
The Greatest - The Beginning After The End (Continued)

The future for Alexander Leywin is blank but only he can color his blank future. The threat of the unknown shall come for him as it's inevitable for him. The red thread is intertwined with her as they fated to be together. He will suffer pain either it's emotionally or physically throughout his journey, But even on the verge of giving up and death, light shall guide him to the right path. He isn't alone anymore as he has a family to call his own. He made an oath to be the greatest for himself and others, he shall fulfill that oath and be the greatest that ever lived. Rise and shine, Alexander Lewin. -=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= No Harem! The Beginning After The End is not mine. The original Author of this fanfic got into Medical School and could no longer continue to write this fanfic. I decided to continue it as the Author mentioned someone continuing it and I thought why not, I love the story’s potential and was planing on starting a fanfic soon anyway.

Kat_Lex · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

To Find Something (3)

(Reference Picture for Alex's face right now)

3rd Person POV:

Awakened from his slumber, Alex feels someone caressing his hair. It felt familiar and nice, like his mother's gentle hand caressing his hair like usual after training.

He felt like anything that was related to burden and exhaustion had been lifted off. He wanted to enjoy the moment a little longer.

Alex turned his face to Kathyln, but what Alex didn't expect was that her face is close, way closer than he expected.

"Umm... How long I have been asleep?" Alex awkwardly asked.

"Maybe around an hour or two..." Kathyln answered with a stoic expression.

Alex took a sit position and wipe his face, he accidentally touch his burn scar and winced.

"Right, forgot that I'm still half-blind." He sighed. He was hoping that it was a dream but it wasn't.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, thanks for letting me sleep comfortably." Alex thanked Kathyln.

He knew that he couldn't afford to sleep a little longer, they need to get out of here soon before they starve. Thankfully, Alex's water magic has always been helpful. Clean water to drink is always there so they hard dehydrate there.

(A/N: They never said that you can't drink water magic so I, as the author, say that it was okay to drink water magic)

"We continue?" Kathyln stood up and dusted off the dirt on her clothes.

"Yes, I am no longer tired so it should be okay." Alex does the same then he stretched his neck and arms.

* * *

"Damn it, how am I supposed to beat this thing?" Alex huffed.

Alex wiped the dust on his clothes. He stared at the Golem... Colossal Golem, the height is almost 45 meters and it was different than a normal golem. There is no core to be seen, Alex is sure that it was hidden somewhere but he couldn't pierce that thick metal.

Alex has been fighting this Golem for ten minutes and he still couldn't do anything to the Golem, even the slightest scratch is not visible. It was frustrating.

If he keep doing this, his mana reserve will no doubt run dry. Even after resting, his mana reserve hasn't fully recovered.

"Think, Alex, Think!" He muttered to himself.

"No time to think, let's dodge this one first!" Seeing the huge fist coming this way, Alex jumped down and within a few seconds later.

A loud sound can be heard throughout the tomb. Rubble came falling down and almost landed on Alex's head but Alex swiftly roll forward and barely avoided the rubble.

'Who the hell built that golem?! This is on another level than any other level, is this the boss?!' Alex said inwardly.

"I seriously need to think, any more usage of magic will definitely not do any good for me."

"Master always used to say look for a weakness even if it's hidden... Hidden..."

"I am confu- woop, dodge again!" Alex roll forward once more, the colossal golem had been trying to crush Alex with its big feet.

Alex sprang away from the danger zone and tried to find a blind spot where the golem will have a hard time spotting him.

The Golem doesn't have any special abilities like other golems, it doesn't have a wooden spear to shoot or flame to burst. The only thing that special is its strength, the Colossal Golem can crush you easily like an ant.

But before Alex could reach the spot, a large amount of rubble fell from the sky.

"Is this thing planning to destroy this whole place?" The golem throw a massive rock at Alex but completely missed.

Alex jumped high and used magic to stay afloat.

Seeing a small rock on his way, Alex kicked the small rock but suddenly, another but this time a big rock appeared.

With a quick reaction, Alex move the big rock with a burst of wind and the rock missed Alex completely.

Alex took a glance at the colossal golem and realize that it was already near. Alex took a deep breath and start bolting to the Colossal Golem.

"Now or never."

Alex turned his focus to Golem's neck, he'll try the neck first if it was a weak spot. He wasn't sure but if he don't try then when? That is why courage exists.

Alex stabbed the metal to climb the Golem even though it wasn't deep enough for Alex to use to climb but with the help of wind magic, he climb like an ant with no issue. Except for the colossal golem trying to slap Alex. The golem wasn't happy that Alex is climbing its body.

Reaching the neck easily, Alex grinned but soon his grin wavered as he tried to pierce the thick neck.

"I need to be fast." Within a second, Alex ignite his hand and tried to melt the metal.

It was thick but not rare metal that can withstand heat but it wasn't so easy to melt.

"Damn it!" The golem tried to remove Alex with force as it's smashing its own body onto the wall.

Alex stabbed his dagger to the Golem's neck to hold on but...


It finally broke, the dagger can no longer withstand any pressure and broke to pieces.

"This is why I should buy more daggers!" I muttered in annoyance.

Alex fell down from the Golem's neck but not one second after, the Golem suddenly move its body to crush Alex onto the wall again.

Nowhere to run, Alex desperately summoned huge ice all over his body creating a sphere and enveloped his own body with mana.


Alexander's POV:

Dark, everything is dark. What happened?... Right, the golem slyly crushed its own body to crush me. The Golem is surprisingly smart, it was like someone controlling the Golem.

Fortunately, I am not fully crushed as I still can move my legs and arms in this hole that I went

I can feel my ears ringing, I really hate loud noises. I prefer peace at a time like this.


I can hear Kathy calling for me... or is it just my hallucination? I swear that I tell her to go back to the safe zone and don't come here, she'll be a burden to me.


Kathy... She's here? No, is she really here?!

That piece of metal will target her, I couldn't let that piece of metal touch her.

"𝗡𝗼 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝘁𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗵𝗲𝗿."

My killing intent blaring intensely, I punched the fragile ice shield that was locking me inside this hole. Small ice shards on my knuckle but I don't care.

I can see the back of the Golem so that piece of metal already thought it got me?!

"You piece of metal should never be arrogant."

Holding my hand out, I force all of my mana to gather around my palm. I can feel my mana depleting so fast... The backlash will be severe but I don't care anymore.

Chaotic hot fire gathers around my palm.

"CONDENSE!" The chaotic hot fireball suddenly became calm. The fireball shrink but the heat intensifies, I can feel the backlash coming. This is bad, my mana core could be damaged

But... I can't take back what I just do. There's a probability that my mana core will be destroyed but I can't reverse the time, I won't hold back what I have done.

I leap from my spot and with the remaining mana, I used to keep me afloat with magic wind.. Rather than being floating, I'm just going down but that is what I was expecting.

"Sun Droplet's."

I pushed the Sun Droplet's... But it wasn't enough, I pour a tiny drop of my mana to utilize my wind magic. Push is all it's take to reach the Golem.

The Droplet became bigger and bigger. The light is shining red bright.

I can't see because of the light but it'll gonna leave a hole on the Golem's body.


I closed my eye as I felt excruciating pain as I fell down to the floor, this... I'll die from this height. I can't move my hand... Even moving my finger is hurt.

Is this the end?

"Alex!" I heard Kathy's voice again.

Kathy is here... She is gonna watch me fall to my death, that's a horrible thought. I don't want to die yet. This unfinished journey is not my thing.

〈𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁.〉

Did I hear something? Why has time become so slow...

〈𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗹𝘆, 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱.〉

My mind became dizzy, this voice... I can't understand what the voice is saying.

〈𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘂𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗰𝗮𝗻𝘃𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘁. 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱.〉

The pain became lessened and I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth that embraced me. Soon I lose consciousness.

3rd Person POV:

The Golem suddenly stopped, its chest has melted and the core inside the golem fell and broke to the floor. The Golem became inactive without the core.

Kathyln became panicked when Alex fell from the sky, she isn't a mage, she can't catch Alex at this speed. She became hopeless, she wanted to save him...

"Alex!" Kathyln shouted for his name, hoping that Alex would do something.

But no reaction from Alex, there is no way Alex could survive this fell and Kathyln knew better that Alex will die in front of her.

Seconds later, a sight she has never seen before. An otherworldly scene.

Alex suddenly stopped in mid-air, but he was unconscious. The wounds on Alex's knuckles and body glowed golden bright, but the scar burn on his left side didn't glow golden bright. A dim golden light spreads around the body as if it is repairing something.

After a moment, the glows fade away and soon replace the wounds with fresh, healthy skin, but there are no major changes to his body. All of a sudden, Alex stopped floating in mid-air and fell down.

Kathyln rushed to catch Alex.


Alex's body fell to Kathyln and they were both on the ground while Alex is on top of Kathyln's body. It was an awkward position.

But it wasn't the time to think that, Kathyln moved Alex's body to a more comfortable position.

Kathyln took a careful look at Alex's body. The wounds that Alex had gotten had disappeared completely. She was baffled by how the Golden Light had healed Alex. She never knew that something except healing magic could heal Alex's wounds. However, Alex's left eye isn't healed and the scar burn still remains.

"I think, getting more about you will be harder than I thought." Kathyln stared at Alex's face.

Kathyln feels that Alex is becoming more mysterious as she tries to learn more about him.

(A/N: Analysis of Sun Droplet:

Created when Alex tried to experiment with his fire magic. Sun Droplet's first name is Hell's Droplet but his master, Lucy thought the name is a bit too much for the spell. Sun Droplet is one of the original spells Alex had created using the knowledge he learned in his previous life.

Condensing the fire to the lowest level that it can incite its own heat to a brand new level. To condense it, pure mana needed to be used in the process to make the fire smaller. Alex had tried this with wind magic and the result is... Failure, Alex forgot the crucial step that Fire needs oxygen to burn. But using mana is more complicated than Alex thought, he needs concentration to create a mana sphere to contain and condense the fire.

The mana will leave in a few seconds after the user threw the condensed fire causing a small burst to happen and blinding light fill the room.

The color of the fire turned white when condensed but it wasn't the hottest fire Alex knew, blue fire is the final potential of Sun Droplet's

The temperature of the fire is around 2,400º F.

The potential of Sun Droplet could only increase after the user reached a new height in mana reserve (Or Alex become White Core Mage). This is the trump card Alex currently has.

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