
The Greatest Amateur Sect Leader

In a world where vengeance is a lifelong mission, discovering one's true purpose can be the greatest journey of all. Seventeen-year-old Yu Ze has spent his entire life in seclusion, undergoing rigorous training under the guidance of his wise but stern master. In a land where only the strongest survive, Yu Ze was raised with a singular goal: to avenge his master. After years of relentless training, Yu Ze finally reaches the pinnacle of his abilities and is ready to embark on his mission. However, his master passes away, leaving him with a profound sense of loss. Setting out on his long-awaited journey, Yu Ze discovers that the enemy he sought to avenge is already dead, shattering his primary purpose. Now, he faces an uncertain future. What new purpose will he find? Where will his path lead him? Join Yu Ze as he navigates his newfound freedom, uncovers hidden truths, and embarks on an epic adventure to discover the true meaning of his existence. *** Notes: The main character is literally a teenager. He's not a god or an adult reincarnation. So, there's a lot of silly things he might do for someone his age. If you're looking for an edgy, smart, dark, cold-blooded or typical anti-hero protagonist, then this book is not your cup of tea.

mozziexxxx · Eastern
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14 Chs

Training Day One

The sun shone brightly without any clouds obstructing it. The wind blew through the trees, causing the leaves to rustle as birds and cicadas sang in harmony.

This morning was peaceful and calm for all the creatures dwelling on Long Shan Mountain. However, this was not the case for the two men training in the courtyard of the Black Dragon Sect Pavilion.

They stood with their legs spread wide, knees deeply bent in a horse stance, and arms bent at the elbows with hands positioned in front of their bodies. Biting their lips, they struggled to maintain their stance despite the sweat streaming down their faces and their trembling legs.

These men had been holding the horse stance since dawn. Of course, they were not doing this of their own will—it was Yu Ze's order.

"Jing Jing, your left leg is shifting! Fix your stance!"

Yu Ze lay on his side on the wooden terrace of the pavilion, one hand supporting his head. He watched Jing Jing and Ping Ping practice their stances while eating sunflower seeds.

Today was his first day as the new sect leader, and the first thing he did was train Jing Jing and Ping Ping to become cultivators. Besides making them new members, he wanted to hone his skills as a master.

As for their sister, Yu Ze did not include her in the training and only made her the pavilion's caretaker. Training to become a cultivator was harsh and carried a high risk of injury. Yu Ze couldn't bear to subject Yue Xi to the same treatment as her brothers. Besides, he wasn't sure if he would even succeed in training his first two disciples.

"Hey, Jing Jing! Didn't you hear me!?" Yu Ze raised his voice.

"Yes, Master!" Jing Jing replied.

The 22-year-old man in a boy's body grumbled as he adjusted his left leg. Jing Jing was undeniably upset with Yu Ze, but there was nothing he could do since Yu Ze was his new master.

Of course, Yu Ze was aware of this, but he ignored it. Being a leader wasn't about pleasing his subordinates but giving them the best, even if they hated him for it.

On the other hand, Ping Ping showed the opposite reaction. The man who couldn't hear or speak seemed to withstand the harsh training. He didn't complain or grumble like his brother.

Yu Ze saw that Ping Ping had a natural talent for becoming a cultivator. He still remembered their fight yesterday, amazed by his bear-like physical strength and extraordinary endurance.

"I wonder how strong he would be if he could master qi."

As Yu Ze got lost in his thoughts, a girl arrived with food, a bowl of boiled sweet potatoes, and a jug of water.

"Master Yu Ze, I brought lunch," Yue Xi said softly.

"Uh, thank you," Yu Ze replied. As usual, he felt a bit awkward when facing Yue Xi.

The blind girl sat next to him. This situation made Yu Ze feel a little uncomfortable, especially since Yue Xi remained silent. She just ate the sweet potatoes with her blind eyes fixed on her two brothers.

This silence made Yu Ze feel slightly uneasy. He then decided to call for a break.

"Hey! It's lunchtime! Let's take a break!"

As Yu Ze told his two new disciples to pause training, Jing Jing fell to his knees. Exhausted, he seemed completely drained of energy. Meanwhile, Ping Ping seemed fine after holding the horse stance for six hours.

Walking with trembling legs, the two brothers approached Yu Ze and their sister, who were enjoying boiled sweet potatoes. The eldest brother, Jing Jing, quickly gulped down water when he saw the jug in front of him, while Ping Ping took a boiled sweet potato and ate it with a smile on his face.

"How was your first day of training? Fun, right?" Yu Ze asked teasingly.

Jing Jing showed a sour face. "Yeah, loads of fun. My knees are so weak it's hard to walk," he replied sarcastically.

Hearing the short man's grumbling, Yu Ze chuckled. "Don't worry, this is just the beginning. There are tougher trainings awaiting you." He laughed after saying this, while Jing Jing snorted in respond.

"Trust me, this training is nothing compared to what the previous sect leader used to give me. He was like a demon," Yu Ze continued.

What he said was not an exaggeration. Yu Ze still remembered his first day of training under his late master. Shen Tian made him hold a horse stance all day with burning coals underneath. Every time his legs shifted from position, Shen Tian would whip him with bamboo.

Ping Ping made sounds while gesturing with his hands, clearly wanting to ask Yu Ze something.

"Master Yu Ze, my brother wants to know what the point of this training is. He says it's just a waste of time and hurts his legs," Jing Jing explained, conveying Ping Ping's message to Yu Ze.

Yu Ze squinted. "Is that what he really said?" He rolled his eyes at Ping Ping, who wore an innocent expression. "Your brother seems like a child who knows nothing. Are you making this up?"

Jing Jing looked panicked as Yu Ze saw through his nonsense. It was true that Ping Ping asked about the benefits of the training, but he didn't say it was a waste of time.

"O-Of course not!" Jing Jing denied in a panic. "I wouldn't dare lie to you, Master Yu Ze. If you don't believe me, why don't you just ask to him?"


Yue Xi hit her oldest brother. "There's no way Brother Ping Ping would say something like that! He's very kind and shy, unlike you!"

"Hey, Yue Xi! Don't make things worse!"

Jing Jing started to get annoyed when Yue Xi defended their second brother. They began to argue, and Ping Ping tried to break it up.

Meanwhile, Yu Ze couldn't help but sigh. He didn't want to bother mediating the siblings' quarrel and chose to remain silent until they calmed down. After Jing Jing and Yue Xi cooled off, Yu Ze explained the reasoning behind the horse stance training.

"In cultivation, there are two basic things you need to learn before you awaken your meridians—stance and breathing. Stance helps you master basic martial techniques and helps you circulate qi from the meridians throughout your body and vice versa. But most importantly, it helps strengthen your lower body."

Ping Ping nodded as Jing Jing translated Yu Ze's words into sign language.

"Can we start with breathing techniques first?" Jing Jing asked. This time, the question genuinely came from him.

"We could. However, you might have difficulty sensing qi in your meridians. Breathing techniques are usually practiced after your lower body is strengthened because the meridians are located below the navel. If you have trouble sensing qi, it will be difficult for you to break through to the Qi Gathering Realm."

The explanation was actually more complex and profound, but Yu Ze tried to simplify it for them.

"Qi Gathering Realm?" Yue Xi frowned. "What is that, Master Yu Ze?"

Yu Ze raised his eyebrows when he realized Yue Xi was also listening. He didn't expect this girl to be interested in cultivation as well.

"Qi Gathering Realm is the first stage someone must reach to become a cultivator. To put it simply, it's the initial gateway to the path of cultivation. There are higher realms beyond it."

Yu Ze then explained to them what realms in cultivation were.

There are eight realms that determine a cultivator's strength, and each realm has three stages—early, mid, and peak. The realm where a cultivator can awaken their meridians is the Qi Gathering Realm. Next is the Qi Foundation Realm, where a cultivator can control the flow of qi within their body and apply it to martial techniques.

Then there are the Core Formation Realm, Nascent Soul Realm, Spirit Severing Realm, Void Refinement Realm, Nature Integration Realm, and the highest for now, the Heaven Realm.

Only three people on this continent have reached the Heaven Realm, including the former leader of the Black Dragon Sect—Shen Tian the Invincible.

"So, which realm are you, Master Yu Ze?"

Hearing Jing Jing's question filled with curiosity, Yu Ze grinned.

"I'll tell you once you've reached the Nascent Soul Realm," he replied.

"Eeeeeh. That's way too long. I'm not even sure I can reach the Qi Gathering Realm," Jing Jing said honestly.

Yu Ze then flicked a sunflower seed at Jing Jing's forehead.

"Words are hope. Master Shen Tian would cry in heaven if he heard you," Yu Ze scolded. "Remember, you are now a member of the Black Dragon Sect. Don't bring shame to our sect's reputation."

"O-okay, I won't say it again," Jing Jing replied, rubbing his forehead.

"But Master Yu Ze, I'm really curious. What realm have you reached? Please tell us so we can have peace of mind. You are our leader, after all."

This question came from Yue Xi. Instead of curiosity, her face showed concern. Yu Ze could see it clearly. He understood why Yue Xi was worried.

They were currently reviving a sect that was a threat to all cultivators on this continent. Surely, they would have many enemies someday, both from orthodox and unorthodox factions.

The only thing that could be a hope and a protector for them was the sect leader. If the sect leader was weak, who would protect them?

Yu Ze smiled. "Don't worry. I am stronger than you think, Yue Xi. At least six people can face me, and four people can defeat me; the previous sect leader, Shen Tian, was one of them."

Yue Xi sighed in relief upon hearing this. At the same time, Jing Jing frowned.

"Ten people… and one of them is already dead," Jing Jing muttered. Then, he raised his eyebrows. "Don't tell me, Master Yu Ze is on par with the Ten Strongest!"

Yu Ze neither confirmed nor denied Jing Jing's statement. He just gave a mysterious smile.

The Ten Strongest, as the name implies, are the greatest cultivators on the continent. One of them is at least equal to the combined power of dozens of clans and sects. Shen Tian was once at the top position. After his death, he was replaced, and someone else filled his position.

Yu Ze got to his feet.

"Well, I think lunch is enough. Now it's time for you guys to get back to training."

Jing Jing looked disappointed. Instead of having his curiosity answered, he heard something he didn't want to hear.

"Please, Master Yu Ze. Give me a little more rest. My legs still hurt," the short man pleaded.

While Jing Jing was begging Yu Ze, Ping Ping had already gone and started doing the horse stance.

"Look at your younger brother. He went ahead even without being told. You, as the older brother, should set a good example," Yu Ze chided.

Grumbling in annoyance, Jing Jing walked away, following his younger brother who had already started training. Meanwhile, Yu Ze shook his head, seeing Jing Jing's childish behavior.

"Master Yu Ze, I have to go as well. I need to prepare dinner," Yue Xi said.

"Sure. Do you need any help?" Yu Ze asked.

The blind girl just shook her head in response. As Yue Xi walked away, she bit her lip. There was something she wanted to tell Yu Ze this afternoon but couldn't bring herself to say.