
The Guardian Order

When trouble, that is beyond the control of the citizens of the world, arises there's a group who works from the shadows. They operate outside the law, swiftly and with little error. Very few know of their existence and even fewer are ever selected to enter this organization, but the world could always use more heroes and the Order's shadowy veil is running thin.

JustPonyboy · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Getting registered was a fairly painless process, taking five minutes at the most. Diana and I went to what the sign said was the Operations wing, where a Dragonite had me register my biometrics with the Order's systems. Now, they would be able to call up my retinas, handprint, and voice signature on demand. For security reasons, said the Dragonite, but I was uneasy at the idea of people I didn't know to have access to my voice, eyes, and hands.

After that came the mandatory photograph, which was printed on an ID badge marked with my name and the symbol of the Guardian Order: the top half of a circle, with two L-shaped prongs through its top. My photograph was terrible, to say the least; I looked like I had just risen from the grave.

At the moment, Diana was showing me around the Personnel wing. We were in a long corridor, coming up to the indoor training room. I began thinking and an old question rushed back to me, some things I'd been wondering about since I woke up here.

"Diana, can you help me understand something," I looked over a the Lopunny before I slowed my pace, "Why didn't Darkrai explain this guardian thing to me from the beginning?"

The taller guardian grabbed my shoulder as she planted her feet stopping us both in the middle of the hallway, "Aries you can ask her when you see-"

"I know what you're about to say, and I don't think she'd tell me. You're Arceus' guardian, right? I need you to fill in some gaps, 'cause nothing is making any sense."

Diana frowned but right now I could care less, I need answers now.

For a moment it looked as if the bunny was about to walk away, "I'll tell you what I can. It might be partly due to what happened to her former guardian, eerily enough, was an Umbreon just like you. She met an unwarranted end before she was even a full-fledged guardian."

I could sense dread creeping up on me, but shuddered it off. I wasn't about to be warded off by the unfortunate fate of my predecessor, Hell, I can rise past what they expected of her. I felt any further questions would be dodged by the taller female, without a word more we continued down the hall as if the conversation never happened.

Unease washed over me as the moment we entered the gym everyone ceased their activity, all except for a lone Jolteon who continued her relentless flurry of punches and kicks on the now violently swinging punching bag. With one last strike, the bag was knocked off its chain and sent spiralling to the padded blue floor spraying sand about from the massive hole, without a pause said Jolteon began to stride over to us. Her clothing seemed to suit her. A smoky grey top that cut off at the stomach and reflective gold muay Thai shorts, to my surprise she wasn't wearing shoes.

She stood roughly above my height and stopped in front of me before sticking out a hand, "Fay-Kiru. Nice ta' make yer acquaintance, what's yer handle?"

I stopped myself from shaking her outstretched hand realizing that Jolteons are basically walking joy-buzzers, "Aries."

She momentarily frowned at my distrust.

Diana rested her hand on my shoulder, "Fay this is our recruit, Aries. He was wondering if you needed a sparring partner."

Fay seemed to light up and I felt static in the air, "Does he now? I guess I'd be tha one to take him down a few notches..."

"Just don't break him alright? He is Darkrai's guardian after all."

The Jolteon walked over to a part of the gym that was devoid of any exercise equipment, for the first time in a long time panic nipped at my nerves. Fay's smirk unnerved me as I entered the makeshift ring, I glanced away from my self-proclaimed opponent. Diana, as well as a Typhlosion and Ninetails, stood by to spectate, my eyes widened at my realization. Aries, you aren't really gonna hit a girl right? No, I'm not, just gotta fend her off. I began to look the Jolteon up and down for a weakness in her stance, when I got to her face she smirked.

"Ya ready or do ya wanna give me 'nother up 'n down," she twitched with annoyance as I pretended to ponder it, "I shoulda brought mah boots fer this dance."

I wasn't even finished blinking and I barely managed to block her hellstorm of electrified punches, something collided with what I think was the left side of my ribs and managed to catch a glimpse of the Jolteon finishing the twirl of her roundhouse kick. I became deaf to everything around me and honed in on her. The air was electrified and the smell of ozone was almost overloading my senses. Damn, the country girl can kick ass. Thinking quickly, I stumbled back to my feet using the momentum from the kick. I began to watch her body, looking for some type of rhythm or pattern in her attack. I watched her swing for an overhead punch, I slipped under and planted a kick square in her chest knocking her flat on her back. Hell yeah, that's how you do it.

My victory was short-lived as Fay hopped to her feet with flair and electricity fizzling off her fur, "Now THAT'S what I wann'ed 'ta see!"

"Aw fuck," I barely got it out deflecting a supercharged jab.

I shoved her back and shoulder charged Fay, mashing her into the wall before throwing myself backwards and tumbling back to my feet. I took this moment to look around and the room was more crowded than before. Aries, you gotta end it. You're losing steam. I figured I was running off of pure adrenaline at this point, I was in the middle of turning my head back towards Fay and only saw her fist as it connected with my jaw with an audible crack. I could feel her electricity burning through my insides, I wheeled around and before I could follow through Fay had already caught my fist. Pain shot through my entire body, I dropped to a knee gasping in pain with the Jolteon's shadow looming over me. I braced for another punch, I was at her mercy. A few moments dragged by before I began to realize that final strike wasn't going to happen, Fay pulled me to my feet and received scattered applauds and a few murmurs from the crowd that had congregated in the gym.

"Good fight 'Ries," she patted my head, "Long as ya lasted and put up a good fight too? Yer alright by me, now let's go get you that bite eh? I think you more than deserve it."

She covered her hands with strange white gloves before offering a hand, I took it with no hesitation letting her lift me to my feet. She flashed me a small smile before ushering me out of the gym, I could feel the stares burning holes in my skin as we cleared the doorway into the brightly lit hall.

"So," Her tone lightened to that of something friendly, "My name's Fay-Kiru, Fay is fine. I know who you are already. Raiku was PISSED."

I looked about as we reentered the main hub and continued down a yellow highlighted corridor, "What was up with the stares?"

"You know how everyone isn't particularly jazzed about you being male and all? Well, couple that with you being new. You've got a massive bullseye on you. But, I know a few people who'll have your back. Be cool."

The Jolteon strutted confidently into the cafeteria and I followed close behind, the large mess hall was spotless and was more filled than I had hoped. Thankfully Fay zeroed in on whatever she was looking for and motioned for me to follow her to one of the nearly full tables towards the back where an assortment of Pokémon seemed to be in a heated conversation.

"I'm telling ya' Waiko, a gun is fantastic! But, snipers are for cowards! There's nothing like the thrill of bashing and slashing your foe, feeling and seeing their fear!" A Typhlosion slammed her hands on the table to emphasise her frustration.

The Meowstic meekly spoke, "I was just saying snipers give their users a tactical advantage."

A Ninetails in military fatigues and boots patted the other fire type on the shoulder, "Raeven. Sweetheart. Calm down, she is a long-range specialist. Not everyone is a lumbering behemoth like you."

Fay cleared her throat, "Hey everyone, this is Aries. Aries meet my friends."

I walked up to, who I assumed was a soldier, the Ninetails and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise cadet. Lt. Miranda Sioux. Combat medic. You might have seen me in that meeting earlier."

"Yeah, you were with Moltres. Well, nice to know there's a Doc on standby."

The Typhlosion cut in, "She's not an actual doctor though. Reaven Blackhardt II, former knight and current badass."

Miranda shook her head as Raeven stood and flexed her biceps.

The Meowstic who I assumed was Waiko sighed, "Waiko Sentra. You seem nice enough."

"I try."

I looked back at the fire-type who now sat down gazing at Miranda, "I heard you talking about weapons, when do I get trained to use something?"

They all paused and burst out laughing, leaving me confused and slowly angering. Was that not something I could ask?


Fay grabbed my shoulder, "He's funny too! We'll see you around Aries, your handler is here."

She turned me around to face the entrance where Darkrai waited silently. I broke out into a slight jog and slowed to a walk as I joined her in the hallway leading out of the mess hall.

"I see you've made some friends." Darkrai quipped.

"I did have to fight her first."

"You did what now?" Her voice peaked in interest, "You fought Fay with no weapons? The last Guardian she sparred with was Hiro, paralyzed her for a week. I'm getting sidetracked, anyway, we're gonna go see Mewtwo about getting you fitted with a weapon."

I nodded, "Sounds good."


We walked in silence for a bit, passing through the hub and down a hall highlighted with soft red. Neither of us spoke until we made it to a lone door that was larger than normal. We made brief eye contact before entering the room.

"I'll be back tomorrow to see the suppression improvements and the tracer rounds alright?" A deep strange-sounding female voice asked.

Now fully in the room, I could see a Pikachu wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt and jeans standing before Mewtwo, but she looked off. Besides her short stature her fur was faded to a bleached yellow, she sported a chin-length shag cut that I could only assume was dyed white and her entire tail seemed to consist of only metal. I took note of the leaderboard projected on the wall next to one of the doorways, this room was bigger than I had first thought.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see what I can do." Mewtwo nodded at Darkrai and I, waving off the Pikachu.

Once the Pikachu turned around I could see her milky white eyes, circuitry webbed out under the fur around her eyes and neck. She roughly shoved me aside, growling as I stumbled.


Once the door slammed Mewtwo clasped her hands together, "Alright Darkrai, want me to run the training sim? I know he's new but I can get him up to speed-"

"No no. I just want him to select his weapon, take us to the Armory."

Mewtwo shot her a dirty look but began to walk us through an adjacent open room that resembled more of a warehouse, weapons as far as the eye can see.

My mouth must have fallen open because Mewtwo's tail pushed it closed, "You'll catch flies that way. Now follow me."

She began to walk down an aisle and I followed once Darkrai gave me the nod. I kept my eyes on the weapons, some were old fashioned and some looked like they couldn't possibly exist yet it defiantly sat on its display.

Mewtwo stopped and stared at me, I halted narrowly before running into the Legend. She bit her lip before speaking, "You know what Aries? You can pick out your weapon yourself, I've got to have a chat with Darkrai right quick."

That was odd. I shrugged it off as I shifted my focus, I guess I'll go by what grabs my attention. I walked for longer than I thought as I realized I had reached the end of the room. I opened my mouth to call for Mewtwo but shut it as I felt something tugging, begging for my attention.

I whirled around spotting the source, an unlit display that I couldn't tear myself away from. Inside was a blade in pristine condition, the metal gleaming despite the lack of direct illumination. The handle made from some sort of blackened polished wood.

I reached out for it, I could feel it beckoning me, I needed it.

The instant I held it emotions began to flood my mind. I caressed the blade with both hands as I ran a bandaged finger along with it. Hatred, sorrow, outrage, despair, hope... Rage. I felt newfound confidence, fire blazed in my heart. Why?

More confused than anything else I began to walk but slowed to a stop behind a gun rack.

Mewtwo's hushed growls came out in a burst of disgust, "How long do you plan on doing this? Lying? Don't you think they'll get suspicious of how little he knows? Start asking questions? They'll think that I've known, sooner or later you'll have to tell them... and fix him."

What in the world?


"Don't cut yourself with that."

I rolled my eyes at Mewtwo's tone, she didn't have to tell me twice. But I was still hung up on her conversation with Darkrai, Had Darkrai done something to me? I had woken up in a medical centre, maybe we had fought? My mind raced at the possible theories now budding in my head.


I looked up and Darkrai looked worried for a moment, had she been talking to me since we left the Armory?

"You know what? You should probably get acquainted with your new living space, go to the Dormitory Wing. Have some rest, we begin training tomorrow every day from now on."

With that she vanished, leaving me with a plethora of questions that I knew she most likely wouldn't answer. Something was wrong, but I didn't know what it was and doubted I could do anything about it for the time being. All I could feel now was immense exhaustion.

I sighed and looked around the hub, none of the signs was on. "Perfect."

I took a chance and wandered down a yellow highlighted hall, fading in and out of consciousness I walked into a room that unlocked for me and I passed out before my head hit the pillow.