
The Greatest Hinting System

A young man Name ye xuan transmigrate to Cultivation world with a system. System tell me to breakthrough Foundations realm. "Act like a beggar in Shoulin temple." System tell me how to earn 1000 Spritual stone. Go in gambling Store Spend your all Belonging. thats how young man named ye xuan become a formidable immortal. even heaven is feared well man kind of cringy But what i read till now Every cultivation novel is like this. Thats why I give it a try. Dont judge Me I read Small amount of cultivation novel in Webnovel

Rosin_Romel · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Kingdom of Inhran

The low-profile carriage quietly left the back door of the Ye clan. It was plain without the Ye clan's flag and logo. No one knew that the son of the richest man, Ye Tian, was sitting inside. Neither did anyone know that he was the future heir of Ye clan in the chamber of commerce.

Ye Xuan sat in the carriage, pretending to sleep.

The power system in this fantasy world was divided into Sun, Moon, Star, Heaven, Earth, and Human Realms. Each major stage was divided into nine small stages. The lowest was level 1 of Human Realm, and the highest was level 9 of Sun Realm. One who broke through Sun Realm would be considered to become immortal

After becoming the immortal there is qi condensement realm.

Qi Foundation and foundation realm.

After that no one from ye family know what realm it has.

The current patriarch Aka Ye xuan father is Mighty qi condensement realm

Which help him to break through the human shackle And can live more than two hundred years

highest was level 9 of Sun Realm. One who broke through Sun Realm would be considered to become immortal.

At this moment, he was at level 2 of Human Realm, and even this level was the result of the original owner's hard work of consuming a large number of rare treasures and forcefully cultivated.

If other cultivators took the treasures, they could at least cross a few levels. However, for the original owner, it only changed from 0 to 2. There was not much change at all, which was enough to show how crippled his spirit root was.

"I was too careless!"

Ye Xuan was filled with regret. If he'd known this would happen, he wouldn't have promised Ye Tian to break through to Earth Realm. Now that he thought about it, it was simply impossible.

Ye Tian must've known this, and so he readily agreed. In any case, he knew that Ye Tian wouldn't be able to complete the task and would obediently come back to inherit the family business a year later.

"What a good move to advance by retreating! It's said that people in business are more scheming, and Ye Tian was extremely scheming."

After all, the original owner had used so many precious materials to reach level 2 of Human Realm, but now he only had a million spirit stones. It sounded like a lot, but his expense was like running water, not to mention that training was a money-burning matter.

If he wanted to rely on these one million spirit stones to buy resources to increase his cultivation, then why didn't he just stay at home? Why did he have to come out and make a living?

"Sigh, the road is long. I haven't even taken half a step."

Just as Ye Xuan was thinking about his future path, he felt a violent bump and almost fell out of the carriage.

"What happened, Uncle Sun?"

"It seems like the carriage has been tripped."

Ye Xuan lifted the curtain and looked down. Someone had set up an inconspicuous roadblock below. If a passing carriage was not careful, it would easily fall. This was obviously man-made.

However, when he looked around, he found that he was far away from the bustling urban area. There were big trees everywhere, and weeds were overgrown. He could only hear the chirping of insects and birds.

"It's the wilderness, who would be bored enough to put this here?"

As soon as Ye Xuan said this, he realized that something was wrong. He suddenly had a bad premonition and hurriedly urged, "Uncle Sun"run!"

However, it was too late. The sound of horses' hooves came from behind. From the sound, there were probably more than a dozen people.

When Ye Xuan left home, he only brought this old man but no one else. Ye Tian said that he was going out to explore, not to enjoy life. There was no point of bringing so many people.

He didn't even arrange a bodyguard for Ye Xuan. He just wanted to make Ye Xuan back off.

Ye Xuan understood his thoughts, but he didn't fall for it. He was also unyielding, so he brought along Uncle Sun and left with the money.

Uncle Sun had traveled a lot when he was young. He quickly realized what had happened and his face turned pale, "Young master, sit tight."

As soon as he finished speaking, the carriage shot out like an arrow. If it wasn't for Ye Xuan's quick reaction and holding onto the cabin next to him, he would have been thrown out.

Ye Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Uncle Sun as if he was looking at gold.

Poor Uncle Sun, with his age, he felt uncomfortable under Ye Xuan's gaze. He couldn't help but say, "Young master, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Uncle Sun! No, I should call you Elder Sun. I can tell you're not a simple person just by your driving skills. As the only child of Ye clan, how could father let me go out alone? He must have arranged for an expert like you to follow me…"

Uncle Sun couldn't help but interrupt Ye Xuan, "Young master, I don't understand what you're saying. I'm just good at driving."

Ye Xuan was stunned. He looked at Uncle Sun several times and saw that he didn't seem to be lying.

This wasn't going according to the routine at all!

At the empire establishment

345 Year

In the southern land of Kingdom of Inhram Which is also known as kingdom of blood warlocks A young priest working in Church of Anthur. But suddebly A Pair of big destructive flames start to burn the Two hands of the male Greek god physics Spritual Red Blood start to flow from the Statues Eyes.

Looking at the statue the young priest Scream. One have to know the Majority of populance of Inhram Kingdom prayed to the God of Destruction and bloodline Anthar. The majority is  not prayed Anthus because of these reason he is god of fertility and fate too. This god helped the Kingdom whenever the kingdom needs Thats why the populance  of Inhram  whole heartly pray the god. One Word from the god and Its priest they can sacrifice themself because of sake of religion.

Looking at the Statue the young priest start crying for forgiveness.

"Please Forgive us the people the Empire made us do the all Cruelty and unknown. We do not do those with our own accord we are force to do. Please forgive us the human whose some use your power for Bad work.Please forgive us Lord Anthur.

From the statue The hand of flame start to become an arrow and it slowly pointed toward the east.

Looking at the arrow in the hand of his god The priest understand that it is not Angry at them.His God actually alerting them About great Danger.

"Some one please inform the head priest"

"The God  alerting us about a national level threat."

In the altar of chruch Head priest with all his priest and priestess devouted people held an  Assembly

"The destination of the threat is on east

A great danger will sprout from nothing.And it is up to us to stop it. Any suggestions how we stop it. "

said the Head priest.

Priest if we sacrificed all of the Dangerous being and Forces that threat the kindom and religion of the east We can stop the Internal and Outside of Threat.

"Nonsense how can we let that happend This religion is already hated by majority of empire how can we let them question ourself. A Great licker of empire can think. You just wanted to destroy our holy lord image toward people."

Blusphamy! I never will do that.


You have to know in the kingdom we have to act As none of the people of kingdom can not question us let alone in the vast empire.

If we do a vast massacre as this one the empire willingly or unwillingly tagged us as Traitor .

What if we train Our assasins and start

Tge massacre no one will know.

Kill kill kill you people just know about it. How can a Holy religion prosper if you act like this in public..

"Everybody this is a great concer of the empire and a great threat to the world

I send our envoy to discuss this with the Emperor And the king to Diacuss about this.

Everybody dissmissed.

Little did they know The dangwr they wanted to stop iron handed is running from bandits.