
Chapter 13

"WHAT?!!" Udon's eyes shoot wide open as he looks around him and sure enough, Asahi is missing.

Hastily, he got up and went outside and inquired to Yazuke if ever anyone saw Asahi but everyone was too drunk.

Fortunately, the screams earlier caught the Prajñā group as they all promised to help search as the group scattered throughout the forest.

"Where did you go...." Udon whispered to the air

He knew the kid's confusion but never expected him to do such a thing like this. 

Now, Udon can only hope for Asahi to stay safe.


Is it pity? or is it because he can relate the Whirlpools Village to his village? or perhaps a much more grander reason?

Asahi didn't know what compelled him to, but right now, he was running on the sea, heading to the Land of Whirlpools.

It's not like he doesn't know the danger that awaits him on that island, it's just that there's this gut-wrenching feeling in Asahi's chest that he can't ignore.

And so, he did the stupidest thing and threw the meticulous plan they made and charged straight into the lion's den alone.

This means that any mishaps on the mission will ultimately fall on his shoulders.

'I guess old habits never die huh?' Asahi humored with a chuckle remembering his time in the past.

As a rouge ninja, things such as plans and orders don't exist whenever he takes on a mercenary mission because he works alone.

Now you might ask, what can a young boy do in a war that annihilates an entire village more powerful than Yokogakure? None! And Asahi knows that. 

Well, he must have at least a plan, right?

'Fuck! it's definitely because of this young boy of mine.' 

Asahi cursed his 10-year-old body which was affecting his mental state, making it akin to a real 10-year-old boy, always making hasty decisions in life.

But there's no going back, Asahi has been running for a few hours and is quite far from the Land of Woods by now.

Unfortunately, he is not a robot and is tired while his chakra is about to be empty so continuing traveling with this method is a no-no.

 And as if heaven had heard of Asahi's predicament, a boat appeared from the distance as Asahi hid in the ocean by canceling the chakra on his feet.


Even the 10-year-old Asahi knows the difference between impulsive and pure stupidity. If it was only chunin ninjas embarking on the boat, Asahi might give it a chance but alas, the Shinji family wasn't blessed with magical eyes and he doesn't want to take a risk. The bargain is his life after all.

Asahi dived down, going deeper and deeper just to avoid being seen by others.

However, it seems as if heaven has cast a curse on him as a massive octopus has cast its eyes on him.

'Oh dear lord I'll be an obedient kid I promise.' 

The octopus's eight tentacles all charged at Asahi who was unable to fight back.

His fire and earth element nature was useless under the ocean and the strength he was so proud of was helpless in the face of the beast's might.

'Oh fuck...' 

Were the last thought of Asahi before he lost consciousness.


The Prajñā group, the two children, and Udon search all over the territory of the Land of Woods but no sign or clue about Asahi's whereabouts can be found.

This left Udon to continue the mission without him as the former announced that they were leaving.

"But leader, what about Asahi?!" Osamu asked with a loud voice, worried about the well-being of his missing friend.

"I'm sure Asahi went ahead on his own, so we'll meet him there." Udon understands what the child is feeling at the moment as he reassures the two.

"But isn't that dangerous?? He doesn't even have a boat?!" It was Reiki's turn to ask this time as the two were panicking.

"Relax, Asahi is a smart kid, he'll figure things out, so let's worry about ourselves first." 

Udon tried his best to calm the kids down as they boarded a wooden boat that the Prajñā gave them as a thank-you for spending time with them.

And so, the group of three sail through the sea once again, on their way to their final destination.

'Stay safe, Asahi-boy'

Overlooking the vast sea, Udon is also worried about the black-haired kiddo just like Osamu and Reiki.

Over the course of their journey, he had grown to like Asahi. After all, he was sensible and mature for his age, often taking the captain role because all he did was laze around but the kid never complained.

At first, Udon just like Aoe, was against bringing the children to this mission, they are still kids and will just get in the way instead of helping.

But Keiki was thick-headed and never listened leaving Udon with no choice but to bring the children along. 

But the more time he spent with the kids, the more he started to share the same sentiment with the Yokokage.

When he first heard from Keiki that he had found a successor who would inherit the mantle of the kage and it was not a member of the Mamushiki clan, Udon was shocked as he expected Reiki to be the successor as he inherited the clan's kekkei genkai.

Upon meeting Reiki, Udon realizes that the child has no aspiration to be a Yokokage and instead just wants to surpass his father.

It was Asahi however who possessed all the qualities and drive to be the best Yokokage, at least Udon believed so.

'Don't die kiddo.'

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