
Meeting the Riddler

I woke up, whether it's dusk or dawn, I could not tell. It looked all the same to me. Red clouds upon the horizon, they are a constant reminder of just how blood-ishly each day ends.

The other day, when I walked through a forest, as is my habit, I met a strange man. Clothed in green he was, reminding me of some movie characters that are trying to look like the people from centuries ago.

He was not an actor, though. Or so I thought. I approached him, and asked him whether he usually wears such queer clothes, and whether he lives in the forest. He answered

'Oh, yes. I do, and I do.'

After getting his answer, I got up and cracked a joke of the clothes, mentioning the movie characters.

He nodded as if he understood, although he seemed to think it through just a little too deeply for a joke. I think he did not smile at it. After a minute of silence, he said

'If I really look like a movie character, then how come I am not one?'

I thought for a little bit. The question seemed so obvious, yet the answer was not coming to me. I finally gave up, and admitted I did not know.

'Very well, honesty is the key to truly understand the inner self. You must not hide your imperfections if your intention is perfection. As for your question, give it some time. I am not going to give you the answer. Come to my cottage once you've found it.'

he said. I wasn't so sure if he was trying to tell me to go away, and I really wanted to ask him what his name was before leaving. But he ignored my question. So I decided it truly was a good time to leave.

On my way home, I thought of what he said about the honesty, rather than the question he had asked

'Honesty is the key to truly understand the inner self. You must not hide your imperfection if your intention is perfection.'

These words were still racing through my head. If I cannot hide my imperfection, I cannot be perfect, can I? Because then I have some imperfections that I am aware of. I cannot be perfect if I know of my imperfections…

I continued my way home, still unsure of the exact meaning of this. I had a queer feeling inside of me that it was something crystal clear. But I could not think of it. Not for now at least. I decided to focus on the main quest that I was given.

So… why is he not a movie character is he looks like one? Well, he is not playing in a film, there were no cameras. Perhaps he meant something less human-like. Was he referring to him playing a character in the play of life?

When I come to think about it, the current computer games are not that far from reality. There are often open worlds, and you can search them. Nothing unusual for us, we also can go anywhere in the approachable world. We might get punished, but our limbs can get us there.

The same goes to the computer games, I think? You also get punished time to time when you do things considered to be bad if the game was programmed like so. Was he referring to him being a character of a play or a game that he cannot control?

Characters in computer games are programmed and cannot do any more than what their program allows. So, are we also limited in this way, somehow? Hm, I believe we actually are. We cannot do some things. Our eyes do not see everything. We do not hear everything. And we really cannot just change our home out of nowhere. There are many laws in various countries, then we need money and things like that, so we cannot move out suddenly. Or to go for a trip at any given moment. We must go through some process, or it could be called an algorithm. An algorithm that was made by the human race without actually writing a computer program. This could be my answer. I should visit that guy in the morning. I hope he is pleased with my answer... wait, why do I even want him to be pleased with the answer in the first place?

I am the one who came up with it. These are my thoughts and I consider them to be possible. Still, I seek that feeling of approval. Maybe I am not so different from a dog that catches and then brings a ball and expects a reward after all? Something that satisfy my needs. Look just how far the simple question led me. It has nothing to do with the initial question at the first impression, but it still led me there.

Time really flies when one gets lost in thoughts as they say here. I already see my house. I better take a shower and go to sleep so my morning thoughts are fresh to see that guy early in the morning before heading to school.


I woke up, brushed my teeth and headed to that guy in the green. When I walked to him, he was sitting on the grass in front of his cottage, sitting like some precant being at pray.

I was in a hurry due to some ordinary life things, school that is, to catch up with, so I decided to interrupt him. He did not seem to mind it, he actually smiled at me and asked

'So, do you have your answer?'

I explained to him all the thoughts I had yesterday. He seemed impressed and then said

'See, see. My reference was to all of us playing the movie that is led by the nature itself. There are natural laws we cannot obey. You were not far away from a similar approach at one point. But you approached it your way. I like your answer.'

When I heard this, I suddenly remembered how teachers respond when you don't answer as they want you to. This man has not given me any lectures and therefore cannot have any expectations like the teachers do. I was mesmerized nonetheless.

Just the glance, mere imagination of teachers, no not only them, everyone reacting in such a manner gave me goosebumps.

Had we been asked questions to which we are not supposed to know the answers, would it have been the same? The times of exploration instead of sitting in classrooms.

'Lost in wonders?'

asked the man. I nodded, and then thought a little more. Then I said

'You know, I already gave you the answer to the question. Before I left last time, I also wanted to ask you something.'

He replied 'Oh, so I thought. Ask away.'

I was a little nervous to ask for a name when he had asked me a serious question. But it is normal after all, nothing wrong with that I guess. And so I spoke

'Can I ask what your name is?'

He put his hand on his chin in wonder and smiled '

Well, you could call me a Riddler if you need some name to call me by.'

I responded 'Oh, okay. Thank you Riddler.'

I was used to people asking for a name back, but he didn't. Then I remembered! I had one more question to think about, that is right. I almost screamed in excitement

'You know, Riddler. I pondered about the words you said about perfection. I think it makes no sense not to hide imperfections, because then you must know that you cannot be perfect.'

He was still in the same position with his hand on his chin, thinking it well through before responding

'I see your point there. My intention to tell was that you need to realize your imperfections in order to fix them. Being imperfect today doesn't mean being imperfect tomorrow. Whereas if you were to ignore your flaws, you will never be able to fix them. I asked you one question, you asked me two. How about another one for you?'

I was hoping for him to ask, and happily said 'I am up for it.' with a grin on my face.

This is the end of the first chapter. If you find an interesting approach to any of the questions asked, feel free to comment in here. I will happily read it.

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