
The Groonian Alchemist

Grimmknorr, the shrouded one, came from a land invaded by a natural and unending darkness, destined to work as a slave for those that his kind had once massacred and tortured for food and pleasure. The shrouded one and his kind would have been destined to work and die in service of their owners if it were not for a wizard of grand knowledge; a wizard of great greed and longing Grimmknorr would have died like a dog. But the wizard gave the Shrouded One something that would forever change everything. The wizard gave the Shrouded one a hint—a hint that would send the Shrouded one onto a path to create those that should not have existed. The First Son, Leader of the Informus Insectum, once known as a lethal syndicate turned cult. Emperor of the Beast Legion, the barbaric leader of the Shrouded One's feral army Husk of the Shrouded One, the horrific husk of hundreds of men And the most dreadful of them all The Devourer of Hope, It loved only two things: eating the innocent and writing its horrific poetry I will be posting my story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/328286

Thorny_Gecko · Fantasy
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I am about to make a big change to my novel I hope all the readers will stay after my changes but whatever happens happens. I'm going to go back and greatly adjust the chapters I have created.I am rewording and completely getting rid of chapters. What I change, add and get rid of from now on is part of the story.