
The Greek Pantheon: A New God Born In Olympus

Olympus the home of the gods in mythology a place where the gods live in peace and prosperity...well usually unless they are plotting or killing or...love making Olympus is usually a peaceful place however recently events have made some of the gods aware of a new development as to wether it is worth their attention or not remains to be seen.

TheLonelyNephilem · Anime & Comics
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An Insight Into Humans And Test Of Ability

(Sky above Greece)

Kinitikós laughs as he glides through the air in the form of orange energy which is invisible to human sight except the warriors that worship him, he finds the temple they made for him and lands directly in front of it only to look down and see one of the warriors kneeling at the shrine looking up in shock "Oh hi, hey you doing" the warrior faints and falls backward with a thump, Kinitikós chuckles and sits down at the base of the altar they made for him "Why do this guys even worship me?...do I symbolise something to them or are they praying simply so they can hope I'll stop a boulder from falling on them or an arrow from piercing their skin" he chuckles "I guess that's what they expect" the warriors who fainted wakes up and locks eyes with Kinitikós who notices he's awake "Afternoon" the warrior stumbles back up to his feet "My lord, was it necessary to scare me in such a fashion?" Kinitikós chuckles "Not intentional but funny none the less" the warrior sighs "Could you at least give me some warning next time?" Kinitikós rubs the back of his hand "Hm, not a fan of spoiling my arrival but I'll think about it" the warrior nods "Thank you" Kinitikós smiles "So what's your name, follower of mine?" The warrior kneels "I am Andr Drud of Athens" Kinitikós smiles "Nice to meet you Andr, so..." he leans forward staring down at Andr "What's your reason for worshiping me?" Andr takes a breath before answering "I wish to gain your protection so I may defend my city in battle without the risk of injury" Kinitikós grins "Noble, I like that...ok well how about this he produced a black and yellow ring with an orange gem in it "This will allow you to create a shield of kinetic energy, but use it sparingly as maintaining the barrier will drain your stamina quickly" Andr takes the ring and puts it on and sees the gem glow a faint white/yellow colour before it fades. Kinitikós smiles "Use it well and only in defence of yourself and those you are protecting" Andr nods "I will and I will not misuse this boon" Kinitikós narrows his eyes "I hope not" Kinitikós flys back into the air and decides to go visit a nearby spring to cool off.

(Water Spring)

He sighs as he lays down on a rock formation in the middle of the spring, he sighs and decides to take a quick nap but before he does he makes sure he isn't visible to anyone and that he's not at risk of falling in the water with a wrong turn.


Kinitikós wakes and notices the suns now right in his eyes he moves over to try and get it out of his eyes but he ends up slipping and nearly falls into the water but manages to use his abilities to prevent his body from moving he then uses his foot to lift his body back up by moving back. Kinitikós breathes deeply "That was a close one, definitely don't need to be falling in water right now-" he is cut off by a loud roar and feels something hit him in the back, he goes flying but manages to catch himself and turns around to see a Minotaur who growls at him. Kinitikós sighs "Might as well test out my new technique" he pours kinetic energy into his hand as the beast runs toward him and lunges at him, doges the attack and opens him palm blasts the Minotaur while causing minimal damage to the spring and the surrounding forest but creates a decently powerful wind shockwave which travels upward. The Minotaur falls over unconscious and Kinitikós breathes a sigh of relief "That was lucky, thought I used too much energy there" he lets the Minotaur's body fall to the ground before he thinks of where to go next "Hm, where should I go next-" he hears rushing water behind him and sees a massive shadow appear over him "Oh what now!" He turns to around to see a water elemental. Kinitikós sighs "Really" he gives the elemental a blank stare which immediately gets it to back off and shrink back down into the spring, Kinitikós sighs "Right now what was I doing again...oh yeah thinking of a new place to go" he thinks in his head for a few minutes before smiling "Let's go pay the Olympians a visit, I haven't seen any of them yet" he jumps up into the air and flys towards Mount Olympus.


Zeus sighs as he watches from his balcony as the rest of the city goes on about their business until he feels a powerful presence and turns to see Kinitikós waving while hanging from his roof "Yo" Zeus chuckles "Well look who it is, last I saw you, you were just an infant now look at you all grown up" Kinitikós laughs "Yep" Zeus smiles "So how's your journey of self discovery gone so far" Kinitikós smiles "Pretty well, still don't have all the answers but I can wait, I've got all the time in the world after all" both of them laugh with Zeus grinning "True, though I am curious to know about how you were even in that Crystal in the first place. I mean I've heard of gods being born under weird circumstances but I think yours takes the cake" Kinitikós nods "Yeah, I wish I knew why especially since I'm a primordial but I wasn't born until now...why?" Zeus shrugs his shoulders "I don't know kid but sometimes somethings are better left unexplained" Kinitikós sighs "True enough but still I would like some closure at some point" Zeus puts his hand on his shoulder "I'm sure you'll find it at some stage" Kinitikós smiles "Thanks" Zeus chuckles "Don't mention it, also I think you have an admirer" Kinitikós looks at him confused "Who?..." Zeus chuckles "You just missed them" Kinitikós looks at Zeus more confused "Is this a joke?" Zeus shakes his head and Kinitikós sighs and thinks to himself "Who the hell could be admiring me?" Zeus wrestled him from his thoughts "Oh also how you feeling, you know with all these unanswered questions and stuff, your not letting it get to you right?" Kinitikós shakes his head "I try not to let but when I sleep all I hear are those same questions running through my head. Why was I born? Why was I in a crystal?, Etc" Zeus breathes deeply "You'll find your answers, I'm certain of it just be patient and they will reveal themselves in time" Kinitikós nods "Thanks Zeus" he smiles "No problem Kinitikós, just take from now ok?" he nods and Zeus leaves while Kinitikós stays to stare at the city for a bit before disappearing as well.