
The Begining

Once upon a time , where all living creatures exist in three worlds. He was the one who was assign to watch and protect the worlds,as the first Guardian D Omin.

when the world was in chaoes D Omin secrefice himself by sealing the dark lord who desire to rule the entire worlds to never inturupt the world again ,thus let the world change .All the three world fused together and create a brand new era.All the races of the three world now live in a single world but the race of the the upper classes does not accept this change and create dimentionnal world specific for their race not to inturupt by the other race

A thousand years later ..

the people living does'nt even remember that the incident hapen like at all.accept for those who live a long life or decendend of those.To them its just a myth/legend and an interesting one at that .

Now a days,the world operate in a system where every living being can posess magic even humans but only a selec few who can hernest magic energy can used it .

One day a phenomenon occures when the decendent of the ancient dark lord folowers tried to locate the seal and attemp to break the seal .They perform a secrificial ritual ,with the emence concentration of dark magic that they perform the world began to shake and a few catastrophy occurs in the world ,when that hapen a certain spirit energy eminent from all over the world gathered on the sky on one spot and form a child .