
Chapter Two - Death

I watched Jason turn over in his sleep. The sun was peeking through the curtains, shining on his olive toned face.

Jason's dark brown hair pointed in all directions this morning. He'd say he needed to shave but his five o'clock shadow really brought character to his face. He was restless this morning. He tugged his blankets off of him showing his sleek chest and flat abdomen. He worked out often but never achieved those chiseled abs.

I left the room, not wanting to wake him. My presence could be chilling. I wish I could make him a pot of coffee or cook him breakfast but he couldn't know I was there. I longed for a family to care for. I mean really care and provide for. All I did now was watch from the shadows. On occasion I would be allowed to leave and someone else would cover for me for awhile. I would go to the market and talk with strangers. Occasionally, I would go to the bar for a drink.

I heard Jason stirring in the other room. He walked toward kitchen wearing only a pair of mint colored boxers. He shivered as he walked by me and turned to grab his robe before continuing to the kitchen to make breakfast. After eating he made his way toward the bathroom to shower.

While Jason was showering I heard a familiar sound. I was sitting on the couch and a figure appeared before me.

"How are you, Mora?" The man asked me.

"I am fine, and how are you, Samus?"

Samus walked closer before speaking. "I am well. You have two weeks of freedom this time. Then you must return to be guardian of Jason."

I never imagined I would get this much time. Not this soon. I smile crept on my face. Visions of what I would do rolled through my mind.

"Your father is very sick. He will die soon. You should go spend your time with him." Samus explained while looking concerned himself. He was watching me closely, seeing how I would react.

The smile fell from my face. "Samus, what is wrong with Pa? Why am I just hearing of his sickness? When Ma was ill I was told sooner and was able to send someone to aid her. When she passed I was only given three days to be with her."

"I'm afraid you will have see him for yourself. He's at your childhood home. You should bring essential oils with you to comfort him in his passing. When he passes, you will burn his body and spread his ashes at five different locations. When you are done, return to Master. He will give you further instructions."

"Are you here to be guardian of Jason while I am away?"

"I will be for now."

An unexpected tear rolled down my face. I was never close to Pa but I still cared for him deeply.

My vision turned hazy. I stood to leave but could see nothing. I heard a loud clap and everything went black. I nearly panicked but closed my eyes to calm myself instead. A warmth hit my senses. I breathed in and could smell home. I opened my eyes and I was at the end of my childhood driveway, looking toward my childhood home.

My pocket felt heavy. I reached inside and pulled out essential oils. How nice of Samus. He knew we not accept gifts so he created the haze so he could slip them in my pocket before sending me away.

The fog was slowly rising but still covered the hills beyond the house. It hadn't changed much since I left. The white paint was nearly completely gone from the wood panels. Who would care for the house when Pa was gone? I shuddered at the thought and began walking down the long drive.