
The Guardian's Wish

World at peace, yet so many violence. No peace will achieve if no understanding will happen. Julius, named after the great conqueror, attempted to take his life. Julius is a man taught to be fierce and brave, taught to become a man worthy of his name. How to become worthy, he asked. How to be brave, he asked. His father answered. "To survive every battle fought."

VivaLaDeutsch · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Predator vs Prey I

I am pathetic.

I didn't even think through about my actions and only made a compromise without evaluating the situation.

"You should've just stayed still, Vien."

That was what lady Rose, a classmate of mine, said to me before we separate. She's an upper noble being a daughter of Duke and yet I can see the fear in her eyes as I made my boldest decision.

She, too, knew what would happen to me from now on.

I thought it would be good to be able to fight back against those who think they are strong while hiding behind the walls of status. I thought I would be able to bring justice to those became the victim of such atrocities.

I thought I was right.

"We can't let you use our room after what happened, Vien. Even if we want to, we can't."

I got kicked out from the inn.

"I'm sorry to say this, but please don't come back anymore."

I lost my job.

"You are a fool if you think we will save you. Even if you join, you will only bring greater malice than benefit. We are a neutral organization but you decided to anger the highest authority, perhaps this could teach you some senses, well, if you live long enough."

And I lost my future.

What only remains are the words of the Guardian's wish. To destroy the calamity that will soon struck this world to annihilation.

I tried my best not to be affected, but alas, it is something I cannot control. I wanna blame them for doing such a thing and yet I am also a fool to even provoke them.

Now here I am, wandering aimlessly as if I am a mere stray cat waiting to be hit by a fast moving car.

What an unfortunate turn of event.

It's raining, and it's quite cold. My bags are also heavy with many things left unsold due to the prejudice that was given to me.

I am officially a dead person in this moment and only the killer awaits me in my end.

I can sense many of them watching, waiting for me to let my guard down. They are like predators thirsty of blood that won't leave their prey alone until its entire existence vanish.

But I only wish for them to come at me.

I wanna wreak havoc, while blaming others for the suffering I am currently experiencing. I wanna cut them into pieces and send their bodies to their rightful owners who can't even manage their own pet.

"I wanna get this over with, so why don't you all just come to me at once?"

I am prepared to slaughter them, kill them all, declare a war against this entire country while waging within its capital, until a sudden light of hope appear within this abyss.


- Due to the requirements being met, you have acquired the upgraded skill of (Saturn's Ring)!

I can only remain speechless from the sudden appearance of the window. For the first, I have never done anything to met any sort of requirements. I simply wish to be swallowed by this pouring rain that will soon turn into bloodbath.

"Pfft... It seems fate refused to kill me."

If that's what it means, then I might as well make use of it.

Hearing my words from before and sensing something is off, the predators became cautious of their meal. They knew that I will fight back so their guard soon raise and made a few steps backward.

This situation gave me the opportunity to check my status, and see if what I saw is true.



Status Menu

Name: Vienna Louis

Age: 16 years old

Level: 71

Health: 19,371/20,000

Magic Capacity: 50,000/50,000


Str: 91

Int: 87

Agi: 90

Dex: 79

Vit: 81

Luk: 63

Def: 91

Atk: 96

Blessings: Guardian's Apostle(Concealed), Dancing Blades(Concealed), Saturn's Ring(Concealed)

Upgraded skill(s): (Saturn's Ring)

Message: Upon using (Saturn's Ring) Vien can now appraise multiple statuses at once. All appraised statuses will also be applied to Vien's status once (Guardian's Apostle) is activated.


Turns out, it was an incredibly lucky moment for me. Something that can already turn the tide of this upcoming war between me and this country.

At the same time, the predators have made their move.

Now that they have my power grew stronger, they are forced to resort in a more underhanded tactic. An ambush.

At first I thought assassins play their role individually. Perhaps those are nothing but naive mindset of mine since I used to live a secluded life back then.

However, for more than 15 years of living in this world and a week of staying here in this capital, one thing thought me for sir.

"Never be fooled by the image of your surrounding."

Since I am being ambushed, I activated the lightning spell I used before.

"Thundering Chaos!"

Since my level has gone up, so does my magic spells. The thunderclaps that resound from the lightning aftermath is so loud it might have caused a panic. However, even if they see me being outnumbered these fools will do nothing but watch.

The ground that strucked by the lightning didn't cause any sort of thick smoke due to the rain, however, it is enough to remove myself from their line of sight.

Once I saw this opportunity, I activated Saturn's Ring. And to my surprise, all of the people's status window within a hundred meter range opened.

Its light shines as I was surrounded by them, I can see some of them having an average status while some have an extraordinary powers. But what truly amaze me is that I can use this all to activate my first skill.

And of course, Guardian's Apostle is activated.

Within a microseconds, the entire statuses of both the watcher and assassins multiple by 2 individually and added all together giving me an immense amount of power.


Status Menu

Name: Vienna Louis

Age: 16 years old

Level: 71

Health: 19,371/20,000

Magic Capacity:50,000 /50,000


Str: 91(+1,851)

Int: 87 (+1,733)

Agi: 90(+2,179)

Dex: 79(+3,013)

Vit: 81(+2,264)

Luk: 63(+1,504)

Def: 91(+2,097)

Atk: 96(+2,701)

Blessings: Guardian's Apostle(Concealed), Dancing Blades(Concealed), Saturn's Ring(Concealed)

Message: Requirements met, Activating (Dancing Blades) level 3!"


Soon, a crimson blood blades appear and surround my body as it emits dangerous aura which made the watcher tremble in fear upon sighting the most terrifying thing they have ever seen.

As if they saw a demon that will soon devour their entire being.

"So this is level 3, it's truly in another level."

I met the gazes of the people. Feeling a little pity to the bystanders that will soon become the victims of this slaughter, I gave them a chance.

"Leave the area immediately or else you all will die."

My words didn't reach them, and instead threw a rock at my direction. This is how strong their prejudice is against me.

Because of that, they have become my enemy.

"Then it shall be carnage."