
The india days:1

It all started in 2013 After clearing my school, I went india for high school to get admission the place was Andhra Pradesh, Tenali . A small town in corner of south india

There I meet 3 people on train with there parents we started talking they were from different cities . But still we 3 managed to get comfortable with eachother. The next day we reached our city where we have to stay for 2 years.

After we went to our hotels rooms with our parents and the next day we went to the school office where we can process for our admission. We 3 did the process for admission and we got admission . The 2 guys whom I meet on train on the way to college were Rocco and Nigen . We stayed there in hotel other night with our parents . That night was quite emotional because we never stayed away from home before . We went out for dinner with our parents there we first saw they were serving food banana leaf . That was quite fascinating we and parents went there in hotel to eat we 3 took biryani. My father and one my friend father eat plain food like normal rice and curry .

The next day we left the hotel and we went for college after getting there was a in charge named Chaudhary sir . He asked me do you know someone who studied here or studies now here. Then I remembered one of school and class friend was there .Simply I told chaudhary yes sir , Angelo max is here I know he immediately called him down . Well what I saw is, A guy coming in white uniform I was bite happy but it was kind of weird to see him in white uniform .Then I asked him in low voice is there any girl in our school . He started laughing told me with same pitched of voice .Bro here no girls are around and not even allowed .I was bit shocked because everything was new for us . I introduced my two friends whom I meet in train with my school friend Angelo saying there name they are my friend Rocco and Nigen . Our parents along with us came inside hostel saw room where in one room 5 member were staying. Soo along with my friend Rocco and Angelo I started to stay in one room .

Then after settling us in room our parents left for home we were sad , sacred at same time .

Then a unique character enter our room Bunking class .His name was Regon we thought he might be our senior we talked him very politely later we know he's our batchmate. Then at evening I meet 2 3 more friends from my hometown Ryan Jacob and the one man whom I never thought gonna stick with me my whole life sunny . The night happens sunny came to my room he told every rules how to speak how to stand how to behave with senior .Because 2 3 night before some senior came to them to Beat them because they went first to take their breakfast. When the senior enter there they shouted in the fear calling chaudhary sir help us ! Help us . From there chaudhary sir came with stick to save like angel father .anyways he saved them . Then one thing hit my mind I can't go back home if I go many people will question why didn't you stay there. Soo I only got on option that I do have to survive stay and study for good marks . The warden caming to close the the light and sleep we went to bed because the next morning classes were from 6:30 morning sharp.

All the year began to pass like days

We were busy in studying the place where we learned how to study The Vivekanand junior college

We cleared our intermediate exam with marks

Without knowing the real life is waiting for us being savage