
The Greatest - The Beginning After The End (Continued)

The future for Alexander Leywin is blank but only he can color his blank future. The threat of the unknown shall come for him as it's inevitable for him. The red thread is intertwined with her as they fated to be together. He will suffer pain either it's emotionally or physically throughout his journey, But even on the verge of giving up and death, light shall guide him to the right path. He isn't alone anymore as he has a family to call his own. He made an oath to be the greatest for himself and others, he shall fulfill that oath and be the greatest that ever lived. Rise and shine, Alexander Lewin. -=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= No Harem! The Beginning After The End is not mine. The original Author of this fanfic got into Medical School and could no longer continue to write this fanfic. I decided to continue it as the Author mentioned someone continuing it and I thought why not, I love the story’s potential and was planing on starting a fanfic soon anyway.

Kat_Lex · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Spar Between Brothers

Alexander's POV:

Mom... She's kind and gentle, she's the best mother I could ask for. She cares for me even if I made a fatal mistake to my own body... But because of that, I am scared.

Will I ever be ready to tell the truth, or will I just be a coward and hide while Arthur faces the burden alone?

I'm tired of these endless thoughts. I will try to be everything my parents want me to be, but all they want for me is to be happy and grow up to be a good adult.

But one important question still remains in this thought of mine... Can I fulfill their wishes?

* * *

Arthur... Art... Arthur Leywin...

My twin brother... The protagonist of this world.

I never looked up to him but I don't dislike him. Whether I like it or not, he's my brother. There has never been any dispute between us.

Walking to the backyard, Arthur already sensed my presence.

Master already left the backyard and is now inside the manor. It's appropriate for me to greet him.

But I never planned to greet him in a normal way. I grabbed the wooden sword from the table.

"Hello, brother." My stoic face and cold voice greeted him.

"Alex..." He stare at me, wondering why I grabbed a wooden sword.

"I wonder how years it has been... maybe more than 3 years. I don't know, I never focused on that after all." It sounds cold. My demeanor changed from that of a child who worries over everything to a different person.

I always trained so hard that I sometimes forgot that I am just a child. Every sweat, every second, every tear, and every bruise I collected from my training.

It is hard, but I never gave up. The use of my previous life memories keeps me going even if all of those memories start to fade away like a burning memory.

"4 years." Arthur answered.

"I see... then pick up your wooden sword, Art. I want to know if my swordsmanship has improved better than yours." Pointing my wooden sword at him.

My eyes didn't leave him. There's no warmth in my eyes. The point of this duel is to see if I really improved.

"I don't know what's gotten into you but if that's a declaration of duel then I'll accept it." He picked up his wooden sword from the floor and prepare his stance.

I still point my wooden sword in his direction.

"Let's begin... The duel of brothers." I began the duel.

Arthur sprang from his spot. I kept a calm face as I kept my eyes on him. He is not fast to the point that I could not see him, but he is impressive. Maybe more impressive than kids around our age, but not impressive enough to me.

Arthur swung his wooden sword as he reached the strike zone. I swiftly blocked the attack, but he tried to empower me.

I suddenly dropped my wooden sword, and Arthur's wooden blade swung downward and missed me. Arthur was surprised that I dropped my wooden sword, but I quickly grabbed my wooden sword that was still in mid-air.

Using my left hand to quickly grab the wooden sword, I swung the sword and expected that I would land a strike on Arthur's head.

But he immediately ducked with his fast reaction. I missed the blow completely.

Arthur thrust his wooden sword into my stomach. I forcefully spin my wooden sword to deflect the wooden sword.

Seeing that it completely missed me, I gained distance by jumping on Arthur's shoulder.

I landed on both of my feet safely with a backflip, and I revealed my cocky smile to Arthur.

"Heh... The stoic Al I knew now has changed " He massages his right shoulder as he smiled back.

"Of course, training hard to beat your ass is one of my many motivations." I move forward with a smile that I can't hold back.

This time, we sprang at each other and clash our wooden swords. Determined to find out who will be the winner.

* * *

"I, once again, apologized for the neglection. I shouldn't let Alex train on his own." Lucy suddenly bowed down and her forehead hit the floor.

Reynolds had recently come back and heard the news of Alex's injury, but he was not mad; it was an accident, and Reynolds knew that being mad at Lucy wouldn't change anything.

Alice and Reynolds were surprised that Lucy bowed down. Lucy rarely showed any emotions to anyone, knowing that they thought she would simply give a curt apology.

"There is no need for you to do this. We understand." Alice tried to stand Lucy up.

Of course, Alice was mad that her son was injured and now half-blind, but thinking about it again, there's a little that Lucy can do.

Alice touched Lucy's shoulder, and she felt some sense of familiarity... When their faces are facing each other, Alice finally believes in something.

Lucy looks like a younger Alice. Alice had never seen Lucy's face up close before, and her husband was correct that Lucy bears an uncanny resemblance to her.

Lucy suddenly stepped back and covered her face.

Reynolds already felt that Lucy was his wife's sister, or more precisely, daughter, but looking at Lucy's age, there is no way Lucy could be their daughter.

"Ah... This... I just felt like Alex's injury is my responsibility." Her voice slowly cracked. Alice doesn't know if she's embarrassed or really sorry about it.

"We already discussed it and it's not your fault. I no longer blame you for what happened." Alice softly smiled and gently hold Lucy's hand.

"You have been with us for four years. We already considered you part of our family, there is nothing to be worried about and I understand that Alex is training himself hard." Reynolds said.

The expressionless face Lucy always wears is no longer there and is replaced with disbelief. but soon changed into a smile.

"Thank you." Lucy is grateful. For someone with a mysterious background, a family must be really special to her.

"Haha, that is okay. I should reprimand Alex later." Reynolds laughed. But Alice really doubts it.

Hearing sounds of clashing wooden swords. The three of them walk to the backyard to see Alex and Arthur sparring.

Alice was surprised to see them "fighting" but seeing them smiling made her stop and watch the spar. While Reynolds could only watch with pride.

* * *

Alex and Arthur are different. Arthur, who has a better knowledge of swordsmanship, can defeat Alex, who has a little understanding of swordsmanship when they were still four.

When he is still Alastair Manikas, Alex only utilizes daggers as his main weapon.

However, Alex, with Lucy's guidance in swordsmanship, is no longer inferior to Arthur's swordsmanship.

The feeling of inferiority that Alex felt when he was four is no longer there. All he could feel was ecstasy.

After all that beating, he finally found a perfect opponent. His own twin brother, the protagonist of this world,


The sound of wooden clashing together can be heard.

Chains of clashing. As the second passes, the faster they got.

Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak!

Their wooden sword state was horrible, but it hasn't been broken yet. However, even knowing that, both of them continue with a smile on their faces.

But of course, their stamina could not keep up, and Alex was forced to make a crucial decision.

Alex suddenly stepped back to gain distance. Arthur was quite surprised by his action.

This move is quite risky without reinforcing my legs, but... since we weren't using any mana, let's do it without any mana. Surpass my own limit. ' Alex's smile disappeared and turned serious.

Alex disappeared from his spot and left an afterimage. Arthur observed his surrounding with his calm mind.

"Presence." Arthur whispered quietly as he felt a presence behind him.

Arthur swiftly turned around and blocked the attack. But Alex appeared behind him and gave a surprise attack, but it failed. 1

Alex's serious face slowly changes to a smile. Arthur realizes what's going on.

The wooden sword that Arthur was holding broke in half, while Alex's wooden sword was still intact and in a horrible state.

Both of them were breathing rapidly, and Alex's legs finally gave in.

. . .

Lucy looked at the spar. After the wooden swords broke, Alex collapsed backward and landed on his butt because of muscle pain. They laughed together as they concluded their spar with a draw.

"I hope that you won't make the same mistakes that I do, Alex." Lucy gazed at the sky as Alice and Reynolds checked their sons.

"Master! Here! " Alex waved his hand and smiled happily.

Lucy was snapped out of her trance and smiled, "My idiot disciple certainly has changed... My disciple's fate has shifted to a different direction."

Walking to them with a smile. Lucy wear a warm smile as she finally felt welcomed in this world who rejected her.