
The Greed of a Maiden

Arbit a young man with silver wakes up in the middle of a field with no memory. He soon realizes that he needs money to get food and shelter so he joins a party. Little does he know that he has now thrusted himself into the middle of an all out war that he will need to play a big part in.

Travis_Halvorson · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Battle of Heroes and Philosophers

Amicus: Yes I know. Why do you think we are in such a hurry? I think that is Fide crouching in the bushes so get down, and move slowly and quietly.

The two sneak over to Fide and hide in the bushes with her. Arbit looks around, and sees that they are on the edge of the forest, with their backs to the rest of it, and a field in front of them. The field was separating the brush they were hiding in, and a cliff that was large enough that Arbit was unable to see the bottom from where he was. The next thing that Arbit noticed was that there was a Man standing in the middle of the field. He had lavender hair that was slicked back, and he had his eyes closed. The man simply stood there in silence. Arbit's eyes were drawn to a fluttering white dress that had gotten caught in the wind. The dress was worn by a girl whose youthful face was stained by great pain. She had Amethyst hair and sky blue eyes that trapped Arbit's gaze. He felt something deep inside of him change. The deep sense of loneliness that had plagued him ever since he woke up in that field now felt so far away. If asked how long he spent like this Arbit wouldn't be able to answer, he was caught in a still and timeless world. That world was brought to its end when he was called back to reality by a whisper.

Amicus: That is definitely the Hero of Greed.

Fide: He hasn't changed at all in the last couple of years. He looks the same as that day.

Suddenly the hero of Greed's eyes shot open, and he looked directly at Arbit with cold grey eyes. He cocked his head back and stretched the muscles in his neck by rolling his head around once.

Hero of Greed: Now then, let's get started. Stop hiding in those bushes, and fight me with honor. After all a surprise attack is far too cowardly of a method for the likes of the hero of Fortitude, Aristotle, and the rightful heir of the bloodline of envy!

Amicus: We knew from the beginning that direct confrontation with the heroes was unavoidable, and it is clear that continuing to hide is a waste of time. So I ask you both to stand and fight with me. After we do this we will have a constant target painted on our backs.

Fide: Oh course! You know that you don't even need to ask.

Amicus: Well Arbit?

Arbit tightens his grip on his sword and looks Amicus in the eye

Arbit: Lets kill this psycho!

Amicus: All right Fide and I will make an all out frontal assault you stand by and jump in when you think it is the right moment. Do your best to work out his ability by watching him closely.

Amicus stands up, and sets his sights on the Hero of Greed.

Amicus: Aetherem

The same golden glow that had appeared when Amicus had formed Arbit's sword was now covering his entire body. It Gradually got brighter then it subsided and gave way to a very faint golden glow. Fide put her hands to the ground.

Fide: Terram

Same as when Amicus had uttered this word, several swords came into being. If Arbit had to put it into words he would say that the swords had bled up from the ground as a glowing material that then formed into swords. She tossed one to Amicus and kept the other two for herself. She then nodded to Amicus and looked to the Hero of Greed who was still standing in the middle of the field looking bored waiting for something to happen. Amicus nodded back and turned to the Hero of Greed.

Amicus: Now!

As if this one word was the pull of a trigger both Amicus and Fide shot forward faster than Arbit had seen either of them move before. They were in perfect sync it was clear to anyone who happened to catch a sight of their attack that their bond was something special. Amicus was the first to strike, or at least he was the first to attempt a strike. He took his sword and aimed to bisect the man in one blow. Right after him was Fide who took advantage of the blind spot created by Amicus. Directing her two swords for both his neck and ankles. Despite these attacks overwhelming strength the man still stood there unharmed even though he had not moved a muscle. Each one of the attacks had been perfectly countered by a small but thick rod of metal that simply appeared in their path.

Amicus: What the hell! Fide be careful he can use Philosophy!

Although he gave warning they didn't falter for a single moment in their assault. Amicus twisted his body around once again to face the Hero of Greed and as soon as his feet touched the ground.

Amicus: Terra!

Immediately the ground beneath his feet warped to launch him at his foe at tremendous speed. Meanwhile Fide recovered and prepared to back up his attack. Amicus was launched slightly above the Hero of Greed. He tried to kick the Hero of Greed with all his force, but once again a metal bar blocked the impact. It was sent flying at the Hero of Greed by the impact, but it disappeared before reaching him. However Amicus was already back on the offensive. He had been sent back by the impact of his kick. He looked over at Fide and their eyes met. Suddenly she knew exactly what he was thinking.

Amicus: Terra!

Amicus whipped his body around and a large block of dirt appeared at his feet and he launched off of it. Amicus now directly above the Hero of Greed stretched out his palms toward him.

Amicus: Flammam!

Huge streams of fire shot from both of Amicus' hands. A large metal disk guarded the hero from the inferno above, but Amicus then directed the blaze to completely surround the hero and obscure his sight from all angles. This had been the moment Fide was waiting for. She took advantage of the hero's temporary blindness by delivering a strike that he could not possibly block. Just as she bolted toward that man Arbit felt his stomach sink. He thought about calling for her to stop, but he decided against it because he had no logical reason to back up his sudden fear. So she closed the distance, and delivered two deadly blows through that burning pillar. The fire stopped and Amicus landed on the opposite side as Fide. When she looked over her shoulder to see the result of their plan she was able to catch one glance before preparing herself. For the first time the Hero had moved. He was right behind her. She had put her all in that last attack so she was unable to dodge in time, all she could manage was to bring her arms up to guard herself. Then he, in one continuous motion, removed his hand from his pocket, and struck her with the back of his hand. The strike created a gust of wind that shook the forest. Fide was sent flying. She flew until her body collided with a tree with a dry thud, and there she stayed lying limp on the ground.


The golden glow that had surrounded him grew thicker. Arbit watched as Amicus once again launched at the Hero of Greed, but this time he moved so fast that Arbit's eyes could barely keep up. This however did not seem to faze the man who had placed his hand back into his pocket. Amicus struck at the man several times a second, each blow producing shockwaves rivaling that of the blow Fide received. Despite Amicus' incredible display of power nothing changed. The man still stood there not moving a muscle while disks and rods of iron protected him from every blow. Suddenly Amicus stopped his onslaught, and stood panting next to Arbit. The golden glow around his body flickered a bit. Arbit looked to Amicus and saw the vast swirl of emotions in his eyes. Among that hurricane there was something that stood out, and that was a deep burning rage that seemed to be coming from his very core. Amicus seemed to have caught his breath, and readied himself for battle glaring at that man who stared back looking bored. Arbit's once again stomach sunk, and he was overcome by sorrow. Amicus Bolted back at the Hero of Greed, but this time Arbit couldn't stand the Idea of Amicus getting hurt as well so he called out.


Amicus was already at full speed going straight at the Hero, so instead of striking with his sword which had been his intention, he jumped above the canopy of trees behind him. As Arbit had been yelling to Amicus the Hero of Greed had pulled his hand from his pocket and aimed his palm at his attacker. As soon as Amicus left the ground, a large metal rod with a sharpened point materialized and flew into the open air, which Amicus had occupied mere moments before. For the first Time since Arbit had laid eyes on the Hero of Greed, he saw an emotion other than boredom appear on that wretched man's face. That emotion was complete panic, and it washed over his entire body. Amicus landed and saw his opening. He launched at the Hero of Green Who quickly turned around, and tried to shield himself with a disk of metal.

Hero of Greed: Terram!

Amicus slid under and landed his first hit of the fight, nailing his enemy in the face with a kick that sent him flying into the air. Amicus almost immediately after launched himself in the air, and started the swing of his sword that would surely end that man's miserable existence.

Arbit: STOP DON'T!

Amicus was mid swing so all he could do instead was to give the man a second kick that sent him flying right at Arbit. In the heat of the moment all Arbit could think to do was to stick his sword in that direction, and by sheer luck his blade pierced the man's heart. Thus the existence of the man known by the world as a hero in title only ended.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Travis_Halvorsoncreators' thoughts