
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Death That Gives Satisfaction

"One down- twenty-one more to go!" Andrew said excitedly looking down at the headless body of the advisor with a small giggle.

In a blink of an eye, after the giggle Andrew's expression changed once again and he turned serious as he said:

"Now... everyone come in front of me kneel... except for Victor and the head advisor who's the name I forgot. You two shall stand in front of me."

Some walked slowly and some walked quickly down their stairs and kneeled down in front of Andrew. Some were calm outside and some were shaking outside but inside everyone was the same... they all were terrified.

However, even in the moment of terror, three people were smiling. Victor continued to smile proudly, Priest Antonio continued to smile confidently, and... Head advisor Oliver was smiling weirdly... it looked like he was happy at what he was witnessing.

Except for Andrew, Victor, and Oliver, everyone present in the courtroom was down on their knees with their heads down showing respect to their king, Andrew.

"Now... I will talk to you all soon but for now, I must talk to these two." Andrew said to the kneeling court members before he looked at Victor and Oliver.

"Tell me... Victor, what I did was right or wrong?" Andrew asked in a playful manner.

"What you did was absolutely right, sire. Advisor Kevin deserved to die and everyone here would agree to do it." As Victor said that everyone started to support his words but just by a raise of hand from Victor made them quiet.

"Very well... thank you." Andrew then moved his vision to Oliver who was staring at Andrew's face with an awe expression, "You're Oliver right?"

"Y-Yes your grace," Oliver quickly came back to reality and bowed as he spoke, "I am the head advisor of your court, sire."

"I heard about you... you're known to be talkative so why so quiet today?" Andrew smiled gently "I also heard you talk shit about me too."

"I am talkative however I could not bring myself to talk in front of your mighty aura and I would not deny I talked bad about you however that was you before, Sire. If I must be honest with my words I feel like I have become your fan and respect you with all my heart."

Oliver talked with a gentle voice that made a lot of people there surprised. Even Victor was surprised because Oliver have not even talked to Victor this well ever before.

"Very well... your answer is satisfactory. Now tell me should I kill all of them here?" Andrew asked as he turned his face to the kneeling courtroom members.

"Their death would be satisfying, however, as an advisor, I would like to advise you to not do it. To be exact, you can kill them but killing them without any reason or proof will make the church angry. Oh, and of course, you could bring no harm to the priest after all. That would make us enemies of the holy church."

Andrew listened to Oliver calmly and once Oliver finished his statement Andrew let out a loud sigh "I guess I can't kill them then-"

Hearing that a soft smile appeared on the faces of the kneeling court members but that disappeared quickly when Andrew said something once again.

"You thought!" Andrew said loudly and started to laugh "Ah~ but what if they commit suicide after writing a letter confirming all their bad deeds?"

"That... would bring us no harm however that is not possible, Sire. They will never commit suicide or admit their bad deeds." Oliver said with a confused expression.

"You leave that to me." Andrew smiled cheerfully and turned around to climb up his throne again.

Once Andrew walked up the stairs and sat on his throne he looked down upon everyone with a calm and serious face.

"I, Andrew-Z-Caesar, command all my court members and ministers expect for Victor and Oliver to go to their home and commit suicide after writing a list of every crime you all did in your suicide note along with an apology letter saying you feel bad doing everything in past and now have decided to kill yourself for the greater good."

Oliver sighed hearing that and thought 'I thought Andrew has changed and has become mature but no... he thinks they will listen to him?'

Everyone except for Victor was mocking Andrew inside their mind and some even physically by whispering to each other but... the mocking ended instantly once Andrew completed his statement.

Everyone's body started to move on its own. They slowly stood up and started to walk away. Something was wrong... everyone understood thus they started to say apologize to Andrew and begged for mercy. Even the calm priest could not help but make an ugly face once he realized his death was fixed by Andrew.

{[Ability: Authority]}

[Type: Active

Rank: I (Growth)


Description: A king has absolute authority over his kingdom and as King you have the same power. You can order anyone in YOUR kingdom to do whatever you want without any limit.

Note: You can only order your people to do something and not people who come inside your kingdom. Also, the things you ask them shouldn't be impossible to fulfill, or they would instantly die.


Line To Activate: I, (your full name), command you to (your order)

Cost: None]

Authority was the reward Andrew got from the starter pack for completing his first tutorials. The ability was the reason Andrew was acting soo excitedly before.

Oliver has his mouth opened. He was not sure what happened but he was sure of one thing that was definitely the doing of Andrew.

However, Victor looked at the matter with a serious expression on his face and many questions on his mind.

Andrew smiled wickedly at their miserable faces and waited for everyone to leave before he suddenly leaned on the armrest of the throne and started to vomit.

Victor was about to ask questions he had but seeing Andrew vomiting he panicked and forgot every question he had "Sire!" He yelled out and walked worriedly to the throne along with Oliver.

"Ha..." Andrew was breathing heavily after he was done throwing up. He cleaned his mouth with his shelve before mumbling "I hardly controlled this..."

"A-Are you okay, sire?" Victor asked worried as he rubbed Andrew's back gently "Shall I call court physici- I mean a physician?"

"No need for that..." Andrew said softly looking at Victor "I just need to rest..." He said tiredly.

"Your royal highness," Said Oliver "You just woke up from Coma a physician must examine you especially when you barf."

"Oh, I could confirm you that the vomit was not because of the coma." Andrew said smiling lightly "It's just that- I took life for the first time... I wanted to vomit right when I did it but I controlled myself... I shouldn't be weak." Andrew explained.

"..." Victor and Oliver looked at each other before nodding "Very well then, sire. I suppose you should go to your room and rest." Said Victor.

"I surely would but call a maid to lead me to the room. I don't wanna be lost in hallways again. To be exact call, Amy. The maid with green hair and eyes."

Victor nodded and clapped his hand before saying "Guards call Maid Amy to the court! she has green hair and green eyes." loudly.

The guards nodded and followed the command. They walked out of the court without showing their back to them until they walked past the last copper throne.

Considering the state Andrew was Victor did not ask any questions nor did Oliver say anything until Guards return with Amy.

Amy bowed and greeted Andrew formally "I am honoured to be in the presence of the sun of Zion."

"No need for formalities Amy," Andrew said and stood up "Act like you were acting before." He said those words as he walked down the stairs toward Amy.

"..." Amy stayed quiet and looked down unaware if he meant it or if he was being sarcastic to her.

Andrew smirked once he was in front of her and said "You did not think that I will let a girl that disrespected me right? I, the king, thereby sentence you to the death penalty for disrespecting me the king."

Amy flinched and looked up at Andrew with a pitiful look "I- but..." Her eyes started to fill up with tears as she saw him just smirking.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading! :>

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