
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Hurtful Conversation

Andrew smiled at the kneeling soldiers once they took an oath of loyalty. He moved his hand upwards as he said:

"Stand up... and I also take an oath. An oath to make the kingdom of Zion the greatest kingdom there is, has been, and will be."

The soldiers returned the smile hearing that and slowly got up standing straight up on their feet and among the soldiers Daniel was smiling most cheerfully.

Suddenly the peaceful silence was broken by a light cough. Oliver coughed lightly to gain Andrew's attention before he said "My lord may I-"

Before Oliver could have finished what he desired to say Andrew vanished. In an instant, Andrew just disappeared from everyone's eyes making them look at each other with confusion but for some reason, Victor instead of being surprised and confused like others was extremely serious.

{[Ability: Teleport]}

[Type: Active

Rank: III


Description: As the name suggests, it allows the host to teleport from one point to another in an instant.

Note: The teleporting only allows you to freely teleport anywhere BUT only anywhere in your kingdom. You cannot travel out of your kingdom's territory although you can travel inside the kingdom from outside.


Line To Activate: Teleport (Mentally or Physically)

Cost: None]

"Lord Victor," Oliver said softly as turned slightly to the right to look at Victor "Did his highness really teleport? It's... it's... a spell that can only be used by a mage that has five or six magic circles right?"

"That is the case..." Victor was quite puzzled at the moment and it was noticeable by his low voice "But that can not be possible until-"

Once again, before Victor could have done saying his sentence he was interrupted by a small cough "*ahem*" Andrew had appeared once again at the place he was standing before he vanished.

"Victor, I want to discuss some matters with you so let's go. Also Oliver you should come up too when you're done fixing things here." Andrew said with a calm voice "And one more thing... tell a maid to go to my room and clean the vom- I mean mess I made there."

Andrew originally teleported to his room but the "mess" he created was still present there and it smelled even worse thus he appeared back on the upper levels.

"Sire... I also desire to speak with you alone." Victor said with an unchanged serious face and tone walking closer to Andrew.

"Alright...?" Andrew asked with a bit of confusion in his voice seeing Victor so serious suddenly "Then meet me at the courtroom." With those words, Andrew disappeared once again from there.

"Oliver, take care of things here. I will return here once I am done discussing with his highness." Victor said without looking back at Oliver.

"I see..." Oliver could feel something was not right but he did not question it. He thought he should not interfere between Victor and Andrew.

Victor chanted a spell under his breath and then teleported from there directly to the courtroom. Victor had teleported himself into the middle of the courtroom.

"Oh, I didn't know you also could use teleportation." Andrew said calmly as he looked down at Victor from his throne.

"Of course, I can, sire. I am a magic user that has 7 magic circles around his heart. I am a peak 7-circle magic user." Victor slowly moved closer to the throne as he spoke.

"Oh? a grand wizard? I didn't know you were that powerful." Andrew smiled, "I guess I could use that factor for my upcoming plans."

"Who are you?" Victor asked, looking up at Andrew, directly into his eyes.

"Um?" Andrew raised his eyebrow in confusion "What do you mean? I am Andrew. Your king? I don't know what else?"

"Please do not play dumb. Even if his highness was to lose memory and even had his personality rewritten he would not have magic." Victor raised his hand aiming it toward Andrew with a magic circle in front of his palm.

"Victor, what are you talking about? and put your hand down. Don't force me to use my powers on you." Andrew said calmly.

"Do you think I won't recognize a creature of magic!? and try it! I am immune to dragon tongue!"

"Dragon tongue? I don't even know what you're talking about Victor. Calm down. This is your last warning Victor... dont force me..."

Victor ignored the warning and sent out multiple white-colored magic arrows toward Andrew at which he sighed. Andrew instantly teleported behind Victor at some distance.

"I," As Andrew appeared behind and said that Victor quickly changed the trajectory of the magic arrows and sent it towards Andrew once again at which Andrew teleported away.

"Andrew-Z-Caesar," Andrew continued to say the activation lines as he teleported at the entrance of the palace "Command Victor the prime minister of Zion to not use magic until I don't take my command back."

Since there was no limitation in distance Andrew used his brain and used his ability of authority at a distance where he could not be hurt by Victor.

Victor was looking around the room to see where Andrew teleported but when he did not find him he tried to use magic to teleport outside, however, Victor was unable to utilize magic.

Victor's eyes widened in confusion "What?" As he said that Andrew appeared in the room, once again, behind Victor.

"Don't waste your energy. My power is beyond your imagination. Well, it is beyond mine too but yes." Andrew sighed softly.

"What are you... if you're not a dragon then what are you?" Victor knew he was nothing but an extremely old man if not for magic thus he did not fight Andrew but talked calmly.

"I don't even know what the hell is a dragon- and as I said I am Andrew or I think that at least... that's what you guys call me anyways." Andrew said.

"That does not explain why you have magic suddenly or how you could control other people by just commanding them. Only dragons have such powers and I am supposed to be immune to dragons then that means you are not a dragon but something else." Victor said.

"Trust me whatever you said mostly went above my head-" Andrew signed "But anyway let me explain how I got this power."

Victor did not say anything and stood silently before nodding after a couple of seconds "I am listening."

"So I-" Andrew was about to explain about how he was stuck in a room and then was bestowed a system but before he could a panel appeared before his eyes that made him sigh loudly in disappointment and frustration.


[If any other mortal was to know the truth of the system and the room you will lose the greatest monarch system]

'What's with this suddenly? You want me to die by Victor's hand or what' Andrew thought gently rubbing his forehead.

"What's the matter?" Victor asked, narrowing his eyes "Thinking of a lie?"

"I am not- it's just a sensitive matter for god's sake." Andrew sighed once again as he thought about what he should say "God damn it- I can't tell you the truth but I really am Andrew. I think..."

"What do you mean by I think? It's whether I am or I am not." Victor said looking at Andrew with narrowed eyes because he was clearly suspicious.

"Victor... everyone has their own secrets and as I said I don't remember anything. I am putting my truth on you and the people around me. I am what they tell me I am... I feel horrible. I have no idea what I am doing or how I even know this language I am reading and speaking... I am confused about everything. Do you even know how I feel!? has it been like I dunno a couple of hours since I woke up? but just in these hours my life feels like hell! and guess what? ha! I don't even know what is hell"

That was like a breaking point for Andrew. Andrew instead of explaining his powers started to explain his feelings and what he has been through in these couple of hours.

Memory loss was a very rare thing and a complete memory loss was even rarer. It was not only very rare but also confusing for both the doctor and the patient. Especially the patient.

Those who suffer from complete memory loss understood, spoke, read and wrote the language they learned but they had no idea how they did that.

Those who suffer from it had basic common sense and could do nearly everything they did before losing memories but still, they had no idea how they could do such things.

Those who suffer from it had their life as a puzzle that they could not solve no matter what they do or how many times they try to solve it.

Andrew was no different but looking at the situation he forced emotions like those to be deeply buried in his heart.

"I..." Victor was speechless. He had been living for many years and so he could understand body language better than anyone in Zion... thus he was sure not a word that came out of Andrew's word seemed like a lie. They were true feelings of his.

Andrew sniffed and felt his eyes getting wet. He quickly turned around and rubbed his thumb against his nose to check if something was coming out of it or something.

"I am sorry, sire..." Victor said softly as he hesitantly patted Andrew's back "I did not know you were going through this... I am really sorry for starting this hurtful conversation."

"It's fine..." Andrew smiled lightly and somehow felt calmer feeling Victor's hand on his back. Perhaps it was Andrew's body that reacted to Victor's touch making him calm.

"Now-" Andrew was about to say something but he was cut off in the middle by a very loud voice coming from outside:


To be continued...

Thank you for reading! :>

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