
The Greatest Scandal of the Century

In the relic streets of the Western Lands, where all the nobles and peasants share the same illiberal customs under the Western Temple's rule. This was just the perfect place for all the ladies -nobles and peasants, the tainted and pure -to create the perfect disturbance for this tedious lifestyle. - "Sister! Have you heard the news -Damen Knightly, he's here!~" the girl laughed giddily. "Mind your manners young lady, I haven't finished writing my proposal yet." A high feminine voice answered in tone, she had been writing for hours now. "Tomorrow I'll be meeting the man of my dreams, ehehe~"  (Yes, and I'll be the most beautiful woman in the century). (~Ahh), Lustful cries and hopeless cheers have infiltrated the young brazen minds of the ladies in West lands. They had vowed for this moment as news spread from the Eastern walls that Damen- the unworldly beauty of a being had arrived home. If by chance you'd ask the maidens of the East about romance, this is how they would spell it - DAMEN. Northerns were known for their love of books about lust and passion, but they only share one genre in common -DAMEN. Southerns never missed out the fun, journalizing and literature is where they excelled at, and their hottest topic? -DAMEN. In the name of Damen Knightly, the man is known for his divine looks that had stirred the entire maidens of the four regions into corruptness. His name is tarnished by the maiden's illicit cries, tainting his reputation as the Centuries' Casanova. Though they were only rumors that spiked from his ferocious beauty, is there any way for this young heir to live his life peacefully and even settle for marriage?

Theinfamous_ln · History
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Chapter 1- Damen of the West

"Sister! Have you heard the news -Damen Knightly, he's here!~" the girl laughed giddily.

"Mind your manners young lady, I haven't finished writing my proposal yet."

A high feminine voice answered in tone, she had been writing for hours now.

"Tomorrow I'll be meeting the man of my dreams, ehehe~" (Yes, and I'll be the most beautiful woman in the century).



Lustful cries and hopeless cheers have infiltrated the young brazen minds of the ladies in West lands. They had vowed for this moment as news spread from the Eastern walls that Damen- the unworldly beauty of a being had arrived home.

If by chance you'd ask the maidens of the East about romance, this is how they would spell it - DAMEN.

Northerns were known for their love of books about lust and passion, but they only share one genre in common -DAMEN.

Southerns never missed out the fun, journalizing and literature is where they excelled at, and their hottest topic? -DAMEN.

Known is the man for his godly looks. His center being was coveted by the lustful dreams of the virgins.

One look is all it takes to be smitten by his tantalizing ruby eyes, it had stripped ladies off their dignity and exposes them to their perverse thoughts.

His hair were of golden strands as fresh as honey and silky enough -it was impossible not to scheme even once of running your fingers through those naughty locks.

And finally, his overall exterior -his perfect complexion and demeanor arouses each maidens to hop out their doors. Ready to throw themselves at him anytime.

Dear heavens, the ladies were in an uproar of the news of his arrival. They have completely soiled the young lord's name out of their frustration -creating more and more fanfic, novels, poems and even scandals of their own attempt to satisfy the undying thirst.

And Damen? Where was he in all this?

-The young lord never even batted an eye towards the uproar he had unknowingly caused. As appealing as he may seem in the news and gossip, he was a total blockhead and slow in this.

Sex? Romance? These words were totally foreign for him. He might as well label himself impotent and a late bloomer.

Damen had sat and camped outside of his carriage for a total of 24 hours now. He had been busy with his brother's affairs in the Eastern walls. And now that things have been settled down in a total of 6 years, he was finally free to go back home.

As he stayed in the Eastern wall, he had acquainted himself with Lady Talia. The elegant lady would soon become his sister-in-law in the upcoming wedding which he had no idea when.

Upon his arrival, he was greeted by his loving mother figure -Sister Mia.

Hey! If your enjoying this, it would be really awesome if you give this book a review...Also, note that the following chapters from 2-9 are Prologues of this story....this is necessary for Damen and Talia's relationship as they journey ahead.

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