

(21+) stories are hot and may contain adult content. Rich. Handsome. Arrogant. Are 3 things that quite describe a Max Wanger living a life. He has a lover named Jenny, but unfortunately, their relationship is not sanctioned by Max's parents. One day Jenny is kidnapped by a group of deadly criminals who call them selves a plot of Ghosts. This made Max angry! The man vowed to hunt down the Ghost gang and destroy all its members without a remnant! So, can Max save his girlfriend Jenny? What is the connection between the Ghost gang and the wealthy Wanger family?

DeeRaa_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


"Sory Max, I have to pick it up."

"Sure, please."

Detective Aldo immediately picked up a phone call that turned out to be from one of his clients. But he quickly said if he was busy, so the phone was connected to his men to be handled.

"Okay, so we got to the motive of the culprit earlier," said Aldo after hanging up the phone.

Max immediately explained.

"Yes, they say that the motive for all this is because there is a grudge with my father."

"Arsen Wanger?"

"Yes, that's right " It sounds absurd, if a grudge against my father Why drag me, or kidnap Jenny? But at least that's what they told me, Aldo," Max explained.

"No, I don't mean that, Max. This sounds reasonable to me. Some kidnappers do this way. They would rather torture loved ones by the target, rather than injure the target himself. And this method was quite popular around the 70s with the mafia in Italy. This is often called the Italian Rule!"

Max raised his eyebrows.

"Italian's rule?"

"Yup " And I think you're in the game, Max."

Max understood.

"Well, so now it's clear if the game is like a chain of interconnected links. The plot first targeted my father, then they targeted my favorite person, which was me. And they also wanted to torture me by kidnapping Jenny. Makes sense. Italian's Rule!"Max did it again.

Detective Aldo then gives his analysis back.

"Then it's Max, I think the problem this time is quite serious. If judging from the clothes of those who attacked you who wore black clothes, then obviously the plot is very professional and well organized. Not to mention about the firearms they carry, not just anyone can have a firearm, right?"

"I agree with you, Detective."

"Well, that's why I advise you, Max, to stay careful now. And in the meantime, we'll try to gather new clues. I think I should check your father's life history as well. How his past is, and who his enemies are. Because the most likely culprit is someone who has a grudge against your father."

Intelligent Analysis. Max admits that Detective Aldo is a very experienced person with problems like this.

Then Max put the coffee cup on the table and asked, " So how long does it take to get access to the CCTV in my apartment, Detective? And will we also get the license plate of the car from the offender?"

"Hmm, if only for CCTV access affairs do not need a matter of days. Within 12 hours I promised to get it. It was an easy job for us. And obviously, we'll start working today for you, Max. And if there is any further news, we will report it to you immediately."

"Okay, I entrust this matter to you. But as you know, I can't just sit there and wait, can I? Then what do you suggest to me? What can I do to help solve this case?"

MMM, detective Aldo was thinking for a moment.

"Maybe this is it. You can start picking up information about your father's past. Like I said, Max, look for people who have a grudge against your father. Because most likely, he was the culprit's brain. But Max, I suggest not being too reckless. Stay calm and don't make any noise. We need to gather enough evidence first to confirm who did it ... I mean, don't let us wrongly accuse people. Do you understand?"

Max nodded. His eyes looked straight and empty. His hands clenched until he pulled out the muscles.

Suddenly he was imagining the face of Jenny, who is now somehow the fate of the woman.


At The Headquarters Of The Ghost Plot.

Jenny's face looked very pale and weak helpless.

She couldn't sleep all night because something bad had happened to her.

His hands and feet are now tied to a large bed. On the left and right there is only a dim beam of light from the dim light on the nightstand.

The window of the room was not open at all, and he was kept in a secret room without knowing which day and which night—for there was only dimness in this stuffy room.

"Oh, God, help me," said Jenny repeatedly, with a face that was now bleak as a result of her crying all night.

She missed her sweet daughter, Nina.

She also missed her mother, Mrs. Merry.

"The two of them must be very anxious because I didn't come home today," Jenny shook her head, grumbling to herself.

"And Max? Oh, my god, what about his fate now?"Jenny wondered because the last thing she saw was that Max was lying on the floor of a secret apartment with a gunshot wound to the chest.

I had a bad idea, that Max was dead from blood loss.

"No! That can't happen! Max must be alive and survive the events of that night!"Jenny looked at herself, debating the bad picture that was in her head.

In his heart, he continued to try to think positively, if the police that night arrived on time, then called an ambulance and immediately fled Max to the nearest hospital.

Then when Jenny was daydreaming like that, suddenly the room door opened slowly.

Jenny justified her body position, getting ready to see who came.

"How Are You, Beautiful?" apparently it was Jack, and his hoarse voice quickly echoed in Jenny's ears.

How disgusting!

"Let me go, motherfucker! I'm innocent and you shouldn't have arrested me!" The woman screeched while trying to move, but unfortunately, the rope that binds her body is too strong.

"Hey, come on, Don't be fierce like that, pretty."Jack immediately closed the door, turning the room back dimly lit.

Jenny kept trying to pull her hand so that the rope could slip apart, especially as Jack began to sit next to her.

"What do you want?"

"Calm down, beautiful, I promise I won't hurt you," said Jack grinning, his disgusting old face—especially the scar on the temple of the left eye—making Jenny want to vomit.

"Cuh! Get out of my face!"

Jenny spat at him, then she continued saying, " I don't care what you say anymore! Fuck you, shameless old man! How dare only a weak woman like me!"

Getting that humiliation this time Jack couldn't stem his emotions. He quickly stood up and slapped Jenny in the face very hard!


"Aw!!"Jenny groaned. Her tears shed.

"Shut up you! You bitch! You should be better at me now! Because if I wanted to, I could even kill you right now!"

"I'm not afraid of you!"Jenny's eyes bulged. Her face is advanced, defiantly undaunted! "If my death is now in your hands, why? From now on I will never beg you for anything! Don't expect it, Old Man! And you will not get any good treatment from me at all!"

Jenny was about to spit in her face again, but Jack this time was more dexterous and immediately silenced Jenny's mouth using a black cloth.

"Alright, your mouth is indeed very ignorant of manners! So I have to shut your mouth from now on!"

Not only with a cloth, but Jack also quickly took the plaster in the drawer, then closed Jenny's mouth tightly. Now Jenny was speechless anymore, her voice perfectly silent.

"Listen, Jenny, if only you wanted to be more kind to me, of course, I would also give you good treatment. But honey, you are a bitch who does not know good manners! Then I have to be rude to you!"

Jenny was still trying to open her mouth, and her eyes glared in anger at the middle-aged man.

Jack immediately slapped him once more, as he was annoyed by Jenny's challenging gaze.

After slapping him, Jack held Jenny's chin violently.

"And one more, Jenny! If you don't be nice to me, then I'll hurt your daughter! Her name is Nina, right? Hahaha, of course, I know his name. I even know where Nina went to school!"Jack laughed.

Jenny's emotions exploded. She doesn't want Nina's name mentioned by that guy!

"Hmmmppp... hmmppp...."

"Why? What are you talking about? Hahaha. Now, if you want your daughter to be safe, just follow my will! Do you understand?"

Jenny shook her head, flatly refusing the compromise. Tears are now pouring down her cheeks. He wanted to fight, but what his strength was was not possible.

"Look at this, Jenny," a moment later Jack pulled out a small piece of photo. It was a picture of Nina!

Jenny's eyes rounded instantly!

"Hmmmpp ".. hmmppp..."

"Hahahaa " Now I ask you one more time, do you want to obey my orders?"Jack asked with a sly face.

Jenny was silent. His shoulders shook with tears.

"Answer! Do you want to obey my orders?"Ask Jack again.

And in the end, forced, Jenny's face nodded.

Jack laughed aloud.

"Good, good, you should have been sweet like that from the beginning, beautiful," Jack said, feeling victorious, and then he walked up to the door.

Check out!!!

Jack locked the door from the inside!

"Hmmmppp... hmmpp..."

"Hahaha, why? Didn't you just say you want to obey all my will?"Jack burst out.

Jenny's eyes bulged in disbelief as Jack then began to unbutton his shirt, one by one.

Then shirtless, Jack immediately approached Jenny who was helpless in bed.