

The Guardians, were a group of silver priests born with emmense power and abilities for the purpose of controlling each of the life forces on earth. They were so powerful and wielded extraordinary powers that caused all the creatures to bow to them. They had an edict which guarded them and prevented them from abusing their powers. But, one could not imagine what would happen if a Guardian turned corrupt. Tricia was an every day normal girl, whose only thoughts were to find true love and build a happy family. But, what happens when she discovers the deep down secrets and sacrilege caused by ambitions and greed that had every thing to do with her?. would she choose to fulfill her part or run away from it?.

Job_Emmanuel · Urban
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30 Chs

Prolugue 4

The fight had begun by nightfall, it raged and prolonged to another nightfall. The attack had been very intense with neither side willing to give in to another. Their calvaries had spread over all the hillside, starring each other like pregnant borders ready to collapse at any minute into the other. At first exchange, little blood had been split, but as dawn began, blood had covered the surface of the earth.

The witches had been defeated and the flew about in distraught. They had been Slaughtered and their blood filled the landscape. The few remaining ones still tried to fight back bit stood no chance against t vampires. The weak ones and those who had lost their loved ones wailed in pain. The vampires rejoiced as they were victorious and they witches at the receiving end.

At exactly, the peak of dawn, something strange happened. They was a loud rush of wind and the atmosphere darkened. The vampire are confused and are force to halt the fight and save themselves as the wind rush over the land sweeping away everything it came across and taking it with them. In the mist of the pandemonium, a red crescent moon appears and descends into the air causing power to rush back in to the body of the dead witches and restoring them back to life. Immediately, the dead witches arose and the war began again, this time, in favour of the witches as they slaughtered and defeated the vampires.

The vampires are distraught, they had lost the war. They are scattered about in anguished and pain trying to drag themselves into safety. They witches fly about the "Blood Moon" jubilating their victory, it had all happened too soon. They were at the verge of loosing when the "Blood Moon" had descended and resurged them. Now, they had in turn slaughtered the vampires and got ready to extinct them. The vampires had fallen, The Guardian had failed them.