it apart enough to yank the bottom half down.

She might be borderline useless in a fight, but watching that black ass bounce around in a pair of tiny tight shorts reminded him of Whirligig, and it got him all riled up.

"N-no!" she screamed, kicking back at him weakly, one hand on the back of her head forced the weakling to remain face down against the table as he held her in place, his trousers coming undone quickly.

Her boring sports underwear quickly found it's way around her knees, stopping her legs from moving too much as he lined himself up and thrust forwards.

It'd been a while since he'd had some cape pussy, regular pussy just wasn't the same.

An hour later, he pulled out of her abused and bleeding ass, watching the dumb bitch slump to the ground, she hadn't even put up a fight after the first time he pumped her tight little cunt full of his special sauce, and as he pulled out his pistol she barely even reacted, looking up at him blankly as he pulled the trigger.

Fucking pathetic.

As he went to leave, he paused and grabbed the backpack the fat one was carrying, opening it up and looking inside.

Blinking as he looked into a void, he did the only thing that made sense to his drug-addled mind, reaching inside and grasping… something?

Pulling it out, he blinked as he looked at the very familiar white brick wrapped in plastic. She had a Tinkertech bag that made free drugs?

Reaching in again, he pulled out a Rpg launcher and stared in confusion.

He didn't have a fucking clue how this bag worked or what it actually did, but he knew one thing.

He was absolutely taking it with him. He'd need all the help he could get to deal with the golden fuckboy who'd taken everything from him, and even more to get away from Shigaraki afterwards.

He knew batshit crazy when we saw it.

Bonus Scene with a Vengeance - Alexandria

Staring at the screen in disbelief, she read over Contessa's message again, offering her as payment for removing Contessa's blind spot.

They had no idea what Contessa was doing anymore, but she was clearly on a path they just didn't know what the end goal of all her actions was.

She was making a name for herself as a master thief named Miss Fortune, wearing a rather revealing skintight red dress and a large red hat, she'd outsmarted everyone in her way and stolen some ridiculous things including the Mona Lisa and the English Crown Jewels.

When she wasn't stealing, she was doing things that just didn't make sense, like getting rid of their easy method of dealing with Dragon if she became an issue, hacking PHO and hat shopping.

Or hat robbing, after her spree of heists aimed at shopping malls, stealing only the hats.

She had also assassinated seven Cauldron assets so far, and exposed three more.

But this was a new one, and she knew in the back of her head that if Contessa decided she should become Midas's plaything, there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Which is why the books left on her bedside table instilled such a strange and unusual sense of fear.

'Shibari and you', 'Bondage for beginners' and what seemed to be the diary of a woman who was the sub in a master/slave relationship.

It wasn't published, meaning she'd probably stolen it from the woman's bedroom.

Her computer also had a dozen tabs open, each with various bondage pornos loaded up on it. That had been awkward as she'd turned it on with her assistant in the room, and they had autoplayed.

Despite everything, she saw the logic in Contessa's actions. If the blindspot was removed, she'd simply need to ask 'Path to defeat Scion' and that would be game, set and match.

Cauldron wouldn't be needed anymore, so no matter what Contessa had to do, if Midas could remove her blindspot it'd be worth it.

Picking up one of the books, she opened it and looked down at the diagrams, glaring down at the drawing of a girl smiling up at the artist, her arms bound and her body covered in ropes.

Turning the page again, she blinked as a piece of paper fell out of it.

'Stop frowning, we both know you'll do it'

Sometimes, she really hated Contessa's power.

Author's Note: I wanted to kill off the New Warriors, doesn’t mean this is a Marvel crossover now though. 

Also, my coworker has booked two more weeks off work, so I’m gonna be busy for a while. Next week isn’t bad, the two weeks after that are busy as fuck so I don’t know how much I’ll be writing. It’s completely unrelated to the two new DnD campaigns I’ve joined.

There’s a very real possibility that I won’t upload anything for two, maybe three, weeks with how busy work is going to be. 

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts