
The Guardian gods

Join the story of five new gods and their creation, as they try and navigate and understand the universe while making sure their own world is safe from any outside danger. Disclaimer: If you expect things should just work out for the main characters, this isn't the novel for you. My antagonist are people with thought and their own plans, they are capable of adjusting if things don't work out their way. Have a fun time reading.

Emmanuel_Onyechesi · Fantasy
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237 Chs


"If we had done the opposite, then as soon as we ascended, we would have to worry about humans joining forces to ensure our people and children are no longer safe. I say all this to emphasize that when it comes to Björn's religious issue, I personally would rather be unrestrained, but that isn't optimal in the long term, which is where my eagerness for ascension stems from," Maul said, sitting back down and looking at the other demigods, his cousins.

The room fell into a contemplative silence after Maul's words. Each demigod seemed lost in thought, pondering the balance of power and responsibility they held.

Ursula, who had remained silent during Maul's monologue, finally spoke up. "Maul, your perspective is valid, but we must remember that ascension doesn't absolve us of our responsibilities. We have a duty to our children, who will inherit these problems no matter how we try to avoid them."