
The Greek Pantheon: A New God Born In Olympus

Olympus the home of the gods in mythology a place where the gods live in peace and prosperity...well usually unless they are plotting or killing or...love making Olympus is usually a peaceful place however recently events have made some of the gods aware of a new development as to wether it is worth their attention or not remains to be seen.

TheLonelyNephilem · Anime & Comics
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(Why I removed the other chapters)

So I'm sure your all wondering why I decided to delete the last two chapters…well I feel like I have robbed all of you of something truly unique and original like I showed during the build up chapters and I wish to apologise and make up for that by actually delivering something original and unique that you'll like and I very much apologise for the horrible way I decided to integrate the verse I selected so I am very sorry and grateful to those who originally loved the book until I fucked it up. I hope I can still deliver something you'll love to read soon.

And while I cannot promise it will be quick and daily I will attempt to keep it going as I really desire to make a book worth reading for all of you.

Regards The Lonely Nephilem